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IRMA and the National Resource Information Portal

IRMA and the National Resource Information Portal. 2010 Resource Information Management Conference April, 2009. What’s IRMA? What’s the Portal? How can I use the Portal? What’s coming next? What’s the bigger picture? (Steve Fancy). 2. What’s IRMA?. IRMA = Integration of

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IRMA and the National Resource Information Portal

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  1. IRMA and the National Resource Information Portal 2010 Resource Information Management Conference April, 2009

  2. What’s IRMA? What’s the Portal? • How can I use the Portal? • What’s coming next? • What’s the bigger picture? (Steve Fancy) 2

  3. What’s IRMA? • IRMA = Integration of • Resource Management Applications. • Goal is to integrate natural resource data applications • Eliminate redundant data storage; streamline functions • Create acentral web portal, single sign-on system, common user interface • Transition to service-oriented architecture (SOA), starting with NPSpecies, NatureBib, and the NPS Data Store.

  4. What’s the Portal? • NRInfo = Natural Resource Information Portal • http://nrinfo.nps.gov Visible results of the IRMA project

  5. NRInfo Home Page

  6. How can I use the Portal? • As of today: • Search for and retrieve documents or data • Get park species information • Link to other information sources • By the end of May, 2010: • Create or edit records for documents or data sets • Upload associated files

  7. Available to all NPS users • Additional functionality and data added every few months • Publicly available in 2011 (Non-sensitive data)

  8. References Reference Application NatureBib NPS Data Store Approx. 250,000 records

  9. Enter search term and draw search box for area of interest

  10. record is created via upload process; original metadata record is stored and not lost or modified

  11. Reference Application Summary: • Now: search for documents and data; download related files • - May: create new records; edit existing records, “bundle” related records; spatial search • By the end of May, NatureBib and the NPS Data Store applications will be retired.

  12. Taxonomic Information Taxonomy service available to search and crosswalk with multiple taxonomic systems.

  13. NPSpecies Summary: • Now:get species lists, associated status data, lists of park where species occur; taxonomy searches • - May: View “match lists” of federal T&E species, state sensitive, G-Ranks, etc. • Release 9 (Fall, 2010): create-edit records

  14. Goal is to integrate resource information systems • NR and GIS Data Store System • NR Biological Inventory System - NPSpecies • NR Bibliography Inventory System • Research Permit and Reporting System • Public Use Statistics Office and Reporting System • NPS Water Rights Docket Files • Alien Plant Control and Mgt Database • NPS Endangered Species Act Database • And more…

  15. The NRInfo Portal is not the only way to access data…

  16. REST-style Searches(representational state transfer) Construct URLs to fetch data and documents directly Example: link to fetch data and documents on elk in ROMO: http://services.nrinfo.nps.gov/reference/ reference/list/romo/elk

  17. Any NPS Web page can automatically be updated using REST Elk research Search code can be embedded in web pages; search is dynamically executed each time

  18. Dynamically create reference lists

  19. other possibilities for data exchange…

  20. USGS Prototype Access to Publications Warehouse – 70,000 records

  21. e-TIC SOA framework Two-way data exchanges possible Data Sharing and Integration with NPS Technical Information Center

  22. ITIS • Collaborating on exchange specifications; • Receive taxonomy record updates via web services

  23. NBII: can integrate NPS data into its portal next year

  24. USFWS ECOS data system pilot

  25. In Summary… • This is a start. • First of many releases– development is iterative • NRInfo Portal has to work for you. Your ideas and input are essential.

  26. User Feedback Sessions: Ram’s Room, Tues-Thurs afternoons • What do you like? • What doesn’t work? • What’s clunky? • What’s missing? Great opportunity for you to influence portal design and functions

  27. Also: Wednesday, 10:00 – NPSpecies in the NRInfo Portal Wednesday, 4:15 - Run-through of Reference Application

  28. nrinfo.nps.gov

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