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Elderly Memories. Third term – Clothes/Shoes/Accessories.
Elderly Memories Third term – Clothes/Shoes/Accessories
In the 50th was it common that all men had a suit on his free time.Even if you were a worker you tried to dress nicer when you were off to a party or any outing. It was special when you could afford it or had the time to do something fun on the spare time.Today the situation is different, of course people dress up for certain events but not in that way as before. Today we do things in their spare time in a very different extent, as to go out to restaurants, parties, etc.. ...
Hats were nice accessories that women had in the past.Hats have occurred since the 1100s, but from the 1500s existed in customary form with the hill and brim. The hat was used mainly by people in the upper classes, and it has had much higher status than the cap. All women who could afford it wore a hat; they were very handsome and all tried to have its own unique hat.In the late fifties came the big hairstyles and then the hats had to step aside. Before that it was rather socially unacceptable not to wear a hat.Fifty years of fashion without a hat has left its mark, but now it's definitely coming back. In connection with the eras going back in vogue, then the hat also will do so. Looking forward to that , I will use all my old hats.
Despite the risk of sprains, shortened tendons and broken bones, so are we women wobbling around in both inconvenient and sometimes too high shoes. In the past, was the shoe fashion more about status than to make it comfortable for your feet. And it seems that the trend is the same today. Heel made its entrance during the 1550's. Partly because if you wear high heel shoes you would come up a bit from the dirt on the street, and to show that you were important. I have high shoes for several reasons. First, I feel short without them Another reason is that it is more comfortable. If you have been in high heels almost the whole life so has your achilles tendon been pulled together. The biggest reason, I have high shoes is because it is so neat!
Pumps from the past.My black pumps from the past, I loved my shoes. All my friends had also this kind of shoes, you saved money and then tried to buy all kinds of colours so you could match the shoes with different clothes. We also borrowed shoes from each other - it was a good thing and was cheaper.High-heeled shoes have come back as a fashion trend several times - and I have had the benefit of that because I saved my old shoes. In the past the shoes had good quality, today, I think the quality is worse, unfortunately is it more like purchase and dispose of. But of course it's cheaper to buy fashion shoes today, so you can have your shoes more as an accessories.
Jewellery, in the past and nowSince time immemorial, there have been various kinds of jewellery, such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings and more. Jewellery is often the passage of history has been used by people to show their status in society. The more jewels that adorned the body, the higher social status Today its more like if you have expensive jewellery you are a affluent person, of course its not always like this. Nowadays, women are the major jewellery carriersJewellery is now available in all price ranges, from homemade and handmade jewellery to gems and jewellery by well-known jewellery designers. I think this is a good trend, because almost every one can buy some kind of jewellery if they want, you don’t need a status to wear jewellery.
In our multicultural society, we also have traditional clothing, such as from Africa.This is a costume that is usually used at parties and dance sessions.Is also involved in various events and fashion shows to showcase our fine garments.
This is typical clothes that I had when I was young in the 40s. My cap was important to me, then I had two shirts that I shifted with, but I thought I was handsome in the shirt and the nice pants. If you look at the fashion today – I could probably been able to use these clothes today, it's a shame that I did not save them for trends always come back.
In Sweden lives up to 36 000 Sami in the north of Sweden, which since 1993 has its own government with elected representatives Sami traditional costume called”KOLT” it is an important unifying identity symbol and it has a particular significance in the festive context. At baptisms, funerals, weddings, confirmations and other special occasions wear many Sami the colt.For 50 years ago, was the costume an everyday dress.
This is a Swedish traditional costume; I wear it on weddings, Sweden’s National day and other important events. The costume is nowadays called Sweden costume, but the real name is "Swedish female national costume Association festive outfits." It is a dress with blue skirt with a yellow apron and a blue or red bodice with a motif of daisies. The yellow and blue colour is from the Swedish flags colour. The Sweden suit was no official national dress until 1983 on Sweden's National Day (June 6). Unfortunaly it’s not so many people that have the suit as when I was young, but maybe this trend will change in the future.