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Piedmont Swim Team. Welcome to the Piedmont Swim Team. The Piedmont Swim Team is an Important Part of our Community. Piedmont parent-run organization Competitive swim team since 1964 Only competitive/recreational swim program in Piedmont for elementary, middle school and high school kids
Piedmont Swim Team Welcome to the Piedmont Swim Team
The Piedmont Swim Team is an Important Part of our Community • Piedmont parent-run organization • Competitive swim team since 1964 • Only competitive/recreational swim program in Piedmont for elementary, middle school and high school kids • Primary training facilities are at the Piedmont Swim Club
Contacts: Coaches & PST Board 2009-2010 Piedmont Swim Team BOARD MEMBERS • Polly Upshaw (President): coachpolly@usms.org • Hugh Schugart (Treasurer): hschugart@comcast.net • Joel Piser (Vice President): piserfam@comcast.net • Lisa Reynolds (Events Coordinator): lreynold@lehman.com • Allen Matthews (Public Relations): amatthews@sfchronicle.com • Christine Chapon (Coaches Liaison): christinechapon@yahoo.com • Michael Lee(Coaches Liason):michael.lee@csueastbay.edu • Leslie Fennel (Member-at-Large):lesliepannell@yahoo.com • Marcella Ching (Parent Coordinator):mtoyching@comcast.net • Jennifer Ray (Member-at-Large): Jennifer.Ray@jud.ca.gov • 2009-20010 Piedmont Swim Team COACHING STAFF • Helen Garcia (Head Coach): helenswim@gmail.com • Jesus Salcedo (Assistant Coach): jesswimming@yahoo.com • Morgan Filler (Assistant Coach): morganfiller@gmail.com • Alexandra Lee (Assistant Coach): alee4081@gmail.com
Our New Web Site Our web site is www.piedmontswimteam.org Visit the site for helpful information such as: • Background info about Piedmont Swim Team • Our team philosophy • How to join - membership info • Weekly team updates • Swim meets: What to expect • Emergency contact form • How to fill out a meet entry form • Schedules for meets and for workouts • Coaches bios • Pictures from various team events • Decoding swim meet lingo • Contact info • Useful links
Team Billing/Fees • Dues are billed at the beginning of each quarter • Fall (September-November) • Winter (December-February) • Spring (March-May) • Summer (June-August) • Dues vary by level (Member/Non-Member) • Stingrays- $285 / 320 • Juniors- $310 / 345 • Pre-Seniors- $335 / 370 • Seniors- $360 / 395 • High School Fitness- $310 / 345 • Summer dues are $149. This reduced amount factors in vacation and other absences during the summer. • Monthly swim fees are the principal source of income. Because the team is dependent upon regular receipt of these funds for a substantial portion of its income, it is an essential obligation that fees be paid each month and on time (regardless of illness, vacations, summer plans, etc).
Team Billing/Fees • In addition to dues, there is an annual membership fee of $100 per swimmer (capped at $200 per family). • This fee defrays administrative costs, such as an annual $55 registration fee per swimmer that PST pays to U.S. Swimming, costs of technology, etc. • Billings are sent via e-mail, and remittances go to PST’s post office box. • We are exploring options to allow credit card payments through the new web site. • P.O. Box 20006, Oakland, CA 94620
Equipment Requirements • Stingray Groups • Required: • Team Suit- Solid Blue Nike Lycra suit w/ PST silk screen logo. This suit is recommended to be used for swim meet competitions only. If you’re looking for a practice suit check out the next page with recommended gear. • Girls- fastback style Boys- Jammer style or brief cut • Fins- Be sure to try on the specific size, fin size and shoe size doesn’t always match. Fins are available to borrow from the club’s supply but it is recommended to have your own pair. Many of the club’s fins are worn and mismatched and most often takes time away from the workout to find the right pair for each swimmer. Junior Group Required: • Team Suit- Solid Blue Nike Lycra suit w/ PST silk screen logo. • Girls- fastback style Boys- Jammer style or brief cut • This suit is recommended to be used for swim meet competitions. If you’re looking for a practice suit check out the next page with recommended gear.
Equipment Requirements cont. Junior Group continued • Fins- Hydro Fins. The hydro fin is required, they are more comfortable and better for leg work than the traditional long fins. It’s also a better fit if you have wide feet. • Pull buoy- like the fins, pull buoy’s can be borrowed from the club but nice to have your own. • Paddles- Stroke Maker Paddle. Each swimmer in the junior group needs these. Size .5 is recommended (red). • Mesh bag- put all your stuff into this bag and keep it at the pool. The blue cage at the deep end side of the pool is available to PST. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to write your name on all equipment and tag your bag as well.
Equipment Requirements Pre-Senior & Seniors • Required: • Team Suit- Solid Blue Nike Lycra suit w/ PST silk screen logo. • Girls- fastback style or technical suit • Boys- Jammer style, brief cut or technical suit • This suit is recommended to be used for swim meet competitions. If you’re looking for a practice suit check out the next page with recommended gear. • Fins- The hydro fin is required, they are more comfortable and better for leg work than the traditional long fins. It’s also a better fit if you have wide feet. • Pull buoy- like the fins, pull buoy’s can be borrowed from the club but nice to have your own. • Paddles- Stroke Maker Paddle. Depending on hand size you should choose the size 1 for average size hands, 1.5 for larger hands. Ask Coach Helen if you’re not sure. • Snorkel- Finis snorkel great tool for stroke technique a must have. • Mesh bag- put all your stuff into this bag and keep it at the pool. The area next to the baby pool is available to PST to hang up all bags on the fence. Be sure to write your name on all equipment and tag your bag as well.
Equipment RequirementsRecommended Extras: • Nike Team Duffle-(All groups) Navy blue team bag (small) or grey (large) with PST embroidery, several pockets for wet items and other swimming essentials. • Team Warm-Ups- (All groups) Nike jacket and pants. Great quality and essential for swim meets to represent your team with pride! Each swimmer can have their name embroidered with PST logo on back of each jacket. • Parka-(All groups) solid navy blue jacket with fleece lining. PST block letters on back, swimmers name on front. Highly recommended for the season, swimmers have been known to live in these jackets all year round. Very cozy and great for team identity & pride. If you have a young swimmer I recommend buying these a few sizes larger. Think of it as a one time purchase that will last through each stage of growth! • NOTE: IT IS RECOMMENDED TO ORDER YOUR PARKA BY THE END OF SEPTEMBER AND YOU’LL HAVE IT ON BEFORE IT GETS TOO COLD!! • Mesh bag- (Stingray group) Put all your stuff into this bag and keep it at the pool. The blue cage next to the shallow end side of the pool is available to PST to keep your equipment bags in. Be sure to write your name on all equipment and tag your bag as well.
SwimConnection: Sign Up for Meets • Bookmark: www.swimconnection.com • This is a great website that offers many benefits: • Online meet entries • Electronic “Meet Sheets” with time standards, driving directions, warm-up times, and event schedule • Individual swimmer’s database of best times • Time Standards for all ages in both yards and meters • No membership required – you only pay for meet entries • Membership is available for $15 per year. As a member you can access your swimmers times and track their progress.
SwimConnection: “How To” • www.swimconnection.com • Click tab “Club Pages Central”, click PC-Pacific • Frequently Used Functions: • “Enter Meets” Tab – lists all meets available to enter • Look for the meets selected on PST Master Calendar • “Swimmers” Tab • Alpha listing of all USA Swim registered swimmers • Includes best times for a September-September year • These are available to load automatically for meet entries • “Meet Results” Tab • Results are posted the following Monday or Tuesday
SwimConnection: Enter Meets • www.swimconnection.com • Click “Enter Meets” - Click the meet you are interested in entering • Look at light blue “MEET>” header • Print “Meet Sheet” for warm-up & event schedule and driving directions • Click “Online Registration” to enter a meet • Online Meet Entry • Click “Non-Member” option • Fill in name and e-mail • Enter USA Swim # - every swimmer gets a card with this (see FAQs) • Available events will populate – click “Best Times” to populate times from database or manually enter times • Click “Save” • Enter USA Swim number to add a sibling’s entry or click “Entries Done” to pay • Click “Proceed to Payment” to complete transaction • You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your entries and event number – bring to the meet along with Meet Sheets.
SwimConnection: FAQs • What is my USA Swim number? • Your swimmer receives a card with the number every year with the renewal of their USA swim dues. Keep this in a safe place. If yours is missing, contact Mark McComb, our treasurer, and he will be able to look it up. His address ismccomb4@sbcglobal.net. General rule of thumb for number is as follows: DOB + First 3 letters of first name + Middle initial + First 4 letters of last name i.e. 102600SAMRREYN • What entry time do I use if my swimmer has never swam a particular event? • Before you click on “Online Registration” to enter a meet, you will see above that link, in yellow, “Standards”. • Find your child’s age group – i.e. Girls 11-12 or Boys 8-Under. Look at what the minimum standard for a “B” time. • For your swimmer, enter a time SLOWER than the slowest “B” time. We recommend adding 10 – 15 seconds to the B time – that will ensure your swimmer swims in the novice heats for the first time. • What do I do if my best time was in a 50M pool, but the current meet in in a 25Y pool? • Click “Swimmers” tab and find your swimmer, click name link to display best times • Above your swimmer’s name click the following: Course: 50M, Convert: 25Y – this will convert all meter times into yard times.
Expectations of Stingray Greens • At least two practices per week. • At least one swim meet per quarter recommended. • Must be able to work with a group in a workout setting. • Needed skills: Basic knowledge of each of the four strokes; butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle. • Swimmer must be able to swim 25 yards of freestyle with side breathing, 25 yards of backstroke with good body position. Swimmers must be able to dive in a streamline from the side of the pool.
Expectations of Stingray Blues • Two-three practices per week recommended. • At least two swim meets per quarter recommended. • Must have an understanding of all strokes and turns (legal). • Must compete in at least one 100 yard race • Must be able to work and keep up with the group pace in an organized workout setting with attention to detail. • Needed skills: Swimmer must be able to complete each of the four strokes; butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle with legal form. Swimmer must be able to swim 50 yards of freestyle with side breathing, 50 yards of backstroke with good body position and technique, 25 yards of breaststroke and butterfly with a legal kick. Basic knowledge is necessary for all starts and turns for each stroke.
Expectations of Juniors • Four-five practices per week recommended, including Saturday mornings. • Wednesday afternoon dry-land workouts are highly recommended for goal setting and visualization workshops to help mentally prepare for competition. • At least three swim meets per quarter recommended. • Each swimmer is required to fill out a goal-setting sheet with specified times and goals for each season. • Must be able to work and keep up with the group pace in an organized workout setting with attention to detail. • Needed skills: Swimmer must master each of the four strokes; butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle with legal form and appropriate technique. Swimmer must be able to complete 10 x 50 @1:00 with a defined breathing pattern and controlled stroke count. Swimmer must compete in the 500 yard freestyle race in at least one of the monthly swim meets.
Expectations of Pre-Seniors • Five-six practices per week recommended, including at least two morning workouts, including Saturday mornings. • Dry land workouts are highly recommended every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon for aerobic conditioning. • At least three swim meets per quarter recommended. • Each swimmer is required to fill out a goal-setting sheet with specified times and goals for each season including split times for each event. Goals are reviewed by the head coach in an individual meeting. The goal sheet is then signed by swimmer, parent and coach to ensure all are informed of the aim of the swimmer. • Must have mastery in all strokes and turns, including transition turns for the individual medley race. • Must be able to work and keep up with the group pace in an organized workout setting with attention to detail.
Needed Skills for Pre-Seniors • Needed skills: Swimmer must master each of the four strokes; butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle with legal form and appropriate technique, including controlled stroke count for freestyle, backstroke with good shoulder roll, breaststroke with appropriate timing of arms and legs and butterfly coordination of upper body and kick. • Swimmer must be able to complete: • 5 x 100 individual medley @ 1:50 • 5 x 100 freestyle @ 1:30 • 10 x 50 freestyle @ :50. • Swimmer must compete in the 500 freestyle and 400 individual medley in at least one of the monthly swim meets.
Expectations of Seniors • Six-eight practices per week recommended, including at least three morning workouts, including Saturday mornings. • Monday and Friday afternoons are highly recommended for stroke assessment, goal setting and mental preparation for competition. • Dry land workouts are highly recommended every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon for aerobic conditioning. • At least three meets per quarter recommended, plus JR+ or Senior meets. • Each swimmer is required to fill out a goal-setting sheet with specified times and goals for each season including split times for each event. Goals are reviewed by the head coach in an individual meeting. The goal sheet is then signed by swimmer, parent and coach to ensure all are informed of the aim of the swimmer. • Swimmer must be willing to take on leadership and mentoring roles for all groups below senior level. For example, swimmers must assist younger swimmers who are new to meets and help them get acquainted with meet protocol. Senior level swimmers are expected to attend team outings and lead by example.
Needed Skills for Seniors • Needed skills: Swimmer must master each of the four strokes; butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle with legal form and appropriate technique, including controlled stroke count for freestyle, backstroke with good shoulder roll, breaststroke with appropriate timing of arms and legs and butterfly coordination of upper body and kick. • Swimmer must be able to complete: • 5 x 100 individual medley @ 1:45 • 5 x 100 freestyle @ 1:20 • 10 x 50 freestyle @ :50. • Swimmer must compete in the 500 free, 1000 free and 400 individual medley in at least one of the monthly swim meets.
Expectation of Parents: Team Support Be supportive of the Team! • Make sure you volunteer at each swim meet event your child attends; we usually need helpers in the later portions of meets. • Make sure that children behave in the locker rooms; monitor the locker rooms if you are at the pool. • Due to increase in number of swimmers, we kindly ask that PSC members avoid swimming during practice hours (3:30-4:30pm is the worst time). However, if you have no other option, please make sure you will share lanes. • Help at PST events (banquet, BBQ, outings). • Be considerate of our Event Coordinator by RSVP'ing on time to invitations. • Be considerate of our treasurer: Please pay your dues in a timely manner. • Attend a board meeting. • Our annual fundraiser in May is the Banquet Raffle. All families are required to sell 75 tickets per family. Swimmers will compete for top seller awards. Encourage your swimmers to sell raffle tickets!
Expectation of Parents: Coach Support Be supportive of the coaches! • Respect the decision of the coaches. • If you need to talk to the coaches during practices, make sure that they are available before starting a conversation. It is best to talk to the coaches BEFORE or AFTER practices • If any incident occurs with your child and the coaches, try first to discuss it with them. If it can’t be resolved, contact the coaches liaison. • You are always welcome to contact the coaches liaison and board members if you have any concerns or comments.
Expectation of Parents: Swimmer Support Be Supportive of your swimmer! • Help your swimmer set a consistent practice schedule. • Encourage them to participate in morning practices. • Support them in goal setting. • Encourage your swimmers to participate in swim meets. Be proud of them!
Key Team Events & Raffle Fundraiser KEY TEAM EVENTS • Back to School Fall BBQ (end of August) • Equipment Day(early September) • Team Pictures (October • PST Parents’ Meeting (mid-September) • Fall Practice Meet (October) • December Holiday Party (early December) • Awards Banquet (early June) • PST End of School Year Pool Party (Day after school is out) PST FUNDRAISER • AWARDS BANQUET RAFFLE • Grand Prize donations solicited in February. • Standard form letters from PST requesting donations are available. • Coaches order raffle tickets and our kids sell 75 x $1 tickets in April. • We need parents to step up and help prepare the food so the cost of catering goes down and team revenues remain high enough to support our coaching and water expenses. • This is our only real fundraiser – we need EVERY FAMILY to participate in raffle sales!
What Happens at a Swim Meet: Swimmers • Check with coaches BEFORE the day of the meet to find out when warm-ups start. • Try to arrive 20-30 minutes prior to warm ups, even if your first event is half way through the event schedule. • Check in for your events at the central check in table. • Find coaches for warm-up. • Once the meet starts, watch sandwich boards for event posting. • When your event is posted, note heat and lane and report them to the coaches. • Check in with coaches before AND after your event for commentary. • If you are swimming a 25Y event (8&U) – your event will start at the OPPOSITE end of the pool where the timers are sitting. • KEEP WARM and STAY HYDRATED!
What Happens at a Swim Meet: Parents • Help your swimmer “pack smartly” for the meet (see pack list). • Try to arrive 20-30 minutes prior to warm ups, even if your first event is half way through the event schedule for the day. • Find the PST tent and put your gear under the tent. • Help your swimmer check-in and find coaches for warm-up. • Swimmers only need to check in for the events they want to swim; if they need to leave early, don’t check in for those specific events. Always seek the advice of your coach before you scratch an event. • SIGN UP FOR TIMING: Every family need to provide a timer for a 90 minute slot for every meet they attend. There are lots of parents who can help your swimmer get to their events while you time. • Once the meet starts, watch sandwich boards for event posting. • When your swimmer’s event is posted, help them find their heat and lane. • Help your swimmer keep track of events and help them get to the blocks in time – a missed event will require a positive check in for the next race. Two missed races will disqualify your swimmer from the meet.
What to Pack for a Meet • PST will have a huge tent/tarp that can usually accommodate most swimmers and parents and will shield most from sun/rain. • Key is to keep swimmers as warm and as dry as possible, especially their feet, which get really cold on the wet pool deck. • General rule of thumb is that you need a towel for every time a swimmer gets in the pool. If she is doing two races, you need three towels (includes warm-up). • Bring your own food — meet food is expensive and not very healthy. Here is a typical pack list: • Two chairs, i.e. collapsible camping chairs. • A warm jacket and shoes/boots (easy on and off with bare feet and WARM) • Bring deck shoes/flip flops for prior to race. • Don’t forget: cap/goggles/change of clothes/fleece blanket and additional sweatshirt. • Wear White PST Cap for meets. They are available from your coach for $5 • Carry a duffle with towels and a rolling soft sided cooler with food (chairs roll nicely on this). • If it’s raining, bring a garbage bag or something to keep things dry. • Key is to keep kids warm, dry, hydrated and energized with healthy food!
What Do Time Standards Mean? • The letters C/B/A+ refer to the first three divisions of swimming. C division is the beginning, B division is the next up and A division is at the top. • After your first swim meet, you can see what category your swimmer’s times fall into. Each group of swimmers are ranked according to their time and given awards by their division. A new swimmer in the C division will be ranked by time against other C division swimmers. • These divisions create incentives for each swimmer to encourage each swimmer to shoot for the next divisional standard. Relatively new to USA swimming are the sub groups within the A and B groups. Now there is a BB & AA, AAA & AAAA. These additions were designed to help bridge the gaps between each group’s time standards. • Beyond “C/B/A+” comes “Q times”, “PRT times”, “Junior +”. These time standards are a bit more challenging. “PRT” stands or Pacific Reportable Time and signifies the time achieved is considered the among the top of the Pacific Region and is therefore submitted to Pacific Swimming for a rankings. • Confused? Don’t throw in the towel, all it takes is a little time to get it down. For those just getting started, all you’ll need to remember is the C/B/A+ info. • A peak at what’s ahead and the possibilities in this sport is beneficial. Refer to your USA swimming guide for a list of time standards for girls and boys.
Parent Requirements • Supporting your child in swimming can be one of the most rewarding experiences in sport. You may be timing at meets, helping at fundraisers, organizing social events, or becoming a Board Member. Whatever your role may be, your child’s experience with PST has much to do with your positive support. 4 hours per family per quarter is the minimum volunteer requirement. You have the option of paying out in the amount of $120 per quarter if you can’t volunteer. Here is a list of parent requirements. • ____Timing at Meets. Each team that attends meets is expected to provide timers based on the number of swimmers they bring to the meet. Each family is expected to time ONE shift over the course of the meet. A sign up sheet is available at the team tent. • ____Annual Team Fall BBQ (late Aug/early Sept) • ____Annual Holiday Party (Dec) • ____Annual Awards Banquet (May) Set-up, Clean-up, Cooking • ____Raffle Prize Director • ____Help coaches with team canopy set up or take down at meets • ____Computer/Web site updates • ____Volunteer Director • ____Become Certified USA Swimming Official