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MATLAB 입문 CHAPTER 8 Numerical Calculus and Differential Equations

MATLAB 입문 CHAPTER 8 Numerical Calculus and Differential Equations. Numerical Methods for Differential Equations. The Euler Method Consider the equation (8.5-1) r(t) : a known function From the definition of derivative,

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MATLAB 입문 CHAPTER 8 Numerical Calculus and Differential Equations

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  1. MATLAB 입문CHAPTER 8 Numerical Calculus and Differential Equations ACSL, POSTECH

  2. Numerical Methods for Differential Equations • The Euler Method • Consider the equation (8.5-1) r(t) : a known function • From the definition of derivative, ( is small enough) (8.5-2) • Use (8.5-2) to replace (8.5-1) by the following approximation: (8.5-3)

  3. Numerical Methods for Differential Equations • Assume that the right side of (8.5-1) remains constant over the time interval . Then equation (8.5-3) can be written in more convenient form as follows: (8.5-4) , where : step size • The Euler method for the general first-order equation is (8.5-5) • The accuracy of the Euler method can be improved by using a smaller step size. However, very small step sizes require longer runtimes and can result in a large accumulated error because of round-off effects.

  4. Euler method for the free response of dy/dt = –10y, y(0) = 2 r= -10; deltaT = 0.01 ; % step size t=[0:deltaT:0.5]; % our vector of time values y(1)=2; % initial value at t=0 for k=1: length(t)-1 % for every value in t vector y(k+1) = y(k) + r*y(k)*deltaT; end y_true = 2*exp(-10*t); plot(t,y,'o',t,y_true), xlabel('t'), ylabel('y');

  5. Euler method solution for the free response of dy/dt= –10y, y(0) = 2. Figure 8.5–1 8-19

  6. Euler method solution of dy/dt= sin t, y(0) = 0. Figure 8.5–2 8-20 More? See pages 490-492.

  7. Numerical Methods for Differential Equations • The Predictor-Corrector Method • The Euler method can have a serious deficiency in problems where the variables are rapidly changing because the method assumes the variables are constant over time interval . (8.5-7) (8.5-8) • Suppose instead we use the average of the right side of (8.5-7) on the interval . (8.5-9) , where (8.5-10)

  8. Numerical Methods for Differential Equations • Let Euler predictor: (8.5-11) Trapezoidal corrector: (8.5-12) • This algorithm is sometimes called the modified Euler method. However, note that any algorithm can be tried as a predictor or a corrector. • For purposes of comparison with the Runge-Kutta methods, we can express the modifided Euler method as (8.5-13) g1 is deltaY given by f(tk,yk) (8.5-14) g2 is deltaY given by f(tk+1,yk+1) (8.5-15)

  9. Modified Euler solution of dy/dt = –10y, y(0) = 2 r= -10; deltaT = 0.01 ; % same step size as before y(1)=2; t=[0:deltaT:0.5]; % our vector of time values for k=1:length(t)-1 g1 = deltaT*r*y(k); % estimate of deltaY at t(k),y(k) g2 = deltaT*r*(y(k) + g1); % est of deltaY at t(k+1),y(k+1) y(k+1) = y(k) + 0.5*(g1 + g2); end y_true = 2*exp(-10*t); plot(t,y,'o',t,y_true), xlabel('t'), ylabel('y');

  10. Modified Euler solution of dy/dt= –10y, y(0) = 2. Figure 8.5–3 8-21

  11. Modified Euler solution of dy/dt= sin t, y(0) = 0. Figure 8.5–4 8-22 More? See pages 493-496.

  12. Numerical Methods for Differential Equations • Runge-Kutta Methods • The second-order Runge-Kutta methods: (8.5-17) , where : constant weighting factors (8.5-18) (8.5-19) • To duplicate the Taylor series through the h2 term, these coefficients must satisfy the following: (8.5-19) (8.5-19) (8.5-19)

  13. Numerical Methods for Differential Equations • The fourth-order Runge-Kutta methods: (8.5-23) (8.5-24) Apply Simpson’s rule for integration

  14. Numerical Methods for Differential Equations • MATLAB ODE Solvers ode23 and ode45 • MATLAB provides functions, called solvers, that implement Runge-Kutta methods with variable step size. • The ode23 function uses a combination of second- and third-order Runge-Kutta methods, whereas ode45 uses a combination of fourth- and fifth-order methods. <Table 8.5-1> ODE solvers

  15. Stiff? • Stiff Differential Equations • A stiff differential equation is one whose response changes rapidly over a time scale that is short compared to the time scale over which we are interested in the solution. • A small step size is needed to solve for the rapid changes, but many steps are needed to obtain the solution over the longer time interval, and thus a large error might accumulate. • The four solvers specifically designed to handle stiff equations: ode15s (a variable-order method), ode23s (a low-order method), ode23tb (another low-order method), ode23t (a trapezoidal method).

  16. Numerical Methods for Differential Equations • Solver Syntax <Table 8.5-2> Basic syntax of ODE solvers

  17. Lets try these on the problem we've been solving

  18. Numerical Methods for Differential Equations <example>Response of an RC Circuit (RC=0.1s, v(0)=0V, y(0)=2V)

  19. Numerical Methods for Differential Equations • Effect of Step Size • The spacing used by ode23 is smaller than that used by ode45 because ode45 has less truncation error than ode23 and thus can use a larger step size. • ode23 is sometimes more useful for plotting the solution because it often gives a smoother curve. • Numerical Methods and Linear Equations • It is sometimes more convenient to use a numerical method to find the solution. • Examples of such situations are when the forcing function is a complicated function or when the order of the differential equation is higher than two. • Use of Global Parameters • The global x y z command allows all functions and files using that command to share the values of the variables x, y, and z.

  20. Extension to Higher-Order Equations • The Cauchy form or the state-variable form • Consider the second-order equation (8.6-1) (8.6-2) • If , , then The Cauchy form or state-variable form

  21. Extension to Higher-Order Equations <example>Solve (8.6-1) for with the initial conditions . ( Suppose that and use ode45.) %Define the function function xdot=example1(t,x) xdot(1)=x(2); xdot(2)=(1/5) * (sin(t) - 4*x(1) - 7*x(2)); xdot = [xdot(1) ; xdot(2)]; %then, use it: [t, x] = ode45('example1',[0,6],[3,9]); plot(t,x); The time interval of interest The initial condition for the vector x. xdot(1) xdot(2) x(1) x(2)

  22. Extension to Higher-Order Equations • Matrix Methods < a mass and spring with viscous surface friction > (8.6-6) ( Letting , ) (Matrix form) (8.6-7) (Compact form)

  23. The following is extra credit (2 pts)

  24. Extension to Higher-Order Equations • Characteristic Roots from the eig Function • Substituting , • Cancel the terms • Its roots are s = -6.7321 and s = -3.2679. (8.6-8) (8.6-8) A nonzero solution will exist for A1 and A2 if and only if the deteminant is zero

  25. Extension to Higher-Order Equations • MATLAB provides the eig function to compute the characteristic roots. • Its syntax is eig(A) <example> The matrix A for the equations (8.6-8) and (8.6-9) is • To find the time constants, which are the negative reciprocals of the real parts of the roots, you type tau = -1./real (r). The time constants are 0.1485 and 0.3060.

  26. Extension to Higher-Order Equations • Programming Detailed Forcing Functions < An armature-controlled dc motor> ▪ Apply Kirchhoff’s voltage low and Newton’s low (8.6-10) (8.6-11) : motor’s current , : rotational velocity ( matrix form ) Letting L: inductance, R: resistance, I: inertia, : torque constant, : back emf constant, c: viscous damping constant, : applied voltage

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