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PROVINCIAL INSTITUTE FOR NATURE CONSERVATION Novi Sad. REHABILITATION OF WATER HABITATS OF THE NATURE PARK „JEGRIČKA”. From the standpoint of the expert supervision of the project "Environmental water management in the plains". 27.03.2014 Novi Sad.
PROVINCIAL INSTITUTE FOR NATURE CONSERVATION Novi Sad REHABILITATION OF WATER HABITATS OF THE NATURE PARK„JEGRIČKA” From the standpoint of the expert supervision of the project "Environmental water management in the plains" 27.03.2014 Novi Sad Tanja Bošnjak, independent expert for protection in the field of hydrology Nedeljko Kovačev, adviser for conservation of nature
Basic characteristics of the area Provincial Institute for Nature Protection performs the protection of nature and natural resources that are whole or greater part of theirarea within the territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. arakoja se celomilivećimdelomsvojepovršinenalazenateritorijiAutonomnepokrajineVojvodine. Vojvodina is located in the south-eastern part of the PannonianPlain; It belongsto the Pannonianbiogeographical region (holds 9% of the region) It represents acomplex variety of habitat types that are geomorphological, pedological, hydrological, climatic, historical and anthropogenically conditioned. Typical agricultural area
Protected areas Protected areas are areas that have a strong geological, biological, ecosystem and / or landscape diversity and are important as habitats for birds and other migratory species important in accordance with international regulations. In the total area of Vojvodina (2,150,600 ha), protected areas cover about 129 481.67 ha (6.02%). Nature park Jegrička These are: - strict nature reserve - a special nature reserve - a national park - a monument of nature - a protected habitat - area of exceptional importance, - a nature park.
Nature Park Nature Park Article34 "Nature Park is an area of well-preserved natural values with mostly preserved natural ecosystems and scenic landscapes, designed to ensure the overall geological, biological and landscape diversity, as well as meeting the scientific, educational, spiritual, aesthetic, cultural, tourism, health recreational needs and other activities coordinated with the traditional way of life and the principles of sustainable development. Economicand other activities and actions that threaten thebasic characteristics and values of the park are not allowed. Protection measures, performance of economic activities and the use of natural resources in the nature park, are specified inthe act of protected areas. "
The declaration of protection of the Nature Park "Jegrička" • During 2004 and 2005,the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia has made a study of the protection of the NaturePark "Jegrička" • Based on these studies municipalities Žabalj, Temerin, Vrbas and BačkaPalanka brought the act to declare the protection of Jegrička, i.e.thedecision on the Protection of Nature Park "Jegrička" ('' Official Gazetteof Žabalj'' ,, 2005, ...) • During 2012,the audit was done of NP "Jegrička" protection when the Regional Institute for the Protection of Nature made a new document basis-care study, which this protected area proposed for Category II protection, and a decision on declaring will be given by the Government of AP Vojvodina
Nature Park „Jegrička“ In the past Jegričkarepresented a series of pondslinked with larger or shorter recesses. Valley Jegričkawas in its former-natural regime more than 100 km long and had a basin of 144 200 ha, representing such a large swamp which acted as a collector and surge waterfrom the upper surface to the Tisza. SLIV JEGRIČKE A series of hydraulic activities, ranging from the late 17th century, such as the construction of a canal, which cuts off the flows ofJegričkafrom the north, digging the canal Mali Stapar - Novi Sad which cut off the main stream and right tributary, digging a network of drainage canals and engaging part ofJegričkainto the Main Canal Network of the Danube - Tisa - Danube (MCN HS DTD), have led to changes in the natural basin of Jegričkaparticularly in its reduction and significant changes in the water regime.
Jegrička in the system MCN HS DTD and ... With the constructionof the Danube-Tisa-Danube Canal, Jegrička has become its integral part. Water regime within the entire hydro system is maintained by a synchronised regulation weirs maneuverand pumping stations. Specificity of Jegričkariver is that it is a channeled stream with controlled regime that has complex hydro and ameliorative functions, but at the same time, because of its natural values, it is a protected area with the status of a nature park.
....and as a Nature Park „Jegrička“ Because of its natural specificity and conservation, there are three areas identified in the NP „Jegrička“: Whole A: Includes a channeled part of Jegrička from km 64 +163 to km 30 +000, with the immediate environment. There is a specified protection level IIIin the stated sector. Whole B: Includes part of Jegričkawith preserved natural features of lowland rivers from 30 +000 to 15 +000 km protection regime II level. Whole V: Includes lower stream of Jegričkafrom 15 +000 to 0 +000 km converted into the pond and surrounding area - protection regime III level and the island in the pond - protection regime II level.
State of the environment of areas inside the NP "Jegrička" Jegrička river is mostly surrounded by agricultural arable land, and flows through populated areas (Ravno Selo andZmajevo). • Jegričkariver quality is under the direct influence: • recessed wastewater from settlements, farms, industry, • water drainage system, which gravitates toward the stream, • different activities in the catchment area (agriculture, transport, etc..). The cumulative impact of human activities on water area Jegričkais seen from the change of state of water and leads to the deterioration of certainelements of quality, silting, fouling and clogging of individual stocks.
The need to protect, preserve and improve the natural resources of the protected area is defined by appropriate measures and activities within the protected area in accordance with the degree of protection regimes. The project "Environmental water management in the plains" The project "Environmental water management in the plains", whose main activity is the removal of accumulated sediment from water courses in order to revitalise and improve the ecological status of water courses, is in accordance with the above requirements.
Pursuant to the Act on the Protection of NP "Jegrička„, in the field of the protection regime III level,, activities and works on regular maintenance of Jegrička beds and banks,i.e. activities on mud removal and removing excess vegetation are regulated, among others.. Protection measures je kao lokacija određen prostor inspekcione staze uz vodotok. Depending on the results of physico-chemical and biological analysis of the sludge, the law prescribes the location of the deposit of silt. With established monitoring, inspecting tracks along the watercourse.were designated as inspected area. After decantation period the deferred sludge is outplanned. izdati su uslovi zaštite prirode i obavljan stručni nadzor nad navedenim aktivnostima. In accordance with the prescribed regimens and safeguards, in order that the works comply with the need to preserve the natural values of the Nature Park "Jegrička", nature protection conditions were issued and supervision of these activities was performed.
Protection measures The Decreewith the terms of the Provincial Institute for Nature Protection
By the professionalsupervision it was noted that the workson Jegričkawatercourses mud removalwere made in accordance with: the Project"Extract from the MainProjectof Rehabilitationof Jegrička Watercourses from km 15 +518 to km 48 +556, for stretches of rivers from km 37 +892 to km 44 + 015 '; Expert supervision of the Provincial Institute for Nature Protection • By a Decreeon the protection of nature of the Provincial Institute for Nature Conservation under no. 100/2 of the day 08.03.2013. • Monitoring was carried out in accordance with the Agreement between the Fund "European Affairs„and Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (registered under no. 292/2013-03/1 of the day 14.08.2013) andthe Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection Sciences - Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Trg D. Obradovic 3 (under no.0601-87/5-35 dated 14.08.2013 respectively).
Two reports were made, there is one remaining after mud outplanning. Expert supervision of the Provincial Institute for Nature Protection • The case report is to supervise the worksand the constant scrutiny of the papers and the results of monitoring. • Works on mud removal started on 19.09.2013, and were completed on 31.12.2013.
During mud removal terrapins were found, which were taken out with silt from the riverbed Jegrička. Some of them were returned to the watercourse, and the other part was evacuated to shelter wildlife ZOOPark Palić, in accordance with the weather conditions in the period of mud removal. Terrapin A total of eighteen (18) terrapins, which stayed at the shelter during the winter, returned to the JEGRIČKA in the mid of March, when the conditions for their return to their natural habitat were met.
Conclusion and activities ahead By removingsuspended sediment and sludge removal of vegetative mass,that is the cause of creating a delay in flow of water JEGRIČKA, a better flow of water and water quality for wildlife of this water body is accomplished. Upcoming activities in the conservation of project achieved positive results and the revitalisationof the area are: - Mud outplanning - establishingthe protective zone (buffer) with the water flow to the fields and bankwatercourses that are in the area of interactive influences from the protected area, by which the current state due to activities will be preserved as long as possible.
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