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New Features in Release CE7. Overview. At Hampson-Russell, we are proud of our newest software release - even prouder than we were of the last release. Not only have we improved much of the previous functionality but we have added a lot of new & innovative features.
Overview • At Hampson-Russell, we are proud of our newest software release - even prouder than we were of the last release. Not only have we improved much of the previous functionality but we have added a lot of new & innovative features. • We want to ensure that you are aware of these new features and how to use them. All we ask is that you take a few minutes of your time to browse through this presentation and take a look at the features that you think could be useful to you. • This PowerPoint Presentation is hyper-linked if you view it in the slide show view (F5). The buttons in the lower right do the following: Main Table of Contents Program-specific Table of Contents Previous / Next Slide
Table of Contents • New General Features • GEOVIEW • WELL EXPLORER • AVO and AFI • eLOG • EMERGE • ISMAP • STRATA • PRO4D • PROMC • GLI3D • OPENSPIRIT
NEW GENERAL FEATURES • New Programs: AFI and Well Explorer • Data Manager and Data Explorer • Improved SEGY Loading • Map Utilities • Improved Arbitrary Lines • Landmark R2003.12 Support • SeisWorks Horizons Import • Frequency Domain Merge • Improved Roy White Wavelet Extraction • Time-to-depth conversion of horizons • Runtime Messages Captured • New Features Documentation
New ProgramsAFI & Well Explorer Two new programs have been added to the Hampson-Russell Software suite: AFI & Well Explorer. AFI is an acronym for AVO Fluid Inversion. AFI was developed in conjunction with ENI-AGIP and is an add-on to our existing AVO software. It uses Monte-Carlo simulation of stochastic lithology and fluid models and attempts to fit the results to AVO attribute slices and generate fluid probability and indicator maps. The Well Explorer software comes from a partitioning of our former Geoview software. Geoview will now serve as the program launcher for the Hampson-Russell Software suite and control the run-time message logging and user preferences. The Well Explorer will now be used for managing well databases and it includes a 3D well path visualization program.
Data Manager & Data Explorer Data management issues have been addressed in the CE7 release. All of the HRS software products now have a Data Manager button on the top of the side bar menu or under the File menu on the top menu bar…
Data Manager & Data Explorer The Data Manager centralizes all of the exporting and importing menus of the various data types that projects typically require.
Data Manager & Data Explorer The Data Explorer is a utility that allows you to view, manage and edit the various data sets in your project.
Data Manager & Data Explorer In the Data Explorer, use the Data Type selectable menu to select and display the data type (i.e., data slice, horizon, volume, wavelet, well or window session) that you would like to examine...
Data Manager & Data Explorer Choose which viewing methods you would like to use to examine your data…
Data Manager & Data Explorer By displaying the Horizons, for example, you can edit the attributes of all the horizons in your project easily and in one interface…
Data Manager & Data Explorer Deleting data sets is a simple case of selecting the data set in either the Tree or the List view and clicking on the Delete button…
Data Manager & Data Explorer Double-click on the item in the Tree view to display it…
Data Manager & Data Explorer You can also quickly create Volume Groups by clicking on the “New Volume Group” button. Volume Groups are useful for grouping surveys by vintage for time-lapse projects, for example. Simply create a new volume group and give it a name…
Data Manager & Data Explorer …and drag-and-drop the volumes into the group. The seismic volumes actually remain where they are on disk, its just pointers that get created – so you can delete the volume group without actually deleting the component seismic volumes.
Improved SEGY Loading The grid page of the seismic load dialogue has had a number of improvements made to it.
Improved SEGY Loading The grid now has the corners labelled. The first and last cross lines are labelled also. The grid display can also be resized with the menu to allow a better view.
Improved SEGY Loading The seismic grid orientation can be set by the X and Y co-ordinates corners. Once the corner locations and bin size (IL/XL spacing) has been entered the ‘Calculate’ button is used to create the new grid. It is then viewed on the main page. This greatly simplifies the previous approach. Which involved paper calculations to get the grid right. It is now more intuitive and interactive.
Improved SEGY Loading Another new feature allows geometry to be copied from a previously loaded seismic file. This can greatly improve the efficiency of loading as the grid does not need to be redefined.
STRATA AVO EMERGE Map Utilities New map functionalities for all of our software have been added. These new utilities allow you to manipulate and modify the maps in your project.
Map Utilities The Map Operations utility allows you to apply some simple mathematical functions to either a single map or a pair of maps.
Map Utilities The Map Filter utility allows you to apply either a Running Average Filter or a Median filter on any map in your project. Click on the Next button to specify the window length.
Map Utilities The Map Maths utility allows you to programmatically manipulate any maps in your project. This feature is similar to our popular Trace Maths and Log Maths utilities. First, select the input maps for the Map Maths…
Map Utilities Then specify the output map name…
Map Utilities The geometry information…
Map Utilities Rename the input slice variable names if you want…
Trace Maths documentation can be found on the HRS web-site at: http://www.hampson-russell.com/support-tracemath.htm Map Utilities And enter in the script that you would like to use. The syntax for Map Maths is similar to the C-based Trace Maths utility and allows for logical expressions such as if() … else ().
Arbitrary Line Improvements You now have several new option when creating your Arbitrary line. Create new nodes at well location: This option allows you to make a node point at one or more well locations OR Create new nodes along a deviated well: This option allows you to create nodes along a deviated well’s borehole. The resulting arbitrary line will consist of the Inlines, and Cross Lines the borehole cuts across.
Arbitrary Line Improvements Extract only the trace at the node location: This option will extract only the node points selected and none of the seismic that exists between node points. List previous arbitrary lines: This option pulls up a menu of existing arbitrary lines that you can then apply to the current arbitrary line or delete old lines.
Arbitrary Line Improvements Insert a node: This button allows you to insert a new node point. Delete all nodes: This button allows you to delete all existing node points within the current arbitrary line. Delete selected nodes: This button allows you to delete selected node points within the current arbitrary line.
Landmark R2003.12 Support Access to Landmark R2003.12 (Emerald City) is now supported through our existing WLExchange program.
SeisWorks Horizons Import Looking at the Seismic data window, you can select to open horizons by selecting the “Horizon/Import Horizons/From SeisWorks” option. You also use the “Data Manager” menu options.
SeisWorks Horizons Import Select the SeisWorks project and you can view the horizons in the lower list box.
SeisWorks Horizons Import Now you can select the horizon to import, by selecting it in the “Select for import” table. You also can change the color in the “Presentation color” table.
SeisWorks Horizons Import After hitting the OK button on the “Horizons Information” menu, the program will give you some “Pick Summary “ information. By clicking on the OK button, the Seismic data window will now display your selected horizon/s.
SeisWorks Horizons Import You can select the “Horizon Display” option under the “Horizon” menu button, and choose to display the horizon.
Frequency Domain Merge With the new Frequency Domain Merge option you have the ability to combine two volumes of different frequencies into one new volume. An example of when to use this option would be, if you had an inversion result you wanted to combine with a filtered log model.
Frequency Domain Merge Here on the second page of the process you will need to specify the frequency range that overlaps between the two data sets, along with a taper length. Once this is completed the software will run the Frequency Domain Merge and create a new volume for you.
Improved Roy White Wavelet Extraction We have made the Roy White wavelet extraction easier to use by simplifying the process. You no longer have to fill in your Reflectivity time or Optimum Lag Search Length . We will calculate them for you. You only have to specify the White Noise factor and Diagnostic Listing to Console. These two variables are explained on the next page.
Improved Roy White Wavelet Extraction White Noise Factor: This is the pre-whitening factor that is used To prevent instability in the calculation of the coherence function. Diagnostic Listing to Console: When you perform a wavelet extraction using the Roy White algorithm, you can also choose the level of diagnostics that you would like to generate. Your choices are None; Short, which lists the values of the PEP, RMSE, and BW parameters for each well and Long, which provides extensive details. Note that if you start the programs by selecting an item from a menu, rather than typing a command in a terminal window, the diagnostic listings will not be returned to a console.
Time to Depth Conversion of Horizons You now have the ability to convert a time horizon into the depth domain or a depth horizon into the time domain.
Time to Depth Conversion of Horizons Select the desired horizons and click Add >> After your horizons have been selected You have several editing options available. These option are easy to follow and self explanatory.
Time to Depth Conversion of Horizons On the last page you have The option to rename the Output horizon.
Runtime Messages Captured Each time the software is started a new file is created in the project directory that stores runtime messages. If anything goes wrong, you or our technical support team may need this information to track down the problem. In the extremely rare and highly improbable event that something goes wrong, please find the runtime messages file on your system and e-mail it to us.
New Features Documentation Documentation, in the form of a wonderfully written, hyper-linked PDF, is now provided that illustrates all of the new features in the CE7 release. Click on Help > New Features to launch the PDF.
NEW GEOVIEW FEATURES • Well Explorer Window • User Settings and Preferences
NO UGLY INTERFACES ! Well Explorer Window The ugly and clumsy Geoview interface has been redesigned and is now a clean sleek useful interface. We’ve partitioned the old Geoview into two parts: a software launcher and a well database utility. NEW USER HAPPY FACE
User Settings From the GEOVIEW task bar, a number of user settings can be entered. This can save time on browsing and generally customise the look and feel of the software to the requirements of the user.
User Settings: Paths Three default paths exist. These are initially set to be the respective directories in the installation directory. However as this may not always be what is desired by the user they can now be specified. The information can be inputted by typing, or browsing to the directory required.
User Settings: Preferences The Preferences page has three pages of options that can be set. General controls the records of files opened and history data. Appearance sets the look of the windows. Notes gives some guidance on the settings.