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This study presents findings and analysis of educational data regarding student profiles, teacher performance, and program implementation. By using tables and weighted means, the data is interpreted to evaluate teacher competence in different aspects. The study also explores the impact of integrating technology on student academic performance and the relationship between teacher competence and student achievements.
Pre-Activity:1. What can you recall in presenting and interpreting the Data?
Competencies1. Presents data using appropriate instruments - CS_RS12-IId-g-12. Analyzes and interprets data in tabular andgraphical forms - CS_RS12-IId-g-2
TREATMENT OF DATA A. Profiling – Simple Percentage - presenting the data through frequency and percentage - usually presents a ready-made or available information - use Simple Percentage - results should be presented in table or figure - Follow the order of presentation in the sub problems
1.The profile of the fourth year high school students in terms of their: 1.1. age; 1.2. gender; 1.3. exposure to English language materials in the home; and 1.4. language use at home?
For profile - Profile Table reading only. Table 1 presents the profile of the students. In terms of gender, there are more female (53%) compared to male (47%).
B. Profiling through Weighted Mean • - presenting the level or extent of a unit, characteristics, behavior or performance of the respondents or observed group • - usually presents responses through the rating scale • - use Mean • - results should be presented in table or figure • - Follow the order of presentation in the sub problems
- Give the Table readingGive The Analysis- Give the Interpretation by borrowing results through related studies or observation or in-depth interview results- Explain the lowest and highest rated items (you may supplement with qualitative data through in-depth interview)
2. To what extent are the following areas of the universal kindergarten education program implemented in Bayawan East District: 2.1 Understanding Child Development; 2.2 Teacher-Child Interactions?
3.What is the performance of the teachers in the aspects: 3.1 Mastery of Subject Matter 3.2 Teaching technique 3.3 Classroom Management?
Table 1 presents the extent of the teaching competence of science teachers in the aspect of classroom management. The grand mean is 4.14 which is interpreted as Very Good. This means that the science teachers have efficient classroom management. According to Alejandro (1997), classroom management is necessary to establish organization in the class. Harmony and efficiency can only be attained if the teacher is a good classroom manager.
The lowest rated item in the aspect of Teaching Technique is “The use of experiments,” with a weighted mean of 2.20 interpreted as Fair. This means that the use of experiments to enhance the teaching is seldom use. Based on in-depth interview, one of the key informants said “We don’t have a laboratory in the school and equipment as well, so we are not using anything.” This implies that the lack of experiment delimits the teacher in teaching science.
Table 5 Test of Difference IN THE Oral communication between Male and Female Students
Table 2 presents the test of difference. The computed T is 1.42 which is lower than the table value of 3.21 and so the null hypothesis is accepted. This means that there is no significant difference in the male and female scores. This is aligned with the findings of Vidal (2009) stating that female could perform at par with male and that there is gender based competency on the writing performance.
1. What is the academic performance of the Grade V pupils in Science and Health before the integration of the Computer Aided Instruction in the following groups: 1.1 Control 1.1 Experimental 2. What is the academic performance of the Grade V pupils in Science and Health after the integration of the Computer Aided Instruction based on the two groups?
3. Is there a significant difference in the academic performance in Science and Health of the Grade V pupils after the implementation of Computer Assisted Instruction based on two groups?
4. Is there a significant relationship between the academic performance of grade six pupils in science and competence level of teachers;
Table 2 presents the test of relationship. The computed value is 4.65 which is higher than table value of 3. 64 and so the null hypothesis is rejected. This means that there is a significant relationship between the teaching and academic performance. This supports the idea of Tasna (2015) stating that teachers are factors that will make or break the students’ skills.
APPLICATION1. Based on the sub-problems, map out/simulate the tabular data in the following sub-problems:)
THE PROBLEM • Statement of the Problem • This study aims to determine the Motivation and Performance of Secondary School Teachers of Plaridel National High School, Baybay City Division, Baybay City. • Furthermore, it seeks to answer the following sub-inquiries: • 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: • 1.1 age; • 1.2 gender; • 1.3 civil status; • 1.4 highest educational attainment; • 1.5 length of service; and • 1.6 monthly income?
2. What is the extent of the intrinsic and extrinsic factors?
3) What is the teacher’s teaching performance based on the last year’s IPCRF: 2.1 teaching learning process; 2.2 pupils/students outcomes; 2.3 school and community involvement; and 2.4 professional growth and development?
4. Is there a significant relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic factors of motivation and the performance of Secondary Schools Teachers?