1. The Life of Charles Simic
2. Charlie's family Charles was born in Yugoslavia on May 9, 1938. He lived with his mother but joined his father in the U.S in 1953. He was drafted to the army so Charles was soon seperated from his family again. Charles is still alive today.
3. Education and contributions to American literature In 1966 Charles earned his bachelor’s degree from New York University.
Charles is now a professor of English at the University of New Hampshire.
He was a guest editor of The Best American Poetry 1992.
4. Charles Simic’s work » Private Eye» Read Your Fate» The School Of Metaphysics» The Something» Summer In The Country» The Supreme Moment» Talking To Little Birdies» This Morning» To The One Upstairs» Watermelons | 3 Comments» Wherein Obscurely» White» The White Room» The Wooden Toy
5. Simic’s awards Walking the black cat was a finalist in the national book award in poetry
The world doesn’t end:Prose poems was a piece of work that Charles got the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry.
Charles was elected a Chancellor of The Academy of American Poets in 2000.
Some of his other awards include fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts
6. WORK CITED http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?45442B7C000C040D