Ypres By Hannah Tilsley
Bombs The German and the English would build a tunnel under ground near each others trenches and will put a bomb there with a very long string and will come out of the tunnel and then bang it blow up heaps of people they would die from these bombs. People find bombs from plowing their fields unexploded bombs and a they put them out side there houses and a truck comes and picks them up.
Where they slept It is was tiny, cold, wet and rats might be in there at night in was terrible what they had to sleep through you cant imagine it.
We also went to the cemetery were we saw 1 million or more people’s graves and 1 million or more names on the walls.
Church We went to the church where Hitler was recovering from an injury. its also where a saint is burried. out side it has a drawing of nz.
What I have learned When they sent post cards they couldn’t say much because the enemy sometimes would get the post cards and find out what they were up to. At Christmas they would stop war and would send over wine ,beer or food. I also found out that my Great Grandad had a Sunday roast and some of the enemy came out saying “We surrender please give us some food.” because they were starved and he got a medal for that.
Every night at 6pm they will have a ceramony to celebrate those people at war and at anzac day its packt.