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Sociology Review JEOPARDY!

Test your knowledge of sociology with these questions covering key terms, theorists, and concepts in the field. From famous sociologists to vocabulary, challenge yourself in this fun review game!

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Sociology Review JEOPARDY!

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  1. Sociology ReviewJEOPARDY! S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  2. And the categories are… “What’s in a Name?”

  3. “Book ‘em Dan-O”

  4. “Words that begin with ‘S’”

  5. “Modge-Podge”

  6. “Terms and Vocabulary”

  7. What’s in a Name? Book ‘em Dan-o Words that Begin with “S” Modge -Podge Terms and Vocabulary 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  8. Final Jeopardy! the category is: Sanctions Make your wager now…

  9. …and the answer is: Praise and applause are types of this sanction. A: What is positive, informal?

  10. What’s in a Name?100 This French philosopher is considered the founder of sociology. A: Who is Auguste Comte? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  11. What’s in a Name? 200 This man produced the conflict theory that focuses on forces in society that promote competition and change. A: Who is Karl Marx? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  12. What’s in a Name? 300 This man said everyone was born with a clean slate – too bad they don’t stay that way! A: Who is John Locke? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  13. What’s in a Name? 400 This sociologist outlined 15 central American values – none of which were humorous! A: Who is Robin Williams? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  14. What’s in a Name? 500 The generalized other - or the internalized attitudes, expectations, and viewpoints of society - were described by this man. A: Who is George Mead? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  15. Book ‘em Dan-o100 This is any act that is labeled by those in authority, prohibited by law, and punishable by government. A: What is a crime? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  16. Book ‘em Dan-o 200 Rank the categories of criminals by the number of people in each category, least to greatest. Repeat, Juvenile, First Time, Adult A: What is First time, Juvenile, Adult, Repeat? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  17. Book ‘em Dan-o 300 We call this a mark of social disgrace. A: What is a stigma? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  18. Book ‘em Dan-o 400 Vandalism, larceny, and burglary are examples of this type of crime. A: What is property crime or crime against property? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  19. Book ‘em Dan-o 500 If you were to perform your first prank this week in school, but you did not get caught, you are exhibiting this type of deviance. A: What is primary? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  20. Words that begin with ‘S’100 If you have a socially defined position in a group or in society, you are said to have this. A: What is status? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  21. Words that begin with ‘S’ 200 The theory that suggests that people who commit deviant acts do so because there is a gap in what they can achieve and what they want to achieve… A: What is strain theory? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  22. Words that begin with ‘S’ 300 This is one of the major component of culture. A: What are Symbols? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  23. Words that begin with ‘S’ 400 When norms are enforced through sanctions and internalization we call it this. A: What is social control? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  24. Words that begin with ‘S’ 500 This is the most significant of the new American values. A: What is self-fulfillment? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  25. Modge-Podge100 Name two characteristics of adolescence. A: What is increased decision making, search for self, increased drug use, increased sexual activity? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  26. Modge-Podge 200 Social stratification is determined by these three things. A: What is wealth, power, prestige? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  27. Modge-Podge 300 An example of a primary group. A: What is family, best friends? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  28. Modge-Podge 400 Population density is a predictor of what adolescent problem. A: What is teenage sucicide – so is age and family history? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  29. Modge-Podge 500 Your likelihood of poverty is effected by which two characteristics. A: What is age and race? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  30. Terms and Vocabulary100 This occurs when people find new uses for an existing element. It’s not just a TV station. A: What is discovery? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  31. Terms and Vocabulary 200 In India, the caste system is based on this kind of social status. Think! There are two types of social statuses.Prince William has one… Tom Brady has the other. A: What is ascribed? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  32. Terms and Vocabulary 300 This is what we call the behaviors, attitudes and values that are characteristic of you as an individual… A: What is personality? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  33. Terms and Vocabulary 400 A society that relies on daily collection of wild plants and animals. A: What is hunting and gathering? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

  34. Terms and Vocabulary 500 When two or more people oppose each other to achieve a goal only one can attain. A: What is competition? S2C13 Jeopardy Review

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