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Rule 7 Batting. Western Piedmont Baseball. Rule 7 Batting. Player becomes batter when he steps into a batter's box. Improper batter when out of order. Can be replaced with proper batter (who assumes count) if discovered before improper batter is put out or reaches base.
Rule 7 Batting Western Piedmont Baseball
Rule 7Batting • Player becomes batter when he steps into a batter's box. • Improper batter when out of order. Can be replaced with proper batter (who assumes count) if discovered before improper batter is put out or reaches base. • Only defense can appeal batting out of order after batter has completed time at bat. Outs stand. Out for batting out of order supersedes out made by improper batter on play. Runners who advance due to stolen base, balk, wild pitch or passed ball are legal.
Rule 7Batting • Penalties for batting out of order: Batter who fails to bat in proper order and another player completes time at bat in his place is OUT ON APPEAL. • When improper batter becomes runner or is put out and defense appeals before next pitch (legal or illegal) or play or attempted play or prior to an IBB or before infielders cross the foul line, PROPER BATTER IS OUT AND RUNNERS RETURN TO BASES OCCUPIED AT TOP. If after any of the above, improper batter becomes proper batter and all results of at bat stand.
Rule 7Batting • When proper batter is called out for failing to bat in order, next batter is batter whose name follows proper batter. • When improper batter becomes proper batter because no appeal is made, the next batter is the batter whose name follows the legalized improper batter. When an improper batter's actions are legalized, the batting order picks up with the name following the legalized improper batter immediately. • NOTE: When several players bat out of order and a player's time at bat occurs while he is on base, he remains on base and is NOT out as a batter. (Skip.)
Rule 7Batting: Strikes, Balls, Hits • A strike is charged to a batter when a pitch enters the strike zone and is not struck at, a pitch is struck at and missed (even if it touches batter), a pitch becomes a foul hit when the batter has less than two strikes, a pitch becomes a foul tip (even on third strike), a pitch becomes a foul hit from an attempted bunt, a batter delays or a batted ball contacts the batter in the batter's box (foul ball). • A ball is credited to the batter when a pitch is not touched by the bat and is not a strike or when there is an illegal pitch (6-1-4) or the pitcher delays (6-2-2c). • A foul ball or a fair hit occurs when a pitch is touched by the bat of batter in batter's box.
Rule 7Batting Infractions • A batter shall not delay the game by failing to take his position in the batter's box within 20 seconds. Batter must keep at least one foot in the box throughout the time at bat. (Exceptions p. 43) Penalty: Strike is charged to batter. P does not have to pitch. Ball remains live. • A batter shall not hit the ball (foul or fair) while either foot or knee is touching ground completely outside lines of batter's box or touching home plate; disconcert P by stepping from one batter's box to the other while P is ready to pitch. Penalty: Ball is dead, batter is out. • A batter shall not permit a pitched ball to touch him. Penalty: Batter remains at bat unless pitch is strike three or ball four.
Rule 7Batting Infractions • A batter shall not interfere with the catcher's fielding or throwing by leaning over home plate, stepping out of the batter's box, making any other movement , including backswing interference, which hinders catcher's actions at home plateor the catcher's attempt to make a play on a runner, failing to make a reasonable effort to vacate area when there is a throw to home plate. Penalty: With two outs, the batter is out. With less than two outs and runner advancing toward home and is tagged out, batter's action is ignored and ball remains live. If not tagged out, runner is out and ball is dead. With runner advancing to any other base, unsuccessful attempt to put out runner results in batter out and runner returns to base occupied at TOP. If pitch is third strike and in umpire's judgment interference prevents possible double play, two outs may be awarded.
Rule 7Batting Infractions • If the bat breaks and is hit by the ball or hits a runner or fielder, no interference is called. If a whole bat is thrown and interferes with a defensive player, interference is called. Penalty: Batter is out and runners return. If interference prevents double play in umpire's judgment, two outs may be called. • Batter is out when he enters batter's box with an illegal bat or is discovered having used an illegal bat. If discovered before the next pitch, the defense may take out or result of play. • Batter is out when a third strike is caught. If not caught, he is also out if first base is occupied and there are less than two outs. If first is not occupied or there are two outs, the batter may attempt to reach first before being tagged or thrown out.
Rule 7Batting Infractions • Batter is out when a foul ball is caught by a fielder or such catch is prevented by a spectator reaching into the playing area. • Batter is out when an attempt to bunt on third strike isfoul. • Batter is out when any member of the offense or a coach, other than runner(s), interferes with a fielder who is attempting to field a foul fly ball. • Batter is out when a team playing with eight players and that batter's turn is reached in the order. • Batter is out when he enters the game as an illegal substitute and is discovered. • Batter is out when he intentionally deflects a foul ball which has a chance of becoming fair.