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1 st 9 weeks JEOPARDY. Explorers. Europe in Asia. Misc. Europe in Americas. Renaissance & Reformation 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. RULES. Everyone is eligible .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1st 9 weeks JEOPARDY Explorers Europe in Asia Misc Europe in Americas Renaissance & Reformation 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. RULES • Everyone is eligible . • First person to raise hand after I read question. • You must be the one to answer but you can have help from a few friends (your surrounding area in the audience) • If your team wins Bonus points are avaliable on Chapter 5 quiz.

  3. Explorers for 100! He conquered the Aztecs…. Answer: Cortes

  4. Explorers for 200! He conquered the Incans… Answer: Pizzaro

  5. Explorers for 300! He was first European to sail around southern tip of Africa…. Answer: Bartolomeu Dias

  6. Explorers for 400! Where did Columbus first land in the Americas…. Answer: modern day cuba

  7. Explorers for 500! Daily Double Question: Vasco da Gama was first to find sea route to link Europe to this country…..

  8. Europe in Asia 100 ! What country supported a closed-country policy toward Europe after they were open at first? Answer: Japan

  9. Europe in Asia 200! Which country agreed that only government officials should trade with Europeans? Answer: China

  10. Europe in Asia 300! This country held Korea as a vassal state.. Answer: China

  11. Europe in Asia 400! This country ran the East India Company trading in SE Asia….. Answer: England

  12. Europe in Asia for 500! What type of government system did Japan follow that was similar to Europe? Answer: Feudalism

  13. Misc for 100! What is Haiku? Answer: poem, nature, 5-7-5

  14. Misc for 200! What led to the downfall of the Muslim Empires? Answer: lack of leadership

  15. Misc for 300! Why did Shah Jahan build the Taj Mahal? Answer: memorial to his wife

  16. Misc for 400! What was the most important item brought to the Americas during the Columbian exchange? Answer: livestock

  17. Misc for 500! What is only country in the Americas that doesn’t have national language of English, Spanish, or French? Answer: Brazil

  18. Europe in America for 100! This gave Spain ability to use natives as labor source? Answer: encomienda

  19. Europe in America for 200! Why did Europeans use Africans for slave labor in the Americas? Answer: immunity to European disease

  20. Europe in America for 300! What were role of monarchs in Exploration? Answer: funding

  21. Europe in America for 400! How was Africa affected by slave trade? Answer: war, lost generations, seperated families

  22. Central Europe for 500! Daily Double Question: name three reasons Europeans so easily defeated natives?

  23. Renaissance/Reformation for 100! The Renaissance was a rebirth of? Answer: art and learning

  24. Renaissance/Reformation for 200! This event started the Reformation? Answer: nailing of 95 thesis to church door

  25. Renaissance/Reformation for 300! What is an indulgence? Answer: pardon from sin for money

  26. Renaissance/Reformation for 400! What was a Renaissance man? Answer: man of many talents

  27. Renaissance/Reformation for 500! What were three characteristics of Renaissance paintings? Answer: perspective, religion, indiviualism

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