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What are the equivalent idioms in English?. ¡ Cuando las ranas críen pelo! ( When frogs grow hair !) Andar pisando huevos (to walk stepping on eggs) Mandarle a alguien a freír espárragos (to send someone to fry asparagus)
What are the equivalent idioms in English? • ¡Cuando las ranas críen pelo! (Whenfrogsgrowhair!) • Andarpisandohuevos (to walk stepping on eggs) • Mandarle a alguien a freírespárragos (to send someone to fry asparagus) • Tener mal templada la guitarra (tohave a badlytuned guitar) • Empezar la casa por el tejado (to start the house with the roof)
Need more help? • ¡Cuando las ranas críen pelo! (Whenfrogsgrowhair!) • Andarpisandohuevos (to walk stepping on eggs) • Mandarle a alguien a freírespárragos (to send someone to fry asparagus) • Tener mal templada la guitarra (tohave a badlytuned guitar) • Empezar la casa por el tejado (to start the house with the roof) • To put the cart before the horse • To walk on thin ice • To tell someone to go jump in a lake • When pigs fly! • To be in a bad mood
Task: to visually contrast and to verbally explain the same idiomatic expression in Spanish and English. • At the top of your poster, write the Spanish idiomatic expression on the left and the figurative American English equivalent on the right. • Illustrate each portion, taking care to utilize the space that is provided. Simple drawings are fine, but do be neat, colorful, and creative. • Write the literal English translation below the illustration of the Spanish idiomatic expression. • Write an explanation of how both languages manage to express the same idea similarly with different concepts.