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ETIQUETTE OF EATING & DRINKING. GENERAL ETIQUETTES. 1. Eat ONLY what is pure & lawful. Tayyib = Pure Lawful Clean Wholesome Nourishing
Tayyib = Pure Lawful Clean Wholesome Nourishing Pleasing to the taste FI-SABILILLAH
Khabeeth= Bad Impure Unlawful FI-SABILILLAH
“ O you who believe! Eat of the Tayyibat(good & lawful things) that We have provided you.” [ Al-Baqarah 2:172 ] The Prophet (saw) once advised Mu’aath (ra) saying: “O Mu’aath! Eat what is Tayyib& your Du’aa will be answered.” FI-SABILILLAH
2.Have good intentions when eating & drinking FI-SABILILLAH
3.Avoid Extravagance & greediness FI-SABILILLAH
“… and eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allah) likes not Al- Musrifuun(those who waste by extravagance)” [ Al-A’raf 7 :51 ] “Do not be a wasteful spender. Verily the spendthrifts are brothers of the shaitaan (devils) and the shaitaan is ever ungrateful to his Lord” [ Al-Isra 17 : 27 ] FI-SABILILLAH
Narrated by MiqdaamIbn’ Ma’deeKarib (r.a): He heard the Prophet (pbuh) said “A human being has never filled a container that is worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to have just that amount of morsels that cause his back, to remain upright. But if there is no escape (he wants more), then 1/3 for his food, 1/3 for his drink, and 1/3 for his breathing” [ Tirmidhi #2380 ] FI-SABILILLAH
Feed the hungry & help the poor Share your food Never think that you don’t have enough food to share with others “Feed the hungry, visit the sick & help release the captive (who was captured by the enemies of Islam) FI-SABILILLAH
5. Wash your hands before & after eating 6. Eat together FI-SABILILLAH
ETIQUETTES WHILE EATING & DRINKING 1. Mention Allah (swt)’s Name before eating FI-SABILILLAH
“ Satan considers the food to be lawful for him to eat on which Allah’s Name was not mentioned…” [ Abu Dawud, An-Nisai ] What is the Dua if one forgets to read “Bismillah” in the beginning??? FI-SABILILLAH
2.Eat with your Right hand WHY???? FI-SABILILLAH
“When one of eats, let him eat using the right hand, and when he drinks, let him drink with the right hand. For the devil eats with his left hand & drinks with the left hand.” FI-SABILILLAH
3. Eat from your side of the plate WHY???? • Do not criticize food 5.Avoid eating & drinking while reclining on your side FI-SABILILLAH
6. Avoid eating & drinking while standing FI-SABILILLAH
Narrated by Anas (r.a): The Prophet (pbuh) forbade us from drinking while standing. Qatadah reported: We asked him, “What about eating?” he said, “That is even worse (or maybe he said) more detestable” [ RiyadhusSaliheen, chapter 114 #771 ] FI-SABILILLAH
7.Do not drink in one go & do not breathe into the drinking vessel WHY??? 8. Give thanks & praise to Allah (swt) for the food & drink “Allah (swt) is pleased with the servant who eats some food & praises Him for it or takes a drink & praises Him for it.” FI-SABILILLAH
DUAAFTER EATING 1. Al-Hamdulillahihamdankatheerantayyibanmubaarakanfeeh. Ghayramakfiyyinwalaamuwadda’inwalaamustaghnan’anhuRabbunaa. “All praise is due to Allah. Praise that is abundant, good & blessed. We cannot do without Him, we cannot dispense with Him & we are in need of Him. He is our Lord!” FI-SABILILLAH
2. Al-Hamdulillahil-latheeat’amanaawasaqaanaa, wasawwaghahu, waja’alalahumakhrajan. “All praise is due to Allah, Who has given us food & drink, & He allowed it & made an exit for it.” FI-SABILILLAH