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Why Parallel? Why Nifty?. Dr. David Valentine Computer Science Dept Slippery Rock University david.valentine@sru.edu. Sutter, The Free Lunch is Over.
Why Parallel?Why Nifty? Dr. David Valentine Computer Science Dept Slippery Rock University david.valentine@sru.edu
Sutter, The Free Lunch is Over Number of transistors per chip continues to follow Moore’s Law; but the transistors are going into multiple cores, bigger cache, bridge technology, etc But in 2003, clock speed hit a wall- Where are the 32GHz processors?
ACM 2013 StrawmanCurriculum • Parallel & Distributed Computing (PD) is now its own Knowledge Area (KA). • Architecture and Organization (AR) is 16 Tier 2 core hours • PD is 5 Tier 1 hours, and 10 Tier 2 hours. • PD is seen as critical to many other KA’s, and can properly be placed there; Strawman seems to indicate a stand-alone course is fastest way to get up and running now.
NSF/IEEE-TCPP Curriculum Initiative on PD Computing • http://www.cs.gsu.edu/~tcpp/curriculum/ • Using a Bloom’s taxonomy of Know-Comprehend-Apply this group proposes some 90 hours of instruction in PD • Only about 15 hours at the “Apply” level • They see 5 core courses involved, and a larger list of upper division electives • CS1, CS2, Architecture, DataStruc/Algor, Discrete
Intel’s “Finger Wagging” • ACM SIGCSE 2009 (Chattanooga) • Dr. Michael Wrinn(Intel Senior Course Architect): • Intel is not going to be making any single core processors. The world has already gone parallel and you better start teaching parallel computing to your students.
So why Parallel? • The Free Lunch is over • Professional societies have served notice that our curricula must include PD. • The world in which our students will live their careers will be a parallel world. It is already a multicore world. • It must begin as early as CS1/CS2
Can we make PD “Nifty”? • Intel microgrant program to develop PD curricular material • ACM SIGCSE “Nifty Programming Assignments” • Nick Parlanteat nifty.stanford.edu • If we want to target CS1/CS2, why not begin with those assignments the SIGCSE community has already endorsed as nifty? • My thanks to the 2011 Nifty Authors for their gracious permission to use their work • DO NOT MAKE SOURCE CODE AVAILABLE
Start with the serial solution • Take students’ serial solution to a problem and add parallelism by “grabbing the low-hanging fruit”. • We use C++ in the MS Visual Studio.NET IDE • The Intel Parallel Studio, especially the Parallel Advisor, is a natural choice. • Parallel Studio is also available for Unix as a stand-alone product, both as command line & GUI
The Projects • Trapezoidal Numerical Integration • Not a “nifty”, but is embarrassingly parallel • BMP puzzles: who done it? • David Malan, Harvard University • Book Recommendations: look out Netflix • Michele Craig, University of Toronto • Hamming Codes: old school error correction • Stuart Hansen, University of Wisconsin-Parkside • Evil Hangman: cheating is a strategy! • Keith Schwarz, Stanford University
Trapezoidal Numerical Integration • A classic Numerical Methods technique • Improves upon Riemann sums by adding area of trapezoids rather than simple rectangles. • N = number of subintervals • Obviously a big for-loop to add the f(x)’s
BMP puzzles: who done it? • Mr. Body has met foul play. But he left a “Clue” to his murderer’s identity by coding the green & blue pixel values in a harmless-looking BMP image. The red pixels merely obscure the message • So process the 2D array of pixels in the BMP, suppressing red and enhancing green/blue to find the killer. • 2D arrays & parallel for loops is a natural
Book Recommendations: look out Netflix • Given a list of books, have a set of readers give their rating of the book [-5 to +5]. Then take a new reader and comparing her ratings to your total population, make the appropriate book recommendations to her. • Computing dot products (actually just about any array processing) in an O(n2) environment is a parallel dream
Hamming Codes: old school error correction • Prof Hansen uses this assignment to teach: • Error correcting codes • Matrix multiplication • Binary representations of data • Binary I/O (optional) • Use a generator matrix and a parity check matrix to manipulate Hamming(7,4) • Matrix multiplication (even tiny matrices) is bull's-eye parallel fodder.
Evil Hangman: cheating is a strategy! • Find a big list of words. Challenge a human to solve Hangman. The wrinkle is that the computer never actually picks a word till it is forced to do so. • For every human guess, find the largest subset of words possible • For example: HEAR_ (can be HEARD, HEART, HEARS) • Essentially impossible to beat in 10 guesses.