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Energi inom Horisont 2020 Europadagarna 6 november 2012 Dan Andrée VINNOVA Bryssel. Presentation. Hur går det i FP7 EU 2020 Introduktion till Horisont 2020 Energi inom Horisont 2020. EUs ramprogram för forskning Viktig finansieringskälla för Sverige. Beviljade medel Per Capita.
Energi inom Horisont 2020 Europadagarna 6 november 2012 Dan Andrée VINNOVA Bryssel
Presentation • Hur går det i FP7 • EU 2020 • Introduktion till Horisont 2020 • Energi inom Horisont 2020
EUs ramprogramförforskningViktigfinansieringskällaförSverige
Beviljade medel Per Capita Beviljade medel Totalt 864miljoner euro harbeviljatssvenskaaktöreri FP7 3,9%av FP7s medelbeviljassvenskaaktörer Källa: e – CORDA 2011 10 19 Det svenska deltagandet Sverige Energi 2,8 %
Över 1 000 projekt 600 utanför EU 12 000 deltaganden Svenskt deltagande i Cooperation
28 % av projekten 3,9 % av budgeten Sverige får
Smart & inclusive growth (€491bn) 2. Sustainable growth, natural resources (€383bn) 3. Security and citizenship (€18.5bn) 4. Global Europe (€70bn) 5. Administration (€62.6bn) MultiannualFinancialFramework 2014–2020: Commission’sproposals of 29 June 2011 Cohesion, Convergence Horizont 2020 €80 bn Connecting Europe Competitive Business SMEs Total: € 1,025bn
Smart tillväxt Innovation Union – EUs Innovationsstrategi Innovation union Youth on the move • Innovation Union är ett av sju flaggskeppsprojekt Digital agenda Hållbar tillväxt Inkluderande tillväxt Industrial Policy for the Globalization Era European PlatformAgainstPoverty ResourceEfficient Europa Agenda for new Skills and Jobs
Horizon 2020Consultation 2011 • Radical simplification needed • Support for Grand Challenge approach • Call for continuity • More bottom up schemes • Instruments for the whole innovation cycle
1. Preparation Swedish Position Paper December 2010
Horizon 2020 – Three priorities: Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges
1. Excellent Science European Research Council (ERC) Future and Emerging Technologies Marie Curie Actions Research Infrastructures
2. Industrial Leadership Leadership in Enabling Industrial Technologies: ICT Nano-technology Advanced materials Biotechnology Advanced manufacturing and processing Space Innovation in SMEs Access to Risk Finance Bild 15
3. SocietalChallenges Health, demography and well-being Food security, sustainable agriculture and bio-economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and secure societies
Proposed funding (million euro, 2014-2020) Priority 3: Societal challenges • *Additional €1 788m for nuclear safety and security from the Euratom Treaty activities (2014-2018). Does not include ITER.
Energy in Horizon 2020 Energy research and innovation, an important part of Horizon 2020: Included as a key challenge 'Secure, clean and efficient energy' under the societal challenges' block of Horizon 2020 Separate but complementary programme for nuclear energy activities adopted under the Euratom Treaty as well as ITER Important elements in the other pillars of H2020 (ICT, materials, bio-energy etc)
Smarta, gröna och integrerade transporter. (1) Det särskilda målet är att klara övergången till ett tillförlitligt, hållbart och konkurrenskraftigt energisystem, trots allt knappare resurser, ökande energibehov och klimatförändringar. Aktiviteter: (1) Minska energiförbrukning och koldioxidavtryck genom smart och hållbar användning; (2) Koldioxidsnål elförsörjning till låg kostnad; (3) Alternativa bränslen och mobila energikällor; (4) Ett enda smart europeiskt elnät; (5) Ny kunskap och teknik; (6) Stabilt beslutsfattande och allmänhetens engagemang; (7) Marknadslansering av innovation på energiområdet.
Key challenge "secure, clean and efficient energy" (2) Support the implementation of the SET-Plan Partnering with European stakeholders important to share resources and implement jointly Strong synergies needed with the other societal challenges as well as with the other parts of Horizon 2020 such as 'Excellence Science', 'Industrial leadership' and EIT
Simplification: Rules for Participation • 1. A single set of rules • Adapted for the whole research and innovation cycle • Covering all research programmes and funding bodies • Aligned to the Financial Regulation, coherent with other new EU Programmes • 2. One project – one funding rate • Maximum of 100% of the total eligible costs (except for actions close to market, where a 70% maximum will apply) • Indirect eligible costs: a flat rate of 20% of direct eligible costs • 3. New forms of fundingaimed at innovation: pre-commercial procurement, inducement prizes, dedicated loan and equity instruments
2. Beslut 30nov 2012 - 2013 2014 KOM:s förslag Förhandling Rådet/EP Beslut Horizon2020 Startar Implementering Horizon 2020 Specific programme Euratom Rules for participation Vad händer med Horizon?
Council agreement May 2012 The specific objective is to make the transition to a reliable, publicly accepted, sustainable and competitive energy system, aiming at reducing fossil fuel dependency in the face of increasingly scarce resources, increasing energy needs and climate change.
Några konsekvenser av Horizon 2020 • Inriktningen mot samhällsutmaningar innebär fler mångvetenskapliga projekt vilket kräver att forskarna har relevanta nätverk. • Vissa tematiska områdena blir bredare – samhällsutmaningar – horisontella aspekter i utmaningarna – fokuserade nyckelteknologier. • Fokus innovationer dvs, hela innovationscykeln i projekten – användare deltar i projekten.