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Student Services Overview at XYZ University

Explore the undergraduate admissions process at XYZ University serving various student types at different stages. Learn about the main services, service delivery methods, peak periods, and hand-offs to other departments. Discover the role of outside vendors in providing student services.

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Student Services Overview at XYZ University

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  1. Student ServiceProcess Overview Template Undergraduate Admissions

  2. What students do you serve? • Types of students (GSAS, GSSWSR, Undergraduate, Post-Baccs, “specials” • undergraduate students (first-year, transfer, McBride, and guest students) • At what stage(s) (Inquiry, Applicant, Admitted, Enrolled, Graduated) • inquiry, applicant, admitted, enrolled (before orientation)

  3. Services Overview • What are the main services you provide? (i.e., determine financial aid, register for classes, etc.);How do you provide these services? (i.e., online self-service, in person, paper forms, etc.);When do you provide these services? (i.e., year round, spring semester, etc.);What are your peak periods for each service? • Inquiry Processing First-Year (Year Round) • Prospect Student Search • Prospective Student Communications (mailing & group emails) • College Fairs (Events attended by Admissions Officers) • High School Visits (Fall & Spring visits made to High Schools by Admissions Officers) • Campus Tours (In person, during a campus visit made by a prospective students) • Information Sessions (In person, during a campus visit made by a prospective students) • On Campus Interviews (In person, during a campus visit made by a prospective students) • Alumni Interviews (In person, arranged for prospective students not able to travel to campus for an interview) • Spring & Summer Open Houses • Inquiry Processing Transfer (Year Round) • -Information Sessions (In person, during a campus visit made by a prospective students) • -On Campus Interviews (In person, during a campus visit made by a prospective students)

  4. Services Overview (continued) • What are the main services you provide? (i.e., determine financial aid, register for classes, etc.);How do you provide these services? (i.e., online self-service, in person, paper forms, etc.);When do you provide these services? (i.e., year round, spring semester, etc.);What are your peak periods for each service? Application Processing First-Year (September-February) and Transfer (September-May) • Online Self-Service for applicants • Applicant Communications, application acknowledgement letter, missing information and on track news emails.

  5. Services Overview (continued) • What are the main services you provide? (i.e., determine financial aid, register for classes, etc.);How do you provide these services? (i.e., online self-service, in person, paper forms, etc.);When do you provide these services? (i.e., year round, spring semester, etc.);What are your peak periods for each service? Admitted Students/Decision Notification First-Year(December-May) and Transfer (January – May) • Online Self-Service to Notify Applicants of Admission Decision • Admission Decision Mailing • Online Self-Service for Admitted Students • Admitted Students Yield (phone & email communications, Academic Interest Emails, Personalized messages from admission officers and current students) • Open Campus Days

  6. Services Overview (continued) • What are the main services you provide? (i.e., determine financial aid, register for classes, etc.);How do you provide these services? (i.e., online self-service, in person, paper forms, etc.);When do you provide these services? (i.e., year round, spring semester, etc.);What are your peak periods for each service? Enrolling/Welcome First-Year and Transfer (March-June) • Online Self-Service & Credit Card payment for Enrolling Students • Welcome Packets are mailed to Enrolling students

  7. Relation to Other Areas • What are the “hand-offs” to other areas? (Identify both the hand-off and the other area(s)) • When creating the accept packet and welcome packet, there will be inserts discussing hand off deadlines and procedures i.e., registrar, resident life, visa I-20. Departments: registrar, residence life, deans’ office, customs, controller, and health services. • UG Admissions and Financial Aid work together during the applicant & admitted student process to provide combined services to prospective students. (Acknowledgement Letter, Online Self-Service, Missing Information Emails, Admitted Students Financial Aid Award letter with decision.) • Matriculation of the incoming class to the Registrar & Deans Office.

  8. The Role of Outside Vendors • What outside vendors do you use to provide student service? Generation – Applicant/Prospective Student Communication. Helps design our admission publications. Apple Press, Inc. and TURSAK – Applicant/Prospective Student Communication. Printing vendor used to create admission publications & forms. Digital Direct – Applicant/Prospective Student Communication. Mail house used for bulk admissions mailings. 422 Group – Applicant/Prospective Student Communication, Group Email Vendor. The Common Application – Application Processing, allows applicants to submit one application online to multiple schools. Counselors & teaches may also submit their recommendations for applicants. Heartland/VeriSign – Admitted/Enrolling students online credit card payments accepted. The College Board - test scores SAT, Subject Test, AP, and student search identifying suspects ACT - test scores and PLAN student search identifying suspects Human Capital – financial aid matriculation model; market analysis Academic Mail Marketing - Search only -email for suspects, design suspect web site to lead BMC, paper mailing to push to web site. Group Mail - another email service i.e., alumnae interview request

  9. Broader Context • What, if any, regulatory issues guide your provision of service? • The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires that institutions that participate in federal student aid programs report data on enrollments, program completions, graduation rates, faculty and staff, finances, institutional prices, and student financial aid. • What, if any, legal issues guide your provision of service? • Department of Education and court cases dealing with any type of discrimination: http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/letters/raceadmissionpse.html • What, if any, professional association agreements guide your provision of service? • The Common Application membership agreement – holistic admission • The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) Statement of Principles of Good Practice: http://www.nacacnet.org/AboutNACAC/Policies/Documents/SPGP_8_18_08.pdf

  10. Issues Unique to your Area • Between 20-25% of our application pool is international students. The process will move towards a global process that handles international students for first year and transfers students. • Students are impacted by the ability to pay for college and this means coordinating with the Financial Aid Office to deliver services. • Uploads of data from many other organizations to our database.

  11. Your wish list for new or improved student services if you had the resources • One stop shopping with information. One sheet or web page describing who should respond to questions about XYZ for example, general admission would be, for registrar, for tuition, and etc. • Students will receive a calendar in their enrolled welcome packet that will list the offices and dates for submitting information for example setting up Bryn Mawr email account. All information for example, housing, health form, and etc will all be online forms that could be uploaded into the database automatically. Students will receive confirmation email that information was submitted and could check Self Service within 5 business days. • More development time with IT.

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