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Video Game Programming Level One – Platformer

Video Game Programming Level One – Platformer. INSTRUCTOR Instructor Here TEACHER’S ASSISTANT TA Here. PART 1 –Platformer Basics. Objective: Unpack the platform engine and perform a test build. Step 1 – Platformer Setup Step 2 – Save and Test. STEP 1: Platformer Setup.

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Video Game Programming Level One – Platformer

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  1. Video Game ProgrammingLevel One – Platformer INSTRUCTOR Instructor Here TEACHER’S ASSISTANT TA Here

  2. PART 1 –Platformer Basics Objective: Unpack the platform engine and perform a test build. • Step 1 – Platformer Setup • Step 2 – Save and Test

  3. STEP 1: Platformer Setup • Open Platform Engine.fun • Change the window title to Platformer (Your Name) • Save the project as Platformer_(Your Name).fun.

  4. CONCEPT – Third Party Game Engines • Third party game engines are suites of tools and code developed by one company and purchased by another to create a game. • Some examples of third party game engines are Unreal Engine 3, Source Engine and C4 Engine.

  5. STEP 2: Save and Test • Save the Project: • Click on Project and Save. • Run the Project: • Click on the Build/Run button in the menu bar. • Results: • The project should build without any errors.

  6. PART 2 – Initial Asset Setup Objective: Import the actors and animation sets using the Import Wizard. Look at some options to optimize the animations. • Step 1 – The Import Wizard • Step 2 – Reviewing Engine Data • Step 3 – Save and Test

  7. STEP 1: The Import Wizard • The Import Wizard is located in the Resources menu. • Open the Import Wizard and use it to import the PLYR Actor from platformer11.fun.

  8. FUN CONCEPT – Horizontal Flipping • Horizontal Flipping is used with animations to reduce the number of frames needed by an animation set. • Horizontal Flipping can be used to have “Left Walking” and “Right Walking” animations but only one set of frames. • Look to see that Horizontal Flipping is turned on int the PLYR_WALK animation.

  9. STEP 2: Reviewing Engine Data • There is already some data types set up in the Platformer Engine. • Take a look at the following data • PlyrOnWhatSM is a State Machine that determines whether the Sprite it is attached to is on a platform or in the air. • My Functions here there are several prewritten functions to deal with various tasks in the platformer game.

  10. STEP 2: Save and Test • Save the Project: • Click on Project and Save. • Run the Project: • Click on the Build/Run button in the menu bar. • Results: • The project should build without any errors.

  11. PART 3 – Levels Objective: Add the levels to be in the game. • Step 1 – Add the levels • Step 2 – Bypass to Level_1 • Step 3 – Level_1’s Map • Step 4 – Save and Test

  12. STEP 2: Reviewing Engine DataCONTINUED • GravityFactor is a global value used for gravity. • PlayerLD is Local data to store values such as the player’s jumping power and speed.

  13. FUN CONCEPT – Adding Levels • Sometimes it is good to add all of the levels that are fundamentally different at the same time. • When levels are added later, a copy of another level can be made so information doesn’t need to be set up repeatedly.

  14. STEP 1: Add the Levels • Add a level called TitleScreen. • Add a level called MainMenu. • Add a level called Level_1.

  15. STEP 2: Bypass to Level_1 • When developing a game it is a waste of time to have to wait through the menus so code can be added to jump to the place we want to test.

  16. STEP 2: Bypass to Level_1 • Add the following code to the game’s OnStart to skip to Level_1: myGame->LevelName(“Level_1”);

  17. STEP 3: Level_1’s Map • Add a map to Level_1. • The collision data for the platforms should be added to this map. • Each platform will need collision data pointing up on the top. • The map should have collision data added around the edges to keep the player in the world; the left and right sides of the map should have a Collision ID of 1

  18. STEP 4: Save and Test • Save the Project: • Click on Project and Save. • Run the Project: • Click on the Build/Run button in the menu bar. • Results: • When the game is run Level_1 should come up with the platforms map in the background.

  19. PART 4 – The Player Objective: Put the player into the game. • Step 1 – Add the Player Sprite • Step 2 – Save and Test

  20. STEP 1: Add the Player Sprite • Add the sprite “Player” to Level_1 • Give the player sprite the PlyrOnWhatSM state machine. • Give the player sprite the PlayerLD local data object and set its Display List to 1. • Set the player’s collision to precise and check collision with sprites and the map.

  21. FUN CONCEPT – State Machines • State Machines are used as a way to control the behavior of a sprite in Fun. • State Machines are made up of different states. • Edge cases: incoming/outgoing • Initial Actions vs. Actions

  22. STEP 3: Save and Test • Save the Project: • Click on Project and Save. • Run the Project: • Click on the Build/Run button in the menu bar. • Results: • When the game is run the player should be able to jump around the screen.

  23. PART 5 – The Key Objective: Put the Key pickup into the game. • Step 1 – Import the Key Actor • Step 2 – Add the Key Sprite • Step 3 – Update the PlayerLD • Step 4 – PlayerUpdateFN • Step 5 – Save and Test

  24. STEP 1: Import the Key Actor • Open the Import Wizard and import the KEY actor from platformer11.fun.

  25. STEP 2: Add the Key Sprite • Create a new sprite and name it Key. • Set the Key to only check collision with other sprites. • Set the Actor for the Key

  26. CONCEPT – Pickups in Games • Pickups are used for many things in games such as the rings in Sonic, or the coins in Mario Bros. • Pickups can be used for puzzles such as the key and door scenario.

  27. STEP 3: Update the PlayerLD • Open the PlayerLD local data and add a boolean variable named HaveKey. • This value will be used to keep track of whether or not the player holds the key, so set the initial value to false.

  28. STEP 3: PlayerUpdateFN Use: This function will detect when the player picks up the key and will change the HaveKey flag in PlayerLD. • Create an Object Function named PlayerUpdateFN and enter the following code for the function body. • Then add this behavior to the Player sprite

  29. PlayerUpdateFN Code Sprite* key = This->CollisionWithSpritePtr( "Key" ); if ( key ) { PlayerLD *PlayerData = GetPlayerLD( This ); PlayerData->HaveKey = true; key->DeleteFlag( true ); }

  30. STEP 5: Save and Test • Save the Project: • Click on Project and Save. • Run the Project: • Click on the Build/Run button in the menu bar. • Results: • When the game is run the player should be able to pick up the key.

  31. PART 6 – The Gate Objective: Put the Gate into the game. • Step 1 – Import the Gate Actor • Step 2 – Add the Gate Sprite • Step 3 – Modify the PlayerUpdateFN • Step 4 – Save and Test

  32. STEP 1: Import the Gate Actor • Open the Import Wizard and import the GATE actor from platformer11.fun.

  33. STEP 2: Add the Gate Sprite • Create a new sprite and name it Gate. • Set the Gate to only check collision with other sprites. • Set the Actor for the Gate

  34. CONCEPT – Sprites as Map Objects • Using sprites as static level objects makes it easy to add interactive objects to the map easily. • These sprites are just regular sprites who’s behaviors are set up to make them seem as though they are part of the map, much like the gate in platformer.

  35. STEP 3: Modify PlayerUpdateFN • Update PlayerUpdateFN with the following bold face code changes.

  36. STEP 3: Modify PlayerUpdateFN Sprite* key = This->CollisionWithSpritePtr( "Key" ); if ( key ) { PlayerLD *PlayerData = GetPlayerLD( This ); PlayerData->HaveKey = true; key->DeleteFlag( true ); SpritePTR pGate( "Gate" ); pGate->Animation( GATE_OPENED); } if ( This->CollisionWithSprite( "Gate" ) && GetPlayerLD( This )->HaveKey ) { myGame->NextLevel(); }

  37. STEP 4: Save and Test • Save the Project: • Click on Project and Save. • Run the Project: • Click on the Build/Run button in the menu bar. • Results: • When the player picks up the key the gate should open.

  38. PART 7 – Level 2 Objective: Create Level_2 by making a copy of Level_1. • Step 1 – Copy Level_1 • Step 2 – Modify the New Level • Step 3 – Save and Test

  39. STEP 1: Copy Level_1 • Insert a copy of Level_1 and name it Level_2.

  40. STEP 2: Modify the New Level • Create a map in an art program or use the provided level art. • Use this map for Level_2’s map • Add the collision data to the map. • Change the key’s position. • Change the gate’s position.

  41. STEP 3: Save and Test • Save the Project: • Click on Project and Save. • Run the Project: • Click on the Build/Run button in the menu bar. • Results: • Level_2 should display with the new map. Test and tweak this map to better gameplay.

  42. PART 8 – The Enemy Guard Objective: Add in a guard and reuse the code for the behavior. • Step 1 – Import the Actor • Step 2 – Add the GuardLD • Step 3 – Create EnemyOnWhatSM • Step 4 – Add the Guard Sprite • Step 5 – Save and Test

  43. STEP 1: Import the Actor • Import the ENEMY actor from platformer11.fun

  44. STEP 2: Add the GuardLD • Add Local Data GuardLD. • Add a boolean value Jumping with initial value false. • Add a float value JumpStrength with initial value 10.5. • Add an integer value delay with initial value 100.

  45. STEP 3: Create EnemyOnWhatSM • Make a copy of PlyrOnWhatSM and name it EnemyOnWhatSM. • Replace the code in the platform state with the following:

  46. EnemyOnWhatSM This->Speed( 2 ); int y = 0; if(This->LookAheadCollisionWithMap(DOWN, 1, 0)) y = -1; This->VectorDirection( This->DirectionX(), y ); if( This->DirectionX() ) This->Animation(ENEMY_WALK); else This->Animation(ENEMY_IDLE);

  47. STEP 3: Create EnemyOnWhatSMCONTINUED • Now modify the platform to air edge which contains return PlayerJump(This); • Replace the existing code with the following: return false;

  48. STEP 4: Add the Guard Sprite • Add an Enemy sprite. • Give it the ENEMY actor and add the GuardLD. • Use EnemyOnWhatSM for the behavior. • Position the guard on the map away from the start position of the player.

  49. STEP 5: Save and Test • Save the Project: • Click on Project and Save. • Run the Project: • Click on the Build/Run button in the menu bar. • Results: • Level_2 should display and the guard should appear in the level.

  50. PART 8 – AI for the Enemy Guard Objective: Give the guard an update function that will make the guard appear to be somewhat intelligence. • Step 1 – EnemyUpdateFN • Step 2 – Save and Test

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