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Buhera District

Buhera District. Demographic Data. Total Tuberculosis diagnosis per year in Buhera District. Notification rate of all TB cases per 100 000 population. Patients from outside Buhera District as from 2005 - 2011. Proportion of patient age groups.

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Buhera District

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Buhera District

  2. Demographic Data

  3. Total Tuberculosis diagnosis per year in Buhera District

  4. Notification rate of all TB cases per 100 000 population

  5. Patients from outside Buhera District as from 2005 - 2011

  6. Proportion of patient age groups

  7. Proportion of new TB cases versus retreatment cases per year

  8. Active Screening of TB to HIV positive clients in Buhera district as from June 2010

  9. Tuberculosis diagnosis facilitated by sputum collection from clinics versus hospitals

  10. Total patients diagnosed TB, as a result of sputum collection from clinics from year 2008 - 2010

  11. Total Tuberculosis diagnosis per quarter for the past six years in Buhera District

  12. 2010 TB diagnosis per quarter

  13. Results of smears examined for culture and sensitivity tests

  14. Percentage of Smear examination results of all PTB cases diagnosed

  15. Percentage of Smear examination results of all PTB cases diagnosed

  16. PTB smear examination results of cases diagnosed in Buhera in years 2006-2011

  17. Treatment outcome for new PTB SS+ clients only by year

  18. Treatment outcome for new PTB SS+ clients only by year

  19. Success Rate

  20. Treatment outcome for PTB SS –ve, ND and EPTB clients by year

  21. Analysing Location of TB defaulters

  22. Proportion of co-infected amongst TB patients

  23. HIV status of TB patients at time of diagnosis

  24. What proportion of TB patients not knowing their HIV status at diagnosis have been offered an HIV test?* *Excludes those known to be HIV positive

  25. HIV status after TB diagnosis per year

  26. Proportion on HAART orCootrimoxazole of those HIV positive

  27. Number enrolled in HIV Care

  28. HIV Medication given

  29. Comparison of those enrolled on ctx and ART

  30. Partners involved in TB and HIV • MSF-B • TB Alert • NAC • New start and New life • Dananai, Rujeko and CARC • There are other partners involved in prevention and management

  31. Achievements • We now have 27 OI sites • 10 were assessed to be stand alone sites but only 6 passed • MSF-B has acquired the Gene Expert Machine for BBH • Support and supervision visits being conducted quarterly

  32. Challenges • High workload versus staff shortage • Shortage of fuel for support and supervision • Management of MDR-TB • High defaulters

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