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Team & Corporate Partner

Teaching Climate Change t hrough Role -Play – The e xample of the CEMS Climate Change Strategy Course IGEE October 19 ‐ 21 | 2011 Hans C. Curtius, University of St.Gallen. Team & Corporate Partner.

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  1. Teaching Climate Change throughRole-Play –The exampleoftheCEMS Climate Change StrategyCourse IGEE October 19 ‐ 21 | 2011 Hans C. Curtius, University ofSt.Gallen

  2. Team & Corporate Partner • Rolf Wüstenhagen, Melissa Paschall, Rafael Sarda, Alice Bisiaux, Stefanie Heinzle, Elmar Friedrich, Hans Curtius, Swiss Federal Office of the Environment (José Romero, Mike Weibel), Jürgen Brücker, Maciej Cygler, oikos International, Benjamin Tischler, Devrim Seitz, Alena Zhaliazniak, and many others have made significant contributions to developing and/or implementing this role play. Corporate andother Partners: • Swiss International Air Lines: • SponsorshipofflightticketstoBarcelona for all studentsfromSt.Gallen • Swiss Federal Office forthe Environment • Financial supportforcoursedevelopment

  3. Overview 1 Background & Motivation 2 Learning Objectives 3 Course Design 4 Overview Curriculum 5 Course Outline: Lesson 1-8 6 Role-Play

  4. Background & MotivationClimate Change: Despite uncertainties, increasing evidence for a significant challenge 2010: 393 ppm Source: IPCC

  5. ClimateChange: A continuedpolicychallenge Source: Ann Florini, NUS, 2010

  6. ClimateChange: A potential economicchallenge • Sir Nicholas Stern: • Cost of Stabilizing Climate = 1 % of global GDP • Cost of Doing Nothing = 5-20 % of global GDP Source: http://www.occ.gov.uk/activities/stern_papers/Key%20Elements%20of%20a%20Global%20Deal%20-Final01may.pdf Conclusion: A limited investment can help avoid large damage.

  7. Background & Motivation Education forSustainable Development – UNESCO Criteria • Critical and creative thinking • Oral, written and graphic communication • Collaboration and cooperation • Conflict management • Decision-making, problem-solving and planning • Using appropriate technology, media and communication tech • Civic participation and action • Evaluation and reflection Many of the criteria for effective education for sustainable development are poorly met by traditional forms of classroom lecturing. • Role plays have become popular in teaching IR, and other disciplines, including management education to some degree. • Role Plays allow for “learning by doing”

  8. Learning Objectives • To understand climate change and the challenges it presents • To provide insight into the processes of international negotiation • To build negotiation skills for use in a variety of contexts • To understand the impact of climate change on business, and vice versa • To develop creative and workable new solutions for climate negotiations

  9. Course Design • Course is integrated in CEMS-MIM curriculum as well as curriculum of 3-5 CEMS partner schools • The CEMS Master’s in International Management (CEMS MIM) is a postgraduate, pre-experience degree open to a select group of students enrolled on a Master’s program in one of 26 leading universities/ business schools • Course consists of four modules: • Module 1: Scientific background • Module 2: Climate Change & Business • Module 3: NegotiationSkills • Module 4: Model UNFCCC – 2 day Event in • Barcelona (or Berlin) • 10-30 students from each participating CEMS school • 4 CEMS universities in 2011 (University of St. Gallen, ESADE Barcelona, University of Cologne and Warsaw School of Economics) taught in parallel at participating schools all participantsmeet in onelocation

  10. Course Outline: Lesson 1 HSG Schedule of 2011. Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Rolf Wüstenhagen • Introduction of Participants • Course format overview • The Science of Climate Change • What is causing it? • Is there sufficient past evidence? • What is the forecast? •  The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) • Impacts and Effects of Climate Change • Purpose: • Introduce Topic • Describe scientific background • Make students aware of challenges related to climate change

  11. Course Outline: Lesson 2 • Climate News of the Week • Climate Policy and the UNFCCC • History and Context of the UNFCCC • Description of the Kyoto Protocol and its flexible mechanisms: Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Joint Implementation (JI) & EU ETS • US ClimatePolicy • Climate Economics • Stern Review ofClimateChange • McKinsey GHG AbatementCurve • Purpose: • Connect science with practice • Explain key issues in the climate debate • Back to practice: Effect of climate change on business

  12. Course Outline: Lesson 3 • Options for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation • Socio-economic implications of Climate Change • Putting adaptation and mitigation into perspective • The Roleof Business • Doing Business in a Changing Climate • Guest Speech: GieriHinnen, SWISS Airline, Manager Environmental and Aeropolitical Affairs • Purpose: • Deepen knowledge about Climate Negotiation Process • Explain relevance of topic for the (Swiss) economy

  13. Course Outline: Lesson 4 (I) The Role of Business in Global Climate Policy l Guest Speech Jose Romero, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, Head of Swiss delegation at COP16: “Environmental Diplomacy: Negotiating the International Climate Change Regime” Guest Speech David Bresch, SwissRe, Member of Swiss Delegation at COP16: “Climate Change Uncertainty and Risk: from Probabilistic Forecasts to Economics of Climate Adaptation“ Task: “Calculate your carbon footprint“

  14. Course Outline: Lesson 4 (II)

  15. Course Outline: Lesson 5 • Exam • Exam will test: • Technical knowledge of the Kyoto Protocol and the UNFCCC • Scientific knowledge on climate change • Awareness of how both governments and businesses view the issues of climate change • Understanding of how different parties interact in negotiations • Play: Negotiating Swiss Climate Policy • Student Assignments „Background Paper“ & „Position Paper“ • Purpose: • Test knowledge of students on key terms and topics • First Role Play Experience

  16. Course Outline: Lesson 5 - Exam - 1. Multiple Choice Example: Which of the following is not an Annex-I country? (4 points) Singapore United States of America Greece Switzerland 2. Open Question Example: How does climate change present a business opportunity? (6 points) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  17. Course Outline: Lesson 5 Play: Negotiating Swiss Climate Policy • The Swiss Government rejects a popular initiative "Volksinitiative für ein gesundes Klima" that requests a 30 % domestic reduction of carbon emissions from fossil fuel use by 2020 and instead suggests a 20 % reduction (30 % if others join), half of which shall be achieved domestically. • Parliament is discussing whether to support or reject the initiative. • 7 students represent political parties • 5 students comment from interest group perspective • 2 media observers will comment the results

  18. Course Outline: Lesson 6 • Negotiation Skills Training • Two-Party Negotiation Theory • Mutual Gains Approach • Emotional Aspect of Negotiation • Multiparty Negotiation Theory • Purpose: • Prepare for Negotiation Simulation • Teach Negotiation Tactics

  19. Course Outline: Lesson 7 • Students‘ Background Presentations • Background Paper: approximately 10-12 pages. • Presentation: 15 minutes, plus 5 for discussion. • Criteria: • Basic facts: location, geography, wealth, size, key industries, political system. • What negotiating positions has your party taken up in the past? For instance, what is your status with regard to the Kyoto Protocol? At COP-15? • Have any recent economic, political, or societal changes affected these positions? • To which official and unofficial coalitions have you belonged? • Are there any opinion polls that reveal public attitudes toward climate change among your constituents? How much does public opinion influence your position? • Are there key industries whose stance would affect your position? • What is your experience with domestic climate policies? • Purpose: • Student inform about background of their assigned Role

  20. Course Outline: Lesson 8 • Confidential Feedback for the Position Paper • Maximum paper (1 page): • includes all the points/views that your party would like to state, but compromise on these points is possible • I.e. the financial and environmental • Shared publicly. • Minimum paper (1 page): • Compromises inherent in negotiation. • Includes the points which are most important to your specific party, and from which you will not deviate. • Not made public. • Final preparation for the simulation • Purpose: • Student inform about background of their assigned role

  21. Role-Play Assigning Roles

  22. Role-Play Agenda Day 1 & 2 in 2011

  23. Role-Play Agenda Day 3

  24. Role-Play

  25. Live blogging by oikos media team • Be informed • Students learn how important role media plays in negotiations • Possibility to shape external conditions around negotiations via press releases • Get involved • A great experience for students • Other students and audience can be involved via a live blogging from the event http://barcelonaprotocol.blogspot.com/ http://barcelonaprotocol2011.blogspot.com/ http://berlinprotocol.blogspot.com/

  26. Media Video Example – Live Blog of 2009: Comment by the representative of the Nuclear Energy lobby in France, P. Dillier on: Nuclear Plant Hit By Airbus A 380* This is a fictitious event. The story was developed in the context of the simulation of the UNFCCC in Barcelona.

  27. Diditwork? – StudentsFeedback “Never have I experienced a learning process as effective as the one in this course.” - Ida Sundahl, Student in 2009 “In comparison with all the courses I have taken since I started studying at university, I can clearly say that this was by far the best course I have ever taken part of. [...] This course gave me a clear hint on where my future career path should go.” – Estelle Tanner, Student in 2011 „The seminaroffered an excellent mix ofacademiclectures, businesspresentationsandthe brillant negotiationsimulationeventwherepreviousknowledgecouldbedeepenedandnewknowledgeacquired.“ – ConstantinHille, Student in 2010

  28. What‘s Next? • Negotiation Simulation (probably) in Barcelona • Increasenumberofparticipatingschools • Next year: HSG , ESADE , Cologne , Warsaw , Budapest , Rotterdam? • Coordinate2012 curriculumwith (new) Universities. • Incorporateincreasingcomplexity.

  29. Thankyouforyourattention! Good Energies Chair for Management Renewable Energies Institute for Economy and the Environment University of St.Gallen Tigerbergstasse 2 St. Gallen, Switzerland e-mail: hans.curtius@unisg.ch Hans C. Curtius Research Assistant Page

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