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Fiscal Year 2010 Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Program Notice of Funding Availability Training

Fiscal Year 2010 Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Program Notice of Funding Availability Training. Today’s Agenda. Purpose and overview of ICDBG Eligible applicants, uses, and program requirements Summary of how to submit electronically Screening and rating factors

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Fiscal Year 2010 Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Program Notice of Funding Availability Training

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  1. Fiscal Year 2010Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) ProgramNotice of FundingAvailability Training

  2. Today’s Agenda • Purpose and overview of ICDBG • Eligible applicants, uses, and program requirements • Summary of how to submit electronically • Screening and rating factors • Review process and timing

  3. Format of Webcast • Presentations by ONAP staff • Questions addressed after each person’s presentation • E-mail questions to: HUDTV@HUD.GOV any time during the webcast

  4. Authority • Title I of the Housing & Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq) • ICDBG regulations, 24 CFR part 1003

  5. Program Description To develop viable Indian and Alaska Native communities by creating decent housing, suitable living environments & economic opportunities primarily for LMI persons

  6. National Objective • 24 CFR 1003.208 • 70% of expenditures must benefit LMI • Four options: • Area benefit • Limited clientele • Housing • Job creation/retention

  7. Types of Grants • Single Purpose Grants • Imminent Threat Grants

  8. Imminent Threat Allocation • No Area Office allocations • Funds used to remove imminent threats to health or safety • Must meet regulatory criteria

  9. Key NOFA Definitions • Adopt – to approve by formal tribal resolution • Document – submit written documentation to satisfy NOFA requirement

  10. Key NOFA Definitions • Firm Commitment - letter from partner agreeing and able to do what is in application • Low-and moderate-income Beneficiary – means 80% of the median income for the area

  11. Key NOFA Definitions • New Applicant – Never received an ICDBG or grants have been closed or closed subject to audit for more than 12 months prior to the application deadline date

  12. Key NOFA Definitions • O&M Plan for Public Facilities and Improvements – Must provide a written statement that you have adopted or developed plan to maintain project over time

  13. Key NOFA Definitions • Outputs – Direct products of a program’s activities • Outcomes – Impact you hope to achieve with the project

  14. Key NOFA Definitions • Statement – Written statement indicating that you comply or intend to comply with the specific requirement

  15. Available Funds • Total is $65 million • Single Purpose Grants • $61,040,000 • Imminent Threat • Up to $3,960,000

  16. Single Purpose Grants Allocations • EWONAP - $6,928,975 • SPONAP - $13,095,381 • NPONAP - $8,701,356 • SWONAP - $22,737,279 • NWONAP - $3,105,735 • AONAP - $6,960,000

  17. Grant Ceilings • Grant ceilings apply to entire application • One of the screening factors • If exceeded, application will not be rated

  18. Grant Ceilings • Eastern Woodlands $600,000 • Southern Plains $800,000 • Northwest $500,000 • Alaska $600,000

  19. Grant Ceilings • Northern Plains • 0-6,000 $900,000 • 6,000+ $1,100,000 • Southwest • 10,501 – 50,000 $2,750,000 • 7,501 – 10,500 $2,200,000 • 6,001 – 7,500 $1,100,000 • 1,501 – 6,000 $825,000 • 0 – 1,500 $605,000 • 50,001+ $5,500,000

  20. Housing Rehab Cost Limits Eastern Woodlands $35,000 Southern Plains $35,000 Northern Plains $50,000 Southwest $50,000 Northwest $50,000 Alaska $75,000

  21. Compliance with Regulations, Guidelines and Requirements Successful applicants must comply with regulations, guidelines and requirements of the ICDBG program

  22. Period of Performance • Based on the Implementation Schedule and must be approved by HUD • Required under Rating Factor 1

  23. Eligible Applicants • Indian tribe, band, group, or nation including Alaska Indians, Aleuts and Eskimos and any Alaska Native Village • Tribal organizations submitting on behalf of tribes

  24. Cost Sharing or Matching • Not required for ICDBG • Points awarded for leveraging • ICDBG can be used as match for other programs

  25. Threshold Requirements • HUD Thresholds in General Section • Program-Related Thresholds in ICDBG NOFA • Project-Specific Thresholds in ICDBG NOFA

  26. General Section Thresholds • Ineligible Applicants • Dun & Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) • Active registration in CCR

  27. General Section Thresholds • No Fair Housing or Civil Rights violations • Debarment and Suspension • Delinquent Federal Debt

  28. Requirements That May Prohibit Award • Name Check Review • False Statements

  29. General Section Additional Requirements • Compliance with Fair Housing and Civil Rights Laws • Economic Opportunities for Low- and Very Low-income • Ensuring participation of small disadvantaged and women-owned businesses

  30. General Section Additional Requirements • Accessible Technology • Faith-based requirements • Uniform Relocation Act

  31. General Section Additional Requirements • Core Values and Ethical Standards • Prohibition Against Lobbying • Participation in HUD-Sponsored Evaluation

  32. General Section Additional Requirements • Salary Limitations for Consultants • Compliance with OMB Circulars and Government-wide Financial Regulations

  33. General Section Additional Requirements • Environmental Requirements • Drug-Free Workplace • Conflicts of Interest

  34. General Section Additional Requirements • Safeguarding Resident Files • Transparency Act

  35. Program-Related Thresholds • Outstanding ICDBG Obligation • Compliance with Fair Housing and Civil Rights Laws

  36. Project-Specific Thresholds • Housing Rehabilitation • New Construction • Economic Development

  37. Housing Rehab Threshold • Rehab standards and policies adopted • Homebuyer’s payments are current for HUD-assisted housing

  38. New Housing Construction Thresholds • Document that implementing entity is a Community Based Development Organization (CBDO) • Must have a tribal resolution adopting construction standards

  39. New Housing Construction Thresholds • No other suitable housing available • No other sources (including IHBG) • Rehab not economically feasible • Household is overcrowded, or has no current residence

  40. Economic Development Thresholds • Financial analysis must demonstrate project is financially feasible and has a reasonable chance of success • Show public benefit of ICDBG More requested = greater public benefit demonstrated

  41. Economic Development Thresholds • Grant will not reduce non-federal funds • Not more than a reasonable rate of return on investment is provided • Grant will be disbursed on pro-rata basis with other funds

  42. Project Thresholds No project thresholds for: • Homeownership Assistance • Land to Support New Housing • Microenterprises • Public Facilities and Improvements

  43. Public Service Projects • Limited to 15% of grant request • Must be a new service or increase existing service • Can not be a “stand alone” project • Need not be related to other activities

  44. Eligible Activities • 24 CFR Part 1003, Subpart C • Section III.C.5 of ICDBG NOFA • Rating Factors 2 and 3

  45. Eligible Activities Most Common Activities: • Housing Rehabilitation • Land Acquisition for New Housing • Homeownership Assistance • Public Facilities & Improvements • Economic Development • Microenterprise Programs

  46. Other Eligible Activities • Acquisition of Property • Clearance and Demolition • Comprehensive Planning • Lead-based Paint Evaluation/Hazard Control • Non-Federal Share • Privately and Publicly Owned Commercial or Industrial Buildings • Mold

  47. Eligible Activities • New Housing Construction may only be implemented through a Community Based Development Organization (CBDO)

  48. Documenting a CBDO(Option 1) • Socially oriented non-profit • Board represents community • Free to procure • Not subject to reversion of assets

  49. Documenting a CBDO(Option 2) • Section 301(d) of Small Business Investment Act entities • SBA approved entities • HOME Community Housing Development Organization (CHDOs) • Tribal-based community development non-profit

  50. Documenting a CBDO(Option 3) • Similar to Option 1 and 2 Example: • Has all characteristics as 1 but cannot find board with 1/3 or less public officials • TDHE or IHA not automatically con- sidered a CBDO

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