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United States Department of Agriculture. Wildlife/Fish-related Functions NEDC Conservation Buffers Course. Activity Identify basic ecological conditions and functions desired in agricultural and other landscapes:. 8. Improve aquatic habitat, 9. Improve terrestrial habitat,
United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife/Fish-related Functions NEDC Conservation Buffers Course
Activity Identify basic ecological conditions and functions desired in agricultural and other landscapes: 8. Improve aquatic habitat, 9. Improve terrestrial habitat, 14. Enhance habitat for marketable wildlife. Description: During this activity, the basic ecological conditions desired in agricultural and other landscapes identified in Table 2-1 in the student handbook will be presented. Buffer impacts and purposes related to functions listed above will be discussed.
Conservation Buffers and Fish and Wildlife From the standards….
Conservation Buffers and Fish and Wildlife From the standards….
O R C A C r a t e r L a k e S y c a n R . A g e n c y L a k e U p p e r K l a m a t h L a k e M e d f o r d L a k e E w a u n a K l a m a t h F a l l s L o s t R . G e r b e r R e s e r v o i r C o p c o L o s t R i v e r R e s e r v o i r D i v e r s i o n O r e g o n # 1 & # 2 C h a n n e l J C B o y l e R e s e r v o i r C a l i f o r n i a T u l e L a k e L o w e r K l a m a t h R . I r o n G a t e K l a m a t h R e s e r v o i r L a k e C r e s e n t C i t y C l e a r L a k e Y r e k a D w i n n e l l R e s e r v o i r N W E S T r i n i t y L a k e 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 M i l e s E u r e k a R e d d i n g K l a m a t h R i v e r B a s i n
Fish and wildlife survival depends on: HABITAT Species-specific requirements for survival and reproduction
Habitat Basics Cover Food Water
Juxtaposition By Space By Season
Improve Aquatic Habitats Riparian Buffers
Shading Riparian Buffers
Organic Matter Input Riparian Buffers
Large Wood Material Riparian Buffers
Minimize Sediment Input Riparian Buffers
Nutrient Assimilation Riparian Buffers
No. Virginia Stream Restoration Project Riparian Buffers 2002 2000
Stream Reach Improvement in fish community Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) following restoration 2002 2001 2000
Buffers: Provide Habitat Structure Within the Agricultural Matrix
Buffers: Provide movement corridors for dispersal and migration Species-specific
Effects of Habitat Fragmentation: Detrimental to “Area-sensitive” species Reduced patch size Loss of original habitat
Effects of Habitat Fragmentation: Increase edge Favoring “edge-generalist” species Detrimental to “edge-sensitive” species
Effects of Habitat Fragmentation: Increased Isolation
Effects of Habitat Fragmentation: Loss of natural disturbance regime
Buffers: Corridor/conduit function is very important in fragmented landscapes
Factors Affecting Buffer Habitat Function Type and structure of vegetation within the buffer Wildlife value Monoculture No. of plant species Many Simple Vegetation structure Diverse
Bobolink Dickcissel Species-specific Response All grass Grass-forb mix
Most native wildlife Species-specific response by wildlife to vegetation species established Non-native Native Vegetation
Factors Affecting Buffer Habitat Function Type of vegetation adjacent to the buffer
Factors Affecting Buffer Habitat Function Surrounding land uses
ONSITE Watershed Land-use & Physical Characteristics Terrestrial amphibian populations barriers Amphibian abundance biomass species richness Local Habitat, Water Quality & Food Availability Fish abundance biomass species richness passage barriers distance to perennial water Downstream fish populations
Migratory Pollinators Declines due to: 1. Exposure to pesticides & herbicides 2. Reduced availability of nectar 3. Competition from exotic plants 4. Destruction of roosting habitat
Migratory Pollinators Nectar Corridor “The sequence of flowering plants that provides migrants with sugars and amino acids to fuel their long distance flights. By doing so, they incidentally transfer pollen from one plant to another thus increasing the probability of genetic mixing, seed set, and reproduction for their floral hosts.”
Pollinators North American flowers used by bees Many, many more!
Pollinators Common host plants of caterpillar and adult listed inButterfliesleaflet (handout)
Bats Number of bat species 45 U.S species
BATS • 920 species Worldwide • - 1/4 of all mammals • Important for pollination and insect control • 40% of North American bats are in decline or listed as T or E • Decline has negative economic impact on agriculture Bat Conservation International
BAT HABITAT NEEDS Roosts - Tree cavities - Exfoliating tree bark - Artificial roosts - Caves - Mines - Cliff and rock crevices - Tangled hedgerows and thickets - Under bridges - Attics and roofs Bat Conservation International
BAT HABITAT NEEDS Foraging Grounds - Woodlot canopy and understory - Open fields - Over streams - Agricultural lands Bat Conservation International
Bats See handout materials for more information on bats and bat management. Bat Conservation International
Reptiles and Amphibians (Herps) • Healthy populations of Herps can benefit Farm Operations: They prey on insects, rodents, and other pests. • Most Herps are in decline because of loss and degradation of their habitats. • The fate of Herps is in the hands of landowners who install conservation buffers, and other key habitat features in the landscape. • Conservation Buffers can develop and connect corridors used to move to various habitats used during life history. • Herps do not fly; they generally move slowly!
Reptiles and Amphibians (Herps) OF INTEREST: • Benefit agricultural operations -- feed on insects, rodents, etc. • Snakes can go months without eating • Turtles can live for more than 50 years • Some frogs can survive being frozen for long periods
Reptiles and Amphibians (Herps) • Most herp species are in decline • Habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation • Future depends on private land management • - Development of corridors to connect habitat patches • - Conservation of existing habitat patches of less disturbed areas • - Integration of natural features on agricultural lands (e.g., buffers) help support herps that persist on ag landscape.
Reptiles and Amphibians (Herps) Habitat Management Guidelines for Amphibians and Reptiles of the Midwest
Reptiles and Amphibians (Herps) REPTILES MORE