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Review of 2010 – 2011 FCAT Data. Together we can make every minute count. School Grade Calculation. 1 point is earned for each % of students making…. Scoring at FCAT Level 3, 4, or 5. HIGH STANDARDS. Ways to Make a Learning Gain Score at a higher achievement level
Review of 2010 – 2011 FCAT Data Together we can make every minute count.
School Grade Calculation 1 point is earned for each % of students making… Scoring at FCAT Level 3, 4, or 5 HIGH STANDARDS Ways to Make a Learning Gain Score at a higher achievement level Maintain a proficient achievement level Students at Achievement Level 1 or 2 demonstrate a year’s worth of growth through increased developmental scale scores. (excluding retakes) LEARNING GAINS. LEARNING GAINS OF LOWEST 25% Extra point is awarded to lowest 25 percent of students that make a learning gain.
Silver Bluff Elementary SchoolReport Card GRADING SCALE A 525 or more points B 495 - 524 C 435 - 494 D 395 - 434 F 394 or fewer points SBES earned 472 points = C.
School Performance Grade A A A C Points Earned C
Reading Trends HIGH STANDARDS (Level 3 and above) LEARNING GAINS (A Year’s Growth) NCLB: AYP Proficiency Targets 2010-2011: 79% 2011-2012: 86% 2012-2013: 93% 2013-2014: 100% 2 1 3 LEARNING GAINS OF LOWEST 25%
Mathematics Trends HIGH STANDARDS (Level 3 and above) LEARNING GAINS (A Year’s Growth) NCLB: AYP Proficiency Targets 2010-2011: 79% 2011-2012: 86% 2012-2013: 93% 2013-2014: 100% 2 1 3 LEARNING GAINS OF LOWEST 25%
Writing Trends HIGH STANDARDS (Level 3 and above) 1
HIGH STANDARDS (Level 3 and above) Science Trends 1
Grade 3 Reading FCAT 2.0 Categories Which content category should be emphasized in fourth grade? • CATEGORY 2: • READING APPLICATION • NGSSS: • Authors’ Purpose • Main Idea & Details • Sequencing • Comparisions • Cause/Effect • Similarities • Themes across Texts
Grade 3 Mathematics FCAT 2.0 Categories What do data trends show for third graders in math? Third graders tend to score lowest in GEOMETRY & MEAUREMENT. Third graders tend to score highest in FRACTIONS.
Grade 4 Reading FCAT 2.0 Categories Which two content categories have the greatest number of test questions on the Grade 3-5 FCAT Reading? • CATEGORY 2: • READING APPLICATION • CATEGORY 3: • LITERARY ANALYSIS • FCAT DESIGN : • 25-35% of raw score points come from each content category.
Grade 4 Mathematics FCAT 2.0 Categories Which content categories had the greatest decline During the 2011 administration? CATEGORY 2: GEOMETRY & MEASUREMENT
Grade 5 Reading FCAT 2.0 Categories Which content category evidenced the greatest increase on the 2011 Grade 5 FCAT Reading? • CATEGORY 1: • VOCABULARY • FCAT 2.0: • Context Clues • Synonyms, Antonyms • Analyize words in text • Multiple Meanings
Grade 5 Mathematics FCAT 2.0 Categories Which content category demonstrated an increase on the 2011 FCAT Mathematics test? CATEGORY 2: MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY
Grade 5 Science FCAT 2.0 Categories What trend does the Science data show?
ADEQUATE YEARLY PROGRESS Your own footer Your Logo
NCLB: Adequate Yearly Progress Criteria for meeting AYP: A minimum of 95% of students tested Meet the state’s annual objective for Reading & Math Proficiency. For 2012 86% must demonstrate high standards in each participating SUBGROUPS. 1 2 Improve performance in writing by 1% 3 High schools must improve graduation rate by 2% 4 SAFE HARBOR & GROWTH MODEL are provisions designed to help schools make AYP if above criteria is not met. Safe Harbor: Demonstrate a 10% decrease in the number of non-proficient students. Growth Model: Deems students to be “on track to be proficient” based on a 3 year growth trajectory model.
2011 AYP PERFORMANCE DATA Silver Bluff is a Correct 2 SINI meaning AYP has not been met in eight years. SINI status grants parents PublicSchool Choice Options.
Review of 2010 – 2011 FCAT Data Together we can make every minute count.