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Cellular Respiration Harvesting Chemical Energy

Cellular Respiration Harvesting Chemical Energy. ATP. What ’ s the point?. The point is to make ATP !. ATP. Harvesting stored energy. Energy is stored in organic molecules carbohydrates, fats, proteins Heterotrophs eat these organic molecules  food digest organic molecules to get…

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Cellular Respiration Harvesting Chemical Energy

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  1. Cellular RespirationHarvesting Chemical Energy ATP

  2. What’s thepoint? The pointis to makeATP! ATP

  3. Harvesting stored energy • Energy is stored in organic molecules • carbohydrates, fats, proteins • Heterotrophs eat these organic molecules  food • digest organic molecules to get… • raw materials for synthesis • fuels for energy • controlled release of energy • “burning” fuels in a series of step-by-step enzyme-controlled reactions

  4. glucose + oxygen  energy + water + carbon dioxide respiration ATP + 6H2O + 6CO2 + heat  C6H12O6 + 6O2 COMBUSTION = making a lot of heat energy by burning fuels in one step ATP glucose O2 O2 fuel(carbohydrates) Harvesting stored energy • Glucose is the model • catabolism of glucose to produce ATP RESPIRATION = making ATP (& some heat)by burning fuels in many small steps ATP enzymes CO2 + H2O + heat CO2 + H2O + ATP (+ heat)

  5. Oxidation removing H loss of electrons releases energy exergonic Reduction adding H gain of electrons stores energy endergonic oxidation  C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP reduction Oxidation & reduction

  6. + + oxidation reduction e- How do we harvest energy from fuels? • Digest large molecules into smaller ones • break bonds & move electrons from one molecule to another • as electrons move they “carry energy” with them • that energy is stored in another bond, released as heat or harvested to make ATP loses e- gains e- oxidized reduced + – e- e- redox

  7. e p loses e- gains e- oxidized reduced + – + + H oxidation reduction H  C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP H How do we move electrons in biology? • Moving electrons in living systems • electrons cannot move alone in cells • electrons move as part of H atom • move H = move electrons oxidation reduction e-

  8. O– O– O– O– P P P P –O –O –O –O O– O– O– O– O O O O NAD+ nicotinamide Vitamin B3 niacin O O H H C C NH2 C C NH2 N+ N+ reduction + H oxidation phosphates adenine ribose sugar Moving electrons in respiration • Electron carriers move electrons by shuttling H atoms around • NAD+NADH (reduced) • FAD+2FADH2 (reduced) NADH H carries electrons as a reduced molecule

  9. C6H12O6 + 6O2 ATP + 6H2O + 6CO2 Overview of cellular respiration • 3 metabolic stages • Anaerobic respiration 1. Glycolysis • respiration without O2 • in cytosol • Aerobic respiration • respiration using O2 • in mitochondria 2. Krebs cycle 3. Electron transport chain and chemiosmosis (+ heat)

  10. glucose      pyruvate 6C 3C 2x Glycolysis • Breaking down glucose • “glyco – lysis” (splitting sugar) • ancient pathway which harvests energy • where energy transfer first evolved • transfer energy from organic molecules to ATP • still is starting point for ALL cellular respiration • but it’s inefficient • generate only2 ATP for every 1 glucose • occurs in cytosol

  11. Evolutionary perspective • Prokaryotes • first cells had no organelles • Anaerobic atmosphere • life on Earth first evolved withoutfree oxygen (O2) in atmosphere • energy had to be captured from organic molecules in absence of O2 • Prokaryotes that evolved glycolysis are (?) ancestors of all modern life • ALL cells still utilize glycolysis

  12. O2 O2 Pyruvate is a branching point Pyruvate fermentation anaerobicrespiration mitochondria Krebs cycle aerobic respiration

  13. pyruvate  ethanol + CO2 3C 2C 1C pyruvate  lactic acid NADH NADH NAD+ NAD+ 3C 3C Fermentation (anaerobic) • Bacteria, yeast back to glycolysis • beer, wine, bread • Animals, some fungi back to glycolysis • anaerobic exercise (no O2)

  14. H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ Electron Carriers = Hydrogen Carriers • Krebs cycle produces large quantities of electron carriers • NADH • FADH2 • go to Electron Transport Chain! ADP+ Pi ATP Glucose is completely Oxidized to CO2

  15. e p 1 2 Electron Transport Chain Building proton gradient! NADH  NAD+ + H intermembranespace H+ H+ H+ innermitochondrialmembrane H  e- + H+ C e– Q e– H e– FADH2 FAD H NADH 2H+ + O2 H2O NAD+ cytochromebc complex cytochrome coxidase complex NADH dehydrogenase mitochondrialmatrix Creates a proton gradient!

  16. H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ + P H+ And how do we make ATP? • ATP synthase enzyme • H+ flows through it • conformational changes • bondPitoADP to make ATP • The ETC’s H+ gradient • allows the H+ to flow down concentration gradient through ATP synthase • ADP + Pi ATP ADP ATP

  17. C6H12O6 + 6CO2 + 6H2O + ~40 ATP 6O2 Summary of cellular respiration • Where did the glucose come from? • Where did the O2 come from? • Where did the CO2 come from? • Where did the CO2 go? • Where did the H2O come from? • Where did the ATP come from? • What else is produced that is not listed in this equation? • Why do we breathe?

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