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Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Movement. Separate but Equal. What does Separate but Equal mean? Can society be separate AND equal? What does separate mean? What does equal mean?. Plessy v. Fergusson Ruled that “separate but equal” was legal. This became the law of the land for over 50 years! .

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Civil Rights Movement

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Civil Rights Movement

  2. Separate but Equal • What does Separate but Equal mean? • Can society be separate AND equal? • What does separate mean? • What does equal mean?

  3. Plessy v. Fergusson Ruled that “separate but equal” was legal. This became the law of the land for over 50 years! Brown v. Board of Education Ruled that “separate but equal” was illegal. This desegregated the schools. 1896 Court Cases 1954

  4. There were separate schools and resources There were separate public facilities There was social isolation of the races What were some effects of segregation?

  5. December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man This started the Montgomery bus boycott When did the Civil Rights Movement Begin?

  6. Leader of the Civil Rights Movement. Believed in Passive Resistance. Martin Luther King, Jr.

  7. Boycotts Sit-ins Marches Examples of passive resistance

  8. Freedom Rides were in 1961. Bus loads of white and black students traveled cross country Their goal was to end discrimination at bus terminals They meet with violence in many areas, but did not give up! Freedom Rides

  9. Made discrimination based on race, national origin, gender or religion illegal. This one piece of legislation transformed American society. Civil Rights Act of 1964

  10. Made it illegal to require voting tests or poll taxesfor voting rights. Voting Rights Act of 1965

  11. Changing Role of Women • Disadvantages in the workplace • Discrimination in hiring practices • Lower wages for women doing • the same job as men. • Improved Conditions • National Organization for Women N.O.W. • Federal legislation forced colleges to give • women equal athletic opportunities. • The Equal Rights Amendment • even though it failed, it opened many • opportunities for women.

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