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The April 2009 L ’ Aquila earthquake: recordings in the Colosseum area

The April 2009 L ’ Aquila earthquake: recordings in the Colosseum area.

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The April 2009 L ’ Aquila earthquake: recordings in the Colosseum area

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  1. The April 2009 L’Aquila earthquake: recordings in the Colosseum area

  2. First 3D seismic array realized in the city of Rome. It recorded the mainshock and moderate-magnitude aftershocks of the 6 April 2009 M 6.3 L’Aquila seismic sequence, about 90 km northeast of Rome, provided the first earthquake ground-motion recordings in the urban area of Rome. Such recordings offer an unprecedented opportunity to calibrate the city response to central Apennine earthquakes—earthquakes that have been responsible for the largest damage to Rome in historical times. Let’s note the difference in amplitute and duration of the soil shaking on the surface in respect of the bottom of the main sedimentary body of the city: the Tiber valley.

  3. Colosseo INGV C3 C4 C1 C5 C6 C2 Stations 6 portable seismic stations has been installed inside the Colosseo for un unprecedent

  4. Stern wall 32 m Valadier wall was reconstructed by Giuseppe Valadier in 1852 under Pio IX P.M. Valadier wall

  5. Funiciello et al., 1995

  6. Numerical simulation of the soil shaking alond a 2D veetical section corssing the Colosseo. Look at the differences in amplification and duration of the soil shaking within the sedimentary basin underlying the Valadier wall

  7. Moczo et al., (1995); Caserta (1998)

  8. Is 1.2 Hz a resonance frequency? To check we used a monochromatic lane-wave

  9. To check the role played by the basin we installed two stations in the Ipogei

  10. Receiver function aftershok Mw 4.2 Valadier wall Stern wall Frequency (Hz) Even if a shift in frequency takes place, the differences in amplitude are not enough to identify an amplification of the soil shaking in the valley

  11. Valadier wall Stern wall The filtered signals do not show an amplification one in respect of the other, actaully

  12. Outcropping Geological Formations: Bedrock: Plio-Pleistocene clay Pleistocene tuffs (Vulcanites) Holocene alluvium Bindi et al. (2008) Di Alessandro et al. (2008) On the other hand, the Peack Ground Velocity values are in agreement with regression curves according with Magnitude and epicentral distance Caserta et al., (2013)

  13. ~10% Valadier wall Stern wall The Aryas intensity shows a difference of 10% in absorbed energy between the two sides of the Colosseo; it is too small to conclude that the valley amplifying the shaking. As a consequence is hard to state the Valadier wall has been damaged y differential motions S Coda P S at t~40s an abrupt change in the derivative takes place

  14. Stern wall In order to see how such energy is transmitted to the higer floors we installed first a third station at the ground level

  15. Receiver function aftershok Mw 4.2 Valadier wall Stern wall Ground level This show how the foundations de-amplify the shaking

  16. Valadier wall Stern wall Ground level This is confirmed by the filtered signals

  17. ~25% Valadier wall Stern wall Ground level In fact, the Valadier wall absorbs 35% more energy than the ground level

  18. Stern wall What happens at the first floor?

  19. Stern wall Ground level First level ~6 times At the first floor the absorbed energy is 6 times more than at the ground level

  20. Receiver function aftershok Mw 3.5 Ground level First level Two frequency bands are interested in the energy transfer process: 1 – 2 HZ and 4 -6 Hz Let start with the first frequency band

  21. Stern wall Ground level First level First level filt. Through the first frequency band passes ~ 50% of the total energy absorbed by the first floor

  22. Ground level First level

  23. Stern wall Ground level First level First level 1-3Hz First level 4-6Hz The absorbed energy in the second frequency band is equal to the Ground level

  24. Concluding Remarks • The Fosso Labicano valley seems to play no role in amplifying the soil shaking; • the foundations seems to ‘filter’ the seismic input radiation; • the absorbed energy is transmitted to the first level mainly through the resonance frequency

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