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Graz International Summer School Seggau 2014 TRANSFORMATION AND CHANGE: EUROPE AND BEYOND

Graz International Summer School Seggau 2014 TRANSFORMATION AND CHANGE: EUROPE AND BEYOND. June 29 – July 12, 2014 Seggau Castle, Austria. APPLICATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 28, 2014. TARGET GROUP. Internationally oriented & highly motivated students All disciplines 

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Graz International Summer School Seggau 2014 TRANSFORMATION AND CHANGE: EUROPE AND BEYOND

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  1. Graz International Summer School Seggau 2014TRANSFORMATION AND CHANGE: EUROPE AND BEYOND June 29 – July 12, 2014Seggau Castle, Austria APPLICATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 28, 2014

  2. TARGET GROUP Internationally oriented & highly motivated students All disciplines  Deepen understanding of European and International affairs Interest in South Eastern Europe and North, Central, South America

  3. ACADEMIC PROGRAM 6 Seminars Morning plenary lectures Evening events/lectures 6 ECTS Credits for participation & seminar paper

  4. SEMINARS APPLICATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 28, 2014 Seminar 01 - Politics & Law Seminar 02 - Media, Society & Culture Seminar 03 - Ethics, Religion & Economics Seminar 04 - Rhetorics of Transformation Seminar 05 - Literature of Transformation Seminar 06 - Aging and Demographic Change

  5. Certificates / Credit Transfer Attendance = Certificate of participation 6 ECTS Credits  Student must write a seminar paper and attend the full program

  6. SOCIAL PROGRAM Excursion to Graz: Start at the University of Graz, reception at the city hall & city tour Sports tournaments (volleyball, soccer, table tennis…) Karaoke night Writing and Photo Contest

  7. VENUE Seggau Castle, Leibnitz, Austria

  8. COSTS Total costs: € 1.300,- Various scholarships available Please check the website Participation Fee includes: accommodation at Seggau Castle full board (3 meals per day) tuition excursion APPLICATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 28, 2014

  9. Christopher Edyegu, Uganda, Summer School Participant 2013 I arrived at Seggau Castle to find 95 students and 25 professors from almost 60 universities and 35 different countries. To be honest, I did not know how to proceed as I had never met so many people from such different and diverse countries and this was also my first time in Europe. How could I ever get along with them given that we are so different? Fortunately, Professor Guy Laforest’s wise words were the catapult that propelled me to action. He said that sometimes people have more similarities than differences but they tend to focus on what separates them. Talking to fellow students, I realized that we have lots in common; we like the same music, books and movies, share a love for football, among several other interests. Though international borders are becoming increasingly irrelevant, they still matter and these imaginary boundaries have the ability to restrict us by emphasizing our differences. Summer school taught me that if we can overcome the boundaries in our minds, we can be able to open bridges to find connections between us. We also played football, volleyball, table tennis, did karaoke and several other fun activities but academics were our main priority. It was an international and interdisciplinary academic experience that required active participation. Between six to eight hours each day were dedicated to academic exposure. It was critically challenging and intense. But I must say that it was good for me. Before summer school, I avoided debates because I hated conflict but by engaging in academic discussions, I realized that I actually enjoy debates and I am good at it (something I did not know about myself). My mind has been blown (positively) at summer school. I have absolutely loved my time at the Graz International Summer School at Seggau and I will look back at my time there with nostalgia.

  10. 5 GOOD REASONS TO APPLY 2-week summer university with a unique campus atmosphere at Seggau Castle 6 ECTS credits (for participation & seminar paper) Lectures, panel discussions and 6 parallel seminar modules Discussions with international lecturers and guests All-inclusive-package (tuition, meals, accommodation, extracurricular program and excursion)

  11. QUESTIONS? http://international.uni-graz.at/en/gusegg/  FAQ

  12. CONTACT: web: international.uni-graz.at/en/gusegg/ email: gusegg@uni-graz.at facebook: Graz International Summer School Seggau APPLICATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 28, 2014 !!!

  13. Thank you for your attention!

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