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Exploring Animation Methods and Uses

Discover the diverse techniques and applications of animation, from frame-by-frame to morphing, path-based, and scripting-based animation. Explore the uses in entertainment, advertising, teaching, training, and more.

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Exploring Animation Methods and Uses

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  1. Methods and Uses of Animationlecturer:Kawther abas

  2. Frame-by-FrameAnimation Rapidly displaying images, or frames, in a sequence to create the optical illusion of movement. Digital animation is based on the frame by frame animation process. Example of a ballbouncing.

  3. Frame-by-FrameAnimation(Continued) • The quality of frame-based animation depends on the frame rate. • Frame Rate = Frames per Second  FPS= Smoother Action • The more frames per second, the smoother the motion appears.

  4. Methods of Animating

  5. MorphingAnimation • The term morphing comes from the word metamorphosis, which is the transformation of one thing into another. • The beginning image is inserted. • The ending image is inserted. • The computer performs the tweening to generate a sequence of images, each of which is slightly different from the one it follows to gradually morph the two objects. • For example, a photograph of one person might gradually morph into a picture of another person.

  6. The top two images show the beginning and ending images. The lower images show the older man morphing into the young boy. In business, morphing can be used for transitions between web pages or images. ExampleofMorphing Beginning Image Ending Image Finished Animation

  7. Path Based Animation Also called vector animation. An object follows a path which is a line, or vector, inserted by the animator. A motion path can include curves, loops, and angles. The computer calculates the correct position of the object as it moves along the path and generates the frames to create the animation.

  8. PathBasedAnimation(Continued) • Vector graphics or animated gifs can be used to create animations with very small file sizes. • The small file sizes make this type of animation very popular on the Web. • Many of the banner ads and embedded animations viewed on web sites use this technology because it loads so quickly and is easy to use.

  9. ProgrammingorScripting-BasedAnimation • Requires knowledge of a programming or scripting language. • Example: Rollover or Mouseover • When the mouse is moved over an image, it changes to a different image so quickly that it looks as if the change has occurred in a single instant. • Created by using scripting languages such as Javascript.

  10. ProgrammingorScripting-BasedAnimation (Continued) • Rollovers are extremely important for navigation buttons on user interface designs. • Examples • Web pages ■ CBT programs • Kiosks ■ CD-ROM Training • Games ■ CDs and DVDs.

  11. Stop Motion Animation • Process of manipulating real-world objects and photographing them one frame at a time. • Very popular method with the film industry until computer generated imagery became possible. • Now used mainly in clay animation. • Example • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Moving_Penny.gif

  12. Uses of Computer Animations

  13. Uses of Computer Animation • Entertainment • Films, computer games and virtual reality. • 3D graphics are popular for these types of animations because they are more realistic. • Virtual Reality is the use of technology to immerse a user into an artificial environment. • Interaction occurs when the user moves around and manipulates simulated 3D objects in the environment. • Requires high-quality graphics using 3D technology. • Requires high frame rates for smooth motion, and high image resolution for realistic detail.

  14. Uses of Computer Animation • Advertising • Animation can be used to catch the viewer’s eye. • Popular for banner ads on websites. • Selling – showcasing products or services. • Teaching – illustrating concepts or processes. • Training – simulating events or demonstrating techniques in presentations. • Examples: • http://www.looking-glass-animations.co.uk/example_animations.htm • http://www.looking-glass-animations.co.uk/

  15. Use Animation Appropriately • Before using an animation, be sure to answer the following questions: • Is it appropriate for the target audience? • Does it help deliver the message? • Is it overused? • Does it load quickly?

  16. 3D Graphics and Animation Software

  17. 3D Graphics and Animation Software The leading graphics programs designed specifically for creating and editing 3D images are: Xara 3D 3ds Max 4 Maya Blender Flash Cinema 4D These programs allow users to: Create live-action animation Bounce an object Zoom in or out of a scene Fade text or pictures in or out to create other animated effects.

  18. Design Frame-by-Frame Computer Animations NOTE: Before continuing with this presentation, open the 3.01C Frame-by-Frame Animation Using PowerPoint Presentation to view a completed animation.

  19. Use PowerPoint to Create Frame by Frame Animation • Insert a clipart image that is a vector file Hint: In Microsoft software, search for .wmf files. • Ungroup the image. • Edit the image then regroup it. • Copy the image and paste it onto the next slide. • Change the image or its location. • Repeat for several slides.

  20. PowerPointAnimation(continued) • Rehearse the timings. • Click on Slide Show, Rehearse Timings • Set the amount of time for each slide to display. • Set the Show to run continuously. • Click on Slide Show, Set Up Show • Check Loop Continuously Until Esc • Save and preview the animation.

  21. Create Animated Gifs • Many image editing programs can create animated gifs. • Examples: Adobe PhotoShop and Gimp • Steps: • Insert an image. • Copy it to a different layer and change the image or its position. • Repeat the layers until you are satisfied. • Save the file as an animated gif.

  22. Review Methods and Uses of Computer Animations • Methods of computer animations • Frame-by-Frame Animation • Morphing Animation – Uses shape tweening. • Path Animation - Uses motion tweening. • Programming and Scripting-Based Animation • Stop Motion Animation • Uses of computer animations • Advertising • Entertainment • Selling • Teaching • Training

  23. Computer Animation • An animation system may be high-level, low-level, or somewhere in between • High-level animation systems allow the animator to specify the motion in abstract general terms • Low-level systems requires the animator to specify individual moving parameters • High-level commands describe behavior implicitly in terms of events and relationships

  24. Medium-Level Animation • Medium-level animation techniques may generally be placed in one or more of the following categories • Procedural animation • control over motion specification achieved through use of procedures that explicitly define the movement as a function of time • Representational animation • not only can an object move through space, but the shape of the object itself may change

  25. Medium-Level Animation • There are two subsections of this category: • The animation of articulated objects • An articulated object is made up of connected segments or links whose motion relative to each other is somewhat restricted • Soft object animation • This includes the more general techniques for deforming and animating the deformation of objects

  26. Medium-Level Animation • Stochastic animation controls the general features of the animation by invoking stochastic processes that generate large amounts of low-level detail • This approach is particularly suited to particle systems. • In behavioral animation, the animator exerts control by defining how objects behave or interact with their environment

  27. Animating Articulated Structures • Older animation systems keyframe based • Newer animation systems use forward kinematics and inverse kinematics to specify and control motion • The characters themselves are constructed out of skeletons which resemble the articulated structures found in robotics

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