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Quick Start with AeroSys-AT

Quick Start with AeroSys-AT. Step by Step Tutorial. Step 1: Gather Data Files. Refined Photocoordinate Data File(s) Export to PAT-B format, *.ptb Refined for radial lens distortion and fiducials No interior (fiducial) points listed, only relative points Units in Millimeters

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Quick Start with AeroSys-AT

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  1. Quick Start with AeroSys-AT Step by Step Tutorial

  2. Step 1: Gather Data Files • Refined Photocoordinate Data File(s) • Export to PAT-B format, *.ptb • Refined for radial lens distortion and fiducials • No interior (fiducial) points listed, only relative points • Units in Millimeters • Ground Control Data File • AeroSys native format, *.CTL • ptID, X, Y, Z, Sxy, Sz

  3. Sample PAT-B format 168001 152.000 681097 -1.306 -91.717 682097 0.081 -46.604 683097 0.306 0.057 683107 92.735 2.407 685056 -0.183 97.547 685066 -0.387 88.344 685076 47.049 92.719 685086 47.190 87.721 685096 99.749 100.458 685106 97.316 82.737 695056 64.026 -77.335 695066 63.746 -87.991 695076 90.639 -79.120 695086 88.551 -87.953 681091 30.451 -105.108 683091 -1.878 -0.091 -99

  4. Sample AeroSys *.CTL format CTL Project: City of Saint Paul, MN 661051 316094.710 425151.530 1525.442 0.0100 0.0100 661071 324300.000 425188.260 1639.058 0.0100 0.0100 661151 333170.630 424863.340 1597.493 0.0100 0.0100 661201 342692.270 424777.720 1411.468 0.0100 0.0100 661251 350446.650 425413.140 1197.069 0.0100 0.0100 663051 316598.870 426671.720 1489.140 0.0100 0.0100 663071 324561.840 426815.000 1518.809 0.0100 0.0100 663151 333384.500 426727.470 1515.782 0.0100 0.0100 663201 342406.710 426593.300 1361.070 0.0100 0.0100 663251 351001.900 427304.920 1251.495 0.0100 0.0100 665051 316816.330 428914.560 1459.911 0.0100 0.0100 665071 324559.250 428680.220 1413.010 0.0100 0.0100 -99 -99

  5. Put *.ptb & *.CTL into Data Dir

  6. Step 2: Start AeroSys-AT • Start AeroSys-AT main menu GUI • Click on the desktop shortcut icon • Main Menu Appears

  7. Step 3: Make AeroSys-AT Project • On Main Menu GUI • Click to 1st (left most) icon button •  • Project Set-up GUI appears • Purpose(s): • Set project “BASENAME” & “Data Directory” • Translate photocoordinate data file(s) to *.REF format

  8. AeroSys-AT Project Set-up GUI

  9. Make a new project …. • Select File | New

  10. Choose New Project Name • From File Choice Dialog … • Traverse to Data Directory • Enter New Project Name • e.g., BoreSite16Q12.prj • Click “Open” Button to create new project

  11. Project Info GUI looks like …

  12. So far ….. • The Project Basename has been set • i.e., BoreSite16Q12 • The Project Data Directory has been set • i.e., E:\mapping\AeroMap\16Q275AT\ • Now enter some text to Identify your project in the “Title” text box

  13. Select Ground Control File • Click on the “yellow” No.2 button • Select the AeroSys native formatted *.CTL data file • Click “Open” button

  14. So Far …..

  15. Set the photocoordinate type … • Click on the “Photocoordinate Type” tab • Select Attributes • Format: e.g., PAT-B • Processing: Raw vs. Refined • Parsing: Paired vs. Un-Paired

  16. Is Camera Info in Data Base? • Is this block using a “New” camera, i.e., one that is not in your local AeroSys-AT camera data base? • If YES, then click on the tab labelled “Camera Data base”

  17. Adding a new Camera …. • Click on the blue arrow icon to add a new camera to the data base … Camera Editor GUI appears

  18. Add the new camera Info • Click on the “New” button to put the gui into editor mode

  19. Enter Camera Info …. • Type in the camera calibration info into the GUI Or • Click on the “yellow” file open icon to import an existing *.CAL data file • Click the “Done” button to enter the camera • Click the “Select_OK” button to finish

  20. Enter Block info • Click on the Block Configuration tab

  21. Select Number of Cameras … • If one camera … • If more than one … • To add more cameras to the list, select the camera name in the drop-down combo and then click the “green” plus icon button

  22. Select your PAT-B data file • Click on the “all-in-1-file” choice button • Click the green plus icon to select the *.ptb file

  23. Pre-Check the block contents … • Click on the green check button to pre-parse the *.ptb file to check its contents

  24. Transfer Block Info to GUI … • Click on the green up-arrow button • Click on the “Save” project Button

  25. Time Saving Step …. • Click on the “export” button to parse the *.ptb file into the native AeroSys-AT file formats: *.REF & *.CAL

  26. So far … • We have set up : • Project basename • Project Data Directory • Project Ground Control file • Selected a camera for the block • Translated *.ptb to *.ref & *.cal • Now we are ready to start the bundle Pre-Processing steps …

  27. AeroSys-AT Pre-processing … • Steps to make the *.AER input file for the Aero.exe bundle adjustment program • Relative Orientation • Strip Formation • Block Formation • Estimate Ground Coordinates • Photo Resection • Point Intersection • Merge • Pre-bundle Image Rays gross error check

  28. Step 4: Relative Orientation • Click on the 9th tool bar icon button from the left

  29. Pre-Processing GUI appears …

  30. Pre-Processing GUI details … • Action Buttons … • Go, start current pre-processing step • Next, move to next pre-processing step • Skip, skip over current pre-processing step • Back, go back to previous pre-processing step

  31. Pre-Processing GUI details … • Tabs, non-functional … only for visual reference

  32. Pre-Processing GUI details … • Quick Summary text box • Stats output for each pre-processing step

  33. Pre-Processing GUI details … • Status Info • Current Status: Idle, Processing, Done, Error • Progress Bar • Pre-processing step

  34. Pre-Processing GUI details … • Message Text Box • Internal processing messages

  35. Pre-Processing GUI details … • Options Box • Processing options for each step

  36. Let’s go on … • Click the “Go” button to start the Relative Orientation • Quick Summary STRIP Model L_Photo R_Photo RMS_Vx (µm) RMS_Vy (µm) ----- ----- ------- ------- ----------- ----------- 1 1 101 102 0.0 0.5 1 2 102 103 0.1 3.0 1 3 103 104 0.1 1.0 ----- ----- ------- ------- ----------- ----------- 2 1 201 202 0.0 0.3 2 2 202 203 0.0 0.4 2 3 203 204 0.0 0.5 ----- ----- ------- ------- ----------- -----------

  37. Is RELORN ok? • What each independent model to solve as “squeaky-clean” as possible • RMS_Vx, direction of overlap 0.0 to 0.1 microns • RMS_Vy, parallax <= 3.0 in general • Threshold is function of scanning size • Click the “Next” button to go onto next step

  38. Step 4: Strip Formation • Click on the “Go” button • Quick Summary STRIP Model RMS_Vx (µm) RMS_Vy (µm) RMS_Vz (µm) ----- ----- ----------- ----------- ----------- Next 1 xxx.x xxx.x xxx.x 1 2 2.4 39.0 44.5 1 3 0.9 22.5 27.3 ----- ----- ----------- ----------- ----------- Next 1 xxx.x xxx.x xxx.x 2 2 0.9 15.7 18.6 2 3 0.5 32.3 31.9 ----- ----- ----------- ----------- ----------- • Don’t sweat the residuals, just want the models to join into strips • Click the “next” button to go on …

  39. Step 5: Block Formation • Click on the “Go” button • Quick Summary STRIP RMS_Vx (µm) RMS_Vy (µm) RMS_Vz (µm) ----- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1 xxx.x xxx.x xxx.x 2 15.2 22.7 34.8 ----- ----------- ----------- ----------- • Don’t sweat the residuals, just want the strips to join into a block • Click the “next” button to go on …

  40. Step 6: Estimate Ground Coordinates • Click on the “Go” button • Two processing Choices: • Polynomial Strip Adjustment • Need lot’s of ground control in each and every flight strip • Hybrid Rigid Body 2D-3D trans • Used in AB-GPS blocks where some flight strips do not have any ground control points in them

  41. Estimate pre-processing options

  42. Estimate Quick Summary • Using the Polynomial … each strip STRIP RMS_Vx (µm) RMS_Vy (µm) RMS_Vz (µm) Source ----- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ 1 0.219 0.250 0.248 POLY 2 0.233 0.182 0.060 POLY ----- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ • Using the Hybrid … on the whole block STRIP RMS_Vx (µm) RMS_Vy (µm) RMS_Vz (µm) Source ----- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ 1 0.137 0.097 0.362 3D-2D ----- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------

  43. Step 7: Photo (Space) Resection • Click on the “Go” button • Quick Summary STRIP Photo_ID RMS_Vx (µm) RMS_Vy (µm) ----- -------- ----------- ----------- 1 101 12.3 14.1 1 102 14.0 12.9 1 103 11.7 9.4 1 104 6.0 7.9 ----- -------- ----------- ----------- 2 201 13.8 14.5 2 202 12.9 12.7 2 203 15.1 13.4 2 204 12.2 15.0 ----- -------- ----------- ----------- • Don’t sweat the residuals, just want the photos to solve • Click the “next” button to go on …

  44. Step 8: Point (Space) Intersection • Click on the “Go” button • Quick Summary Searching for additional model points.... Done searching strip no.1 Done searching strip no.2 Sorry, No additional model points were found! • Don’t sweat the residuals, just want the points to solve • Click the “next” button to go on …

  45. Step 9: Merge • Click on the “Go” button • Merges text output file from previous steps into a text input file for the Aero.exe bundle adjustment program • Click the “next” button to go on …

  46. Step 10: Image Rays • Click on the “Go” button • Check input data for gross errors by performing a space intersection on all points listed in the *.AER data file • Sometime residuals can look funky if pre-processing estimates are a little rough • Take note and go on to bundle adjustment

  47. Step 11: Aero Bundle Adjustment • Click on the “Go” button • Main menu for Aero.exe appears • Processing is auto-started • Processing dialog • Quick Summary Dialog • Evaluate bundle results

  48. Aero Bundle Main Menu

  49. Aero Bundle Processing Dialog

  50. Aero Bundle Quick Summary

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