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This overview provides information on monitoring activities, issues, and programs related to air pollution in the Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP) region. It covers common monitoring issues, ozone issues, federally-run programs, and tribal monitoring programs.
Monitoring Activities Overview Marc Pitchford NOAA & IMPROVE Steering Committee Chair Bruce Louks Idaho DEQ & WESTAR Monitoring Committee Chair Lewis McLeod NTEC & WRAP Co-Director
Select information presented from: “Perspectives on Measurement Systems” Rich Scheffe Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards U.S. EPA Acknowledgements:
Common Monitoring Issues within the WRAP Region • Large geographic area (both urban and rural) • Rapid growth, construction and traffic issues in urban areas • Large areas of agriculture • 120 of Nation’s 156 Class I Wilderness Areas located within WRAP • High levels of O3, PM and toxics • Little regional planning (historically) • Topographical and meteorological issues unique to western landscapes • Shipping activity impacts west coast
Ozone Issues within the WRAP Region • Background levels influenced by offshore activity • Urban to rural transport issues • Rapid metropolitan growth • Emission reduction challenges • New ozone standard pushes more areas into non-attainment
Common Monitoring Issues with Monitoring Agencies • Reductions in total funding impact capacity • Uncertainty of funding (i.e. White House proposal v. continuing resolutions impact planning) • Re-direction of existing funds for new programs (e.g. lead, PM10-2.5, NCore) and additional STAG holdbacks impact discretionary monitoring • Monitoring agencies are being forced to find alternate funding sources to maintain networks (e.g. equipment replacement) • Programs are being compelled to compete for available funds (e.g. proposed IMPROVE reductions)
Unique Tribal Monitoring issueswithin the WRAP Region • Consistency of program funding • Tribal government and cultural protocols • Availability and access to Monitoring Data from other Jurisdictions • Varying geographical and topographic conditions • Reservation & BIA Road systems • Alaska Native Villages legal restraints • Adequate support for number of Tribes in WRAP Region
Scorecard for Air Pollution Trend/Exposure Monitoring Networks in the West A=excellent B=above average C=adequate D=substandard F=inadequate
Scorecard for Air Pollution Monitoring Issues in the West A=excellent B=above average C=adequate D=substandard F=inadequate
Goal: Manage National Forests from the adverse effects of air pollution Pollutants Measured: Digital cameras are used to document scene conditions Sampling Schedule: 15-minute (daily) Images from 0900, 1200, 1500 are qualitatively analyzed (year-round) Number of monitors 20 monitored vistas 15 within WRAP Air Quality Images(USDA Forest Service) http://www.fsvismages.com/
Goal: Preserve, protect, enhance and understand air quality in the National Park System Pollutants Measured: O3, meteorology Sampling Schedule: FRM Sites: continuous hourly averages (year-round) POMS: continuous hourly averages (May-Sept) Number of monitors Monitoring occurs in 60 National Parks (including POMS: Portable Ozone Monitoring Systems) 30 Parks within WRAP GPMP: Gaseous Pollutant Monitoring Program (National Park Service) http://www.nature.nps.gov/air/
Goal: Collect data on the chemistry of precipitation Pollutants Measured: H+, SO4, NO3, NH4, Cl-, base cations Sampling Schedule: weekly averages (year-round) Number of monitors 250+ sites across US, PR, VI 75 within WRAP NADP: National Atmospheric Deposition ProgramNTN: National Trends Network (Federal/State Agencies, Private Organizations) http://nadp.sws.uiuc.edu/nadpoverview.asp
Goal: Collect data on the amount of total mercury in precipitation Pollutants Measured: Hg Sampling Schedule: weekly averages (year-round) Number of monitors 90+ sites across US, Canada, Mexico 18 within WRAP 3 in Western Canada NADP: National Atmospheric Deposition ProgramMDN: Mercury Deposition Network (Federal/State Agencies, Private Organizations) http://nadp.sws.uiuc.edu/mdn/
Goal: Support climate research with measurements of the surface radiation budget over the US Pollutants Measured: Solar radiation, temperature Sampling Schedule: continuous 3-minute averages (year-round) Number of monitors 7 monitoring sites 4 within WRAP SURFRAD: Surface Radiation Network (NOAA) http://www.srrb.noaa.gov/surfrad/
Goal: Provide regionally representative measurements in the continental boundary layer Pollutants Measured: CO2, related gases Sampling Schedule: continuous 12-minute averages (year-round) Number of monitors 7 active monitoring sites 3 within WRAP Tall Tower Network (NOAA) http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/towers/
Goal: Acquire profiler and RASS data in near real-time to make available to the National Weather Service Pollutants Measured: Wind, RASS Sampling Schedule: continuous hourly averages (year-round) Number of monitors 76 active sites in US ~35 within WRAP CAP: Cooperative Agency Profilers (~30 Different Agencies) http://www.madis-fsl.org/cap/index.jsp
Goal: Establish monitors for criteria pollutants in accordance with The Clean Air Act Pollutants Measured: Criteria, meteorology Sampling Schedule: Continuous hourly averages for most met/gas 1-in-3 or 1-in-6 day 24 hour averages for most particulate Number of monitors 31 monitoring sites 25 within WRAP Tribal Monitors in AQS http://www4.nau.edu/tams/ http://www.epa.gov/ttn/airs/airsaqs/
Goal: Protect, preserve and enhance the culture and environmental resources of Tribal lands Pollutants Measured: PM2.5, meteorology Sampling Schedule: Continuous hourly averages Number of monitors 1 fixed monitoring site 2 portable E-BAMs for smoke monitoring Coeur d’Alene TribeAir Quality Program http://www.cdatribe.com/air.shtml
Goal: Monitor and help mitigate air pollution affecting Tribal health and the local community Pollutants Measured: PM2.5, meteorology Sampling Schedule: Continuous hourly averages Number of monitors 1 monitoring site in Boundary County Kootenai Tribe of IdahoAir Quality Program http://www.kootenai.org/air.html
Goal: Determine existing background concentrations of criteria pollutants Pollutants Measured: NO2, O3, CO, meteorology Sampling Schedule: Continuous hourly averages Number of monitors 2 monitoring sites in CO Southern Ute Indian TribeAir Monitoring Program http://www.southern-ute.nsn.us/SUEPD/Air_Quality_Ambient_Monitoring.htm
Goal: Develop long-term strategies for regulation development to protect air quality on the Swinomish Reservation Pollutants Measured: O3, SO2, NO2, meteorology Sampling Schedule: Continuous hourly averages Number of monitors Multiple monitoring sites Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Air Monitoring Program http://www.swinomish.org/departments/planning/environmental_compliance/air_quality/air_quality.html
Goal: Provide the public with easy access to national air quality information Data Reported: Air Quality Conditions Real-time O3, PM2.5 (hourly concentrations) Air Quality Forecasts AQI: Air Quality Index calculated number based on O3, PM, CO, SO2, NO2 concentrations Number of monitors 46 US States and parts of Canada present Air Quality Conditions 315 cities in the US are represented in AIRNow forecasting and AQI AIRNow (EPA, NOAA, NPS, Tribal, State and Local Agencies) http://airnow.gov/ http://www.airnowtech.org/index.cfm
Goal: Monitor dry acid deposition and rural, ground-level ozone Pollutants Measured: SO4, NO3, NH4, SO2, HNO3, O3, meteorology Sampling Schedule: weekly averages (O3 and met hourly) Number of monitors 80+ monitoring sites 26 within WRAP CASTNet: Clean Air Status and Trends Network (EPA, NPS, USDA FS, Tribes) http://www.epa.gov/castnet/
Goal: Study visibility impairment in National Parks and Wilderness Areas Pollutants Measured: PM2.5, PM10, Major Ions, Metals, Light Extinction, Scattering Coefficient Sampling Schedule: 1-in-3 day 24 hour concentrations (year-round) Number of monitors 178 sites across US 101 within WRAP IMPROVE: Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (EPA, Federal Land Managers, States, Tribes) http://vista.cira.colostate.edu/improve/
Goal: Characterize, prioritize, and equitably address impacts of HAPs on public health and environment Pollutants Measured: 6 “priority” and 18 “core” HAPs Sampling Schedule: 14-30 day samples Number of monitors 23 monitoring sites 6 within WRAP NATTS: National Air Toxics Trends Stations (EPA, State/Local Agencies) http://www.epa.gov/ttnamti1/natts.html
Goal: Incorporate advanced trace level monitors with long term criteria pollutant monitoring Pollutants Measured: PM2.5 speciated, PM10-2.5 O3,CO, SO2, NO, NOy, surface meteorology Sampling Schedule: 1-in-3 (24hr avg particulate) continuous (gaseous/PM2.5) Number of monitors 74 proposed sites 20 within WRAP Scheduled to be operational 1/1/2011 NCore: National Core Monitoring Network (EPA, States, Tribes) http://www.epa.gov/ttn/amtic/ncore/index.html
Goal: Monitor ozone precursors in large metropolitan areas Pollutants Measured: VOC, NOX, O3, meteorology Sampling Schedule: continuous hourly averages Number of monitors 57 monitoring sites 7 within WRAP PAMS: Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations(EPA, State and Local Agencies) http://epa.gov/cludygxb/programs/pam.html
Goal: Under the Clean Air Act each state is required to establish a monitoring network to monitor criteria pollutants Pollutants Measured: O3, NO2/NOX, SO2, PM10, PM2.5, CO, Pb Sampling Schedule: continuous hourly averages for gas/met PM and Pb variable (hourly – 24 hour averages; daily – 1-in-6 day) Number of monitors 3150 monitoring sites 5000+ monitors All WRAP states represented SLAMS: State and Local Ambient Monitoring Stations (EPA, States, Local Agencies, Tribes) http://www.epa.gov/cludygxb/programs/namslam.html
Goal: Study long term exposure to ambient air particles in urban areas Pollutants Measured: PM2.5, PM2.5 speciation, major ions, metals Sampling Schedule: 1-in-3 or 1-in-6 day 24 hour averages Number of monitors 308 sites across US 62 within WRAP STN: PM2.5 Speciation Trends Network (EPA, States, Tribes) http://www.epa.gov/ttn/airs/airsaqs/
Goal: Identify causes of air pollution in urban, rural and Tribal areas of Arizona Pollutants Measured: Particulate, gaseous, visibility Sampling Schedule: variable - continuous hourly averages to 24 hour average concentrations Number of monitors 124 monitoring sites (includes State, Local, Federal, Tribal monitors) State of Arizona Monitoring Network http://www.azdeq.gov/environ/air/index.html
Goal: Promote and protect public health, welfare and ecological resources through the effective and efficient reduction of air pollutants Pollutants Measured: Criteria, hydrocarbons, speciated aerosols Sampling Schedule: variable - continuous hourly averages to 24 hour average concentrations Number of monitors ~259 monitors California Air Resources Board http://www.arb.ca.gov/aaqm/aaqm.htm
Goal: Providing accurate scientific data concerning Oregon’s air quality to ensure the state meets NAAQS Pollutants Measured: CO, NO2, O3, TSP, PM10, PM2.5, Pb, other air toxics, Light scattering Sampling Schedule: variable - continuous hourly averages to 24 hour average concentrations Number of monitors ~40 monitoring sites (in conjunction with Federal & Local agencies and Lane Regional Air Protection Agency) State of Oregon Monitoring Network http://www.deq.state.or.us/lab/aqm/airMonitoring.htm
Goal: Determine compliance with NAAQS Pollutants Measured: Particulate matter, O3, SO2, NO2, air toxics Sampling Schedule: variable - continuous hourly averages to 24 hour average concentrations Number of monitors 11 monitoring sites (including SLAMS, SPM, and PSD monitoring sites) State of South Dakota Monitoring Network http://www.state.sd.us/denr/DES/AirQuality/Monitoring/state-mo.htm
Goal: Protect, conserve and enhance the quality of Wyoming’s air resource Pollutants Measured: Particulate, gaseous, visibility Sampling Schedule: variable - continuous hourly averages to 24 hour average concentrations Number of monitors ~200 monitors (includes SLAMS, SPM, Industrial, IMPROVE and NCore monitoring sites) State of Wyoming Monitoring Network http://deq.state.wy.us/aqd/Monitoring%20Data.asp
Goal: Determine nature and extent of air pollutants Pollutants Measured: SO2, CO, NO2, O3, PM2.5 speciated, TSP, PM10, VOC Sampling Schedule: variable Number of monitors 177 monitoring sites NAPS: National Air Pollution Surveillance Network (Environment Canada & Provinces) http://www.etc-cte.ec.gc.ca/NapsStations/Default.aspx
Goal: Determine spatial patterns and temporal trends of pollutants related to acid rain and smog Pollutants Measured: PM, PM2.5 speciated, PM10, particulate ions, HNO3, SO2, O3, NO, NO2, NOY, PAN Sampling Schedule: variable Number of monitors 24 monitoring sites CAPMoN: Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network (Environment Canada & Provinces) http://www.msc-smc.ec.gc.ca/capmon/index_e.cfm
Goal: Describe spatial and temporal variations in gaseous mercury and mercury in precipitation Pollutants Measured: Total gaseous Hg, elemental Hg in precipitation Sampling Schedule: continuous Number of monitors 12 monitoring sites CAMNet: Canadian Atmospheric Mercury Measurement Network (Environment Canada) http://www.msc.ec.gc.ca/arqp/camnet_e.cfm
Goal: Provide long-term observations of atmospheric chemicals at locations representative of major atmospheric regimes across the country Pollutants Measured: Greenhouse gases, smog-related gases, aerosols, O3, VOC, aldehydes, PM2.5, PM10, meteorology Sampling Schedule: variable Number of monitors 6 monitoring sites CORE Network Database (Environment Canada) http://www.msc.ec.gc.ca/natchem/core/index_e.html
Goal: Provide summaries of criteria pollutant data of monitors within 100km of the U.S.-Mexico border Pollutants Measured: CO, O3, NO2, SO2, PM10, TSP, Pb Sampling Schedule: variable (year-round) Number of monitors 34 monitoring sites 33 border WRAP States U.S./Mexico Border MonitorsIncluded in EPA AQS http://epa.gov/ttn/catc/cica/airq_e.html
Scorecard for Air Pollution Trend/Exposure Monitoring Networks in the West A=excellent B=above average C=adequate D=substandard F=inadequate