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Encouraging Hospital Association Participation in the Hospital Campaign Dec. 10, 2013

Encouraging Hospital Association Participation in the Hospital Campaign Dec. 10, 2013. Host. Health Resources and Services Administration’s Division of Transplantation (DoT)

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Encouraging Hospital Association Participation in the Hospital Campaign Dec. 10, 2013

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  1. Encouraging Hospital Association Participation in the Hospital CampaignDec. 10, 2013

  2. Host • Health Resources and Services Administration’s Division of Transplantation (DoT) • part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services responsible for initiatives to increase the level of organ donation in this country. DoT sponsors the Hospital Campaign, which is a special effort of the national Workplace Partnership for Life (WPFL) initiative.

  3. Host • American Hospital Association • national organization serving 5,000 member hospitals, health care networks, and providers of care and 43,000 individual members. Through representation and advocacy, AHA ensures that members' perspectives and needs are heard and addressed in national health policy development, legislative and regulatory debates, and judicial matters. AHA is a national partner of the Workplace Partnership for Life Hospital Campaign.

  4. Communications Support • Akoya • communications support contractor that has provided HRSA with strategic communications and program support since the launch of the Workplace Partnership for Life initiative in 2001, helping HRSA design and manage campaigns that workplace partners use to educate and register employees as organ, eye, and tissue donors. Akoya helps many federal, non-profit, and commercial clients transfer information and engage target audiences on health, technology, policy, and market issues.

  5. Welcome and Introductions • Ken Alexander, Louisiana Hospital Association • Mary Ganikos, Division of Transplantation, HSB, HRSA • George Bergstrom, American Hospital Association Hospital Association Presentations • Nancy Robertson Cook, Arkansas Hospital Association • Kelly Hoover Thompson, The Hospital & Healthsystem Association of PA Question and Answer Session Resources and Contacts

  6. Campaign Goals • Partner hospitals and hospital associations with organ procurement organizations and Donate Life America affiliates to increase donor registration nationally • Create a hospital culture that regularly promotes donor registration • 300,000 new registrations nationally

  7. Enrolled Associations Michigan Health & Hospital Association Missouri Hospital Association New Mexico Hospital Association North Carolina Hospital Association Ohio Hospital Association South Carolina Hospital Association South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations The Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania Utah Hospital Association Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association West Virginia Hospital Association Arizona Hospital & Healthcare Association Arkansas Hospital Association California Hospital Association Colorado Hospital Association Delaware Healthcare Association Georgia Hospital Association Illinois Hospital Association Indiana Hospital Association Iowa Hospital Association Kentucky Hospital Association Louisiana Hospital Association Maryland Hospital Association

  8. Nancy Robertson Cook Director of Communications and Quality Services, Arkansas Hospital Association Kelly Hoover Thompson Sr. Director, Regulatory Advocacy, The Hospital & Healthsystem Association of PA

  9. A Quick Look at Arkansas Hospitals • 105 hospitals, 95 are Association members • 43 Community Hospitals (non-specialty) • 23 Urban • 20 Rural • 28 Critical Access Hospitals • 3 Level A Transplant Centers • 8 Level B Donor Hospitals • Many smaller Donor Hospitals, 3 new coming on board

  10. The Association and Our OPOs • Arkansas Hospital Association – 17 employees • 3 OPOs in the state • Arkansas Regional Organ Recovery Agency (ARORA) serving most of Arkansas, our main partner • Midwest Transplant Foundation in Memphis, serving some eastern border counties • Mid-America Transplant Services in St. Louis, serving St. Bernards Health System in Jonesboro • Our relationship? Partnership. It all began with “the Ask”

  11. A Quick Look at Pennsylvania Hospitals • 240+ Association Members • 296 Hospitals (includes specialty) • 239 Urban • 57 Rural • 13 Critical Access Hospitals • 18 Active Transplant Centers • Kidney (18) -- Lung (6) • Heart (9) --Pancreas (11) • Liver (13) --Intestine (2)

  12. The Pennsylvania Challenge • HAP • 3 regional offices: 75 employees • 1 federal contract with CMS: 7 employees • 1 state contract with DOH: 7 employees • 2 OPOs in the state • Center for Organ Recovery and Education (CORE) serving western PA and WV • Gift of Life (GOL) serving central and eastern PA, Delaware • Our relationship? Partnership--HAP-OPO-DOH • 40+ hospitals, Focus on Trauma

  13. How Does this Fit with Arkansas’s Mission? • It’s the right thing to do for our patients and their families • It’s the right thing to do for our hospitals (member service) • It enhances our hospitals’ visibility with each other and within the state

  14. How Does this Fit with HAP’s Mission? • Mission: To advocate for and provide services to Pennsylvania’s hospital and health systems as they strive to deliver safe, efficient quality health care to the patients and communities they serve. • Member Service • Technical support • Community Service • Enhance community visibility & partnerships • It’s why we do what we do—Association wide

  15. Arkansas’s 3-Point Approach • Communicate • Facilitate • Model

  16. Pennsylvania’s Approach • HAP • Policy and Regulatory Services • PR • HR—new health fair • CEO support • Unique time • Pending legislation • New 30 second campaign with Donate Life PA • Turnkey product—HRSA, OPOs, tailor to PA

  17. Benefit to Arkansas Hospitals (Members) • Recognition locally and statewide by their Association, part of our leadership role • Recognition for individual hospital teams who work so hard on local campaigns • Assistance in facilitation of campaigns through ongoing communication (sparks healthy competition) • They see the Association team modeling belief in organ, eye and tissue donation (leadership from the top down)

  18. ARORA2012 HHS Workplace Partnership Hospital Campaign BRONZE GOLD SILVER 20 Arkansas hospitals brought home awards for their staff and visitor sign-up campaigns. In all, 56 hospitals participated and nearly 2,250 new or updating donors registered.

  19. Benefits to Pennsylvania Hospitals (Members) • Recognition by the Secretary of Health & HAP • Recognition for individual hospital teams • Trophies and plaques • The Reminder: Donor Mom Testimony—a beautiful chapter in a tragedy • Healthy Competition—Fun, Smiles, Rewards • Coaching Calls—Encouragement • April to August 961 new registered donors • Making a difference

  20. PA Lessons Learned • Consider additional partners on our committee • Physicians, Community Health Centers, Clinics • OPOs are great for the member interface • HRSA had great supporting materials • Table tents, posters, etc. • Tracking is a challenge, DOH data helped • Be clear on the scorecard • Teams are creative! What counts? How many times? • Recognize, Recognize, Recognize at all levels

  21. AHA and HAP: Our Experience with the Workplace Partnership for Life

  22. Resources Available • Activity Guides • Email and Letter Templates • Web Artwork • Table Tents/Posters • Public Service Announcements • Participation Certificates • Videos www.organdonor.gov/howhelp/hospitalcampaign.html www.aha.org/advocacy-issues

  23. Contacts Ken Alexander kalexander@lha.org Nancy Robertson Cook nrcook@arkhospitals.org Kelly Hoover Thompson kthompson@haponline.org George Bergstrom gbergstrom@aha.org Mary Ganikos mganikos@hrsa.gov Rita Maldonado rmaldonado@hrsa.gov Genna McLaughlin genna@akoyaonline.com Shelly Morningstar shelly@akoyaonline.com

  24. Thank You!

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