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How to Maximize Your School’s GoArmyEd Experience (Non-LOI School Partners)Niagara Falls, NYJune2012Ms. Dawn BilodeauDeputy Director, Army Continuing Education System (ACES)Mr. Mark BolterGoArmyEd Program Executive, IBMDr. Alex McNamaraSOCAD Associate Director, Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges
The Army Continuing Education System (ACES) had a vision for the future of Army education: “To revolutionize and lead Department of Defense education… spearhead a lifelong learning culture to strengthen a mission-ready force.” GoArmyEd is available to Soldiers in the Active component, National Guard, andthe Army Reserve, including officers, warrant officers, and enlisted Soldiers. All Soldiers must request Tuition Assistance (TA ) through www.goarmyed.com prior to the start date of a course. • Soldiers have taken more than 2.1M college courses since GoArmyEd launched in 2006 • Army Reserve Soldiers began requesting TA through GoArmyEd for classes that started on/after 1 January 2010 • Army National Guard Soldier began requesting TA through GoArmyEd for classes that start on/after 1 October 2011 www.goarmyed.com 2
GoArmyEd Functions for Soldiers GoArmyEd enables Soldiers to register for classes anytime and anywhere via the Internet, and is the one-stop location for managing TA benefits. Using GoArmyEd, Soldiers may: View • School and degree plan • Soldier’s Student Record • Grades • Complete Requirements • TA Statement of Understanding (SOU) • Student Agreement (SA) or Documented SOCAD Degree Plan Request TA • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week • GoArmyEd automatically enforces the annual TA ceiling, per-semester cap, and other TA restrictions Drop/Withdraw from Class • Cancel TA requests/TA restored when class is dropped prior to class start date • Withdraw from classes already started and initiate recoupment if Army cost • Refundable portion restored when withdrawing from classes with approved military withdrawal Assistance and Resources • GoArmyEd Helpdesk • Create case • View training 3
GoArmyEd Tuition Assistance • Soldiers must have an approved Statement of Understanding (SOU) prior to enrollment. • Tuition assistance is available for one academic or vocational certificate from a regionally or nationally accredited school solely at the undergraduate level. • Soldiers must request Non-LOI TA through GoArmyEd and provide course and cost verification. • Verification must include the Soldier’s name, course number and title, and number of credits. • Verification should clarify whether credits are semester, quarter, or clock-hour based. • When a course is approved, Soldiers must submit all copies of a TA Request Form to the school to complete the enrollment process. • Semester-hour Limits • TA is available for a bachelor’s degree or up to 150 semester hours (SH) of undergraduate credit, whichever comes first. • TA is available for a master’s degree or up to 45 SH of graduate credit, whichever comes first. • It is the Soldier’s responsibility to process class enrollments, drops, and withdrawals in GoArmyEd AND with the school, if applicable.
GoArmyEd Tuition Assistance (cont.) • Army Grade Point Average (GPA) Soldiers must maintain the following Army TA GPA to receive additional TA: • a 2.0 undergraduate Army TA GPA upon completion of 15 SHs of TA-funded undergraduate classes • a 3.0 graduate Army TA GPA upon completion of six SH of TA-funded graduate classes • Only classes taken since a GPA hold was initiated can count toward raising a TA GPA in GoArmyEd • Soldiers are not eligible for TA if flagged for any reason • To consistently enforce TA policies across the Army, a hold is placed automatically on a Soldier’s record when a TA policy is violated, and is removed automatically when the violation is resolved.
Getting Started (Soldier) Request Tuition Assistance AccessComplete Six-step TA Wizard CreateAccount inGoArmyEd Fast Track Requires Counselor Approval School Invoices for Class/Posts Grade via GoArmyEd Enroll in Classesin GoArmyEd CE ReviewsTA Request Form Create a TA Request Form in GoArmyEd Give TA-approved Form to School/Enroll in Class Non-LOISchool Must Attach Cost Verification Before Six SH Must Have SA/Degree Plan in GoArmyEd 6
TA Account Request Wizard The TA Account Request Wizard includes six steps. Once the Soldier completes these steps and submits the request to an Army Education Counselor to grant them permission to request TA benefits through GoArmyEd. The Soldier will be notified by email if their request is approved or if further action is needed prior to approval being granted. • The TA Account Request Wizard consists of six steps: Step 1: TA benefits verification Step 2: View and acknowledge training Step 3: Submit the TA SOU Step 4: Decide on a home school and educational goal/degree plan Step 5: Initiate and submit a Common Application Step 6: Submit the request for approval - Case created and routed to an Army Education Counselor for review. Soldiers receive a case resolution email informing them if the request is approved or rejected. 7
Completing a TA Request Form – Non-LOI School 1 Soldier selects the “Request TA” button in the Smart Links section. 2 If ALL fields are marked with an asterisk (*), the school does not upload classes and tuition costs in GoArmyEd. The TA Request form must be completed in GoArmyEd. 8
Completing a TA Request Form – Non-LOI School Soldiers must complete class information and cost of tuition and fees must be attached to the TA Request in order to submit the form. 3 9
Completing a TA Request Form (cont) Soldiers must enter class cost information in the required fields marked with an asterisk and, if applicable, “Additional TA-eligible Fees” and “Additional Soldier Fees” fields. Soldiers should enter the applicable amounts in the "State TA Funding," "Outside Funding," or "Chapter 33 (Post 9/11)" fields if they plan to receive external funds outside of federal TA. 10
Completing a TA Request Form (cont) Grade entered by school appears in Grade Information section. Actions are annotated on the form in the Dates section. IMPORTANT NEXT STEPS: If the TA request is approved, the Soldier can print the Army Tuition Assistance Authorization Form, provide it to the school and then register for the class directly with the school. 11
Class Access Classes a Soldier has enrolled in will be listed in My Education section on a their homepage. 12
Schools in GoArmyEd The term Non-LOI school is used throughout GoArmyEd to refer to accredited postsecondary-education schools that have not signed an LOI (Letter of Intent) with the Army to integrate their schedule of classes and course registration processes with GoArmyEd. Non-LOI schools only need a Web-based GoArmyEd account to: • Process TA invoices for Soldiers using TA at their school • Record Soldiers’ grades for TA-funded classes • Review TA Request Forms • Report Soldiers’ graduations • All schools must have a Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code to do business with the federal government. • Schools must register with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) at http://www.ccr.gov/ • The federal government cannot pay invoices to vendors that do not have a CAGE code or have an expired CAGE code. • All schools receiving Department of Defense (DoD) military TA dollars soon must agree to the Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to maintain eligibility. 14
Invoice Administrator: Has the access rights of the Basic Non-LOI School Role, plus may: create an invoice submit an invoice view school’s invoice history refund previously approved invoices Non-LOI Users/Roles • Secondary POC: Has access rights of the Basic Non-LOI School Role, plus may: • act as Primary POC in the absence of Primary POC • maintain school set-up data and provide user rights to others at the school • Course Administrator: Has the access rights of the Basic Non-LOI School Role, plus may: • - post grades for Soldiers attending school- report graduations • Government Purchase Card (GPC) POC: Has the access rights of the Basic Non-LOI School Role, plus may: • receive email notifications from GoArmyEd when an invoice and an amount have been approved by the Army • have access to a credit card number the school will use to process payment • Primary Point of Contact (POC): Hasaccess rights of the Basic Non-LOI School Role, plus can: • complete school account set-up • create process for handling TA requests • maintain school account set-up data and school profile • delegate the Primary POC role to another school employee • provide user rights to other authorized employees at the school such as the Invoice Administrator, Course Administrator, AARTS and GPC POC roles • be the Army’s contact for questions 15
Grades • Must be submitted within 14 days after a class end date for each Soldier whose TA Request Form was approved. • Course Administration dashboard displays number of ungraded and, if applicable, incomplete grades. The “Manage Grades” link allows schools to add new or non-standard grades on the Web-Based Grade Roster in GoArmyEd. • School must designate if the grade is fail, incomplete, pass or withdraw, if the grade should be included in the student’s GPA and assign a grade point value. 16
Graduation Users with the Course Administrator role can report a graduation in GoArmyEd Schools are responsible for performing official degree audit checks, conferring degrees, and submitting expected-to-graduate data any time a Soldier is within six to twelve semester hours of graduating Schools report on Soldiers who meet the following criteria: Have completed all their degree plan requirements and have submitted an approved application to graduate (if required by school policy) Have an expected graduation date and have applied to graduate based on the school’s normal time lines Student Record View 17
Approve at Invoice level? HQ1 Review invoice detail I3 Invoice status: Approved Yes HQ ACES No S1 Navigate to GoArmyEd TA Invoice page Invoice period? I1 Invoice status: Pending I2 Invoice status: Rejected S6 Charge Army using GPC for agreed amount using invoice control number S3 Review class enrollments to be invoiced Yes No School/Invoice S4 Validate each line item, reduce (if applicable), and submit invoice S2 Invoice data cannot be retrieved Dispute items? No S5 Work with HQ ACES/ GoArmyEd to resolve and correct issue Yes G1 Helpdesk case(s) submitted G2 Resolve and close case(s) GoArmyEd Non-LOI School TA Class Invoicing Process Users assigned the Invoice Administrator role will have access to invoicing functionality. The overall TA class invoicing process is outlined below: 18
Invoicing All of the following business policies apply to TA-funded classes: Invoicing Eligible Enrollments • TA requests initiated in the school’s system will not be available for invoicing unless a Soldier has an approved Army Tuition Assistance Authorization Form. • Tuition is payable up to the amount authorized on the Army Tuition Assistance Authorization Form. • Tuition costs not covered by TA cannot be invoiced to the Army and should be collected by your school directly from the Soldier. • Enrollments must meet the following two criteria to be eligible for invoicing: • Class is greater than 19 percent complete • Enrollment has not yet been invoiced or amount has been adjusted since the enrollment originally was invoiced • Non-LOI school users are able to reject an Army Tuition Assistance Authorization Form; all costs and grades associated with the class will be removed and the school will be unable to invoice for the class. • Rejecting a form results in an immediate credit to the Soldier's TA balance and renders the request ineligible for invoicing if the rejection was processed prior to invoicing. • If the rejection occurs after the enrollment has been submitted to the Army on an invoice, it will result in a credit line item on the next invoice. 19
Invoicing (cont.) All of the following business policies apply to TA-funded classes: Invoicing Eligible Enrollments • TA requests initiated in the school’s system will not be available for invoicing unless a Soldier has an approved Tuition Assistance Form. • Tuition is payable up to the amount authorized on the Tuition Assistance Form. Tuition costs not covered by TA cannot be invoiced to the Army and should be collected by your school directly from the Soldier. • Enrollments must meet the following two criteria to be eligible for invoicing: • Class is greater than 19% complete • Enrollment has not yet been invoiced or amount has been adjusted since the enrollment originally was invoiced 20
Invoicing (cont.) Submitting an Invoice Schools may invoice the Army only once during the designated invoice period (once per fiscal quarter). The school may determine when during the invoice period to submit an invoice. Use the reduction feature to reduce TA and avoid overpayment If a school disputes a line item, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) helpdesk case automatically will be generated and submitted to GoArmyEd for research and resolution When resolved, disputed line items will be available during the next invoice period 21
Invoicing (cont.) Refunding a Previously Approved Invoice • Schools have ability to discount invoice line item that already has been paid by the Army and add it as a debit to the next school invoice • Only previously approved invoiced rows will be available to be discounted • Discount amount cannot exceed current Army cost • Schools can apply only one discount type per class • If the school wants to apply another discount, create a CRM case for Army review • When line item is submitted and subsequently approved by the Army, funds then will be restored to the student’s ceiling • Can discount an enrollment whose class end date is within the last two years 22
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tool The GoArmyEd CRM tool serves as the primary point of entry into GoArmyEd for questions or issues related to Army Education. • The CRM tool includes built-in escalation paths and response-time requirements to ensure that cases are escalated to the right person and resolved in a timely manner. • Users can create GoArmyEd Helpdesk cases; if the user calls the GoArmyEd Helpdesk, a case will be created to log the question • Customer Satisfaction Surveys provide feedback on the program and service quality • Create a Case for a SoldierNon-LOI schools do not have a school CRM queue, but a case can be created by a school representative on a Soldier’s behalf from the Soldier’s Student Record. • Create a Case for YourselfSchool representatives can create cases for themselves to seek assistance. 23
Tips in Using GoArmyEd Non-LOI School Homepage View Frequently Do • Log into GoArmyEd • Check dashboards on your GoArmyEd homepage if applicable • Review TA Requests Keep Information Updated • School Profile maintained by School POC • Your account information • School users should be deactivate by School POC if user no longer using GoArmyEd View Message Center • Tips of the day • Urgent Alerts • System Outages • Announcements • News • Process Alerts 24
Tips in Using GoArmyEd (cont) Communicate with Soldiers • Communication Tracking Summary (CTS)–Use the CTS in the Soldier’s Student Record to do the following: • Create counseling notes to record contacts that occurred outside of helpdesk (CRM) cases • Send email communications to Soldiers • Review automated GoArmyEd emails that have been sent to Soldiers Student Record View 25
Resources • Training • Step-by-Step Instructions • Training Modules • Helpdesk • Create a case for yourself 24/7 • GoArmyEd Helpdesk: 1-800-817-9990 • Hours of Operation • Monday-Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time • Saturday and Sunday: Closed 26