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Bell Ringer. Combinen estas dos frases : “Es importante ” y “ Tú vas a la escuela ” . Yo quiero que tú vayas al cine conmigo . Yo quiero que tú veas la nueva película . Yo quiero que tú te diviertas . JEDI. J. Judgement. E. Emotion. D. Doubt. I. Influence.
Bell Ringer Combinenestas dos frases: “Es importante” y “Tú vas a la escuela”
J Judgement
E Emotion
D Doubt
I Influence
Yoquieroquetú…. (hacer la tarea) (hacer la cama) (limpiartudormitorio) (ser respetuoso) Yoquieroquetúhagas la tarea. Yoquieroquetúhagas la cama. Yoquieroquetúlimpiestudormitorio. Yoquieroquetúseasrespetuoso.
Yoesperoquetú…. Yoesperoquetútrabajes. Yoesperoquetúlleguesa tiempo. Yoesperoquetútengaséxito. Yoesperoquetúseashonesto. (trabajar) (llegar a tiempo) (teneréxito) (ser honesto)
Nosotrosesperamosquetú…. Esperamosquetúpasestiempo con nosotros. Esperamosquetúseas un buen amigo. Esperamosquetúestésfeliz. Esperamosquetútediviertas con nosotros. (pasartiempo con nosotors) (ser un buen amigo) (estarfeliz) (divertirse con nosotros)
Yoespero (Esperar) • Yoquiero (Querer) • Yotepido (Pedir) • Yorecomiendo (Recomendar) • Yosugiero (Sugerir) + que
Impromptu Conversation • Two young people meet and one tries to convince the other that they should go to the movies. The other is reluctant and has a number of reasons not to go. Rules: Students will be given 5 minutes to prepare. They may use a dictionary. Must be at least 1 minute. Bonus points for going over 1 minute. Teams will be judged on: appropriateness of conversation to situation, pronunciation, expressing enthusiasm, clarity, projection, correctness, and time length.
Written task You have a friend who needs to find a good restaurant to go to this weekend. He or she asks for your recommendation. You write him/her a quick e-mail responding with suggestions using 6 verbs in the subjunctive.
Carta a un amigo Querido Juan, Mi restaurantefavoritoesZupas. Yoquieroquetúvayasallí. Me gusta la sopa de tomate y yorecomiendoquetú la pruebes. También, yosugieroquetútesientesal lado de la ventanaporque la vista esmuybonita. Yosugieroquepreguntespor Marta para ser tumeseraporqueellaesmuysimpática. Yoesperoquetengasunalindacena y esperoque lo pasesbien. Tuamiga, Ms. Smith
Impromptu Conversation • Two young people talk about a restaurant. One loves the restaurant and the other does not. The one who loves the restaurant recommends to the other what they should do next time they go to make the experience more enjoyable. Rules: Students will be given 5 minutes to prepare. They may use a dictionary. Must be at least 1 minute. Bonus points for going over 1 minute. Teams will be judged on: appropriateness of conversation to situation, pronunciation, expressing enthusiasm, clarity, projection, correctness, and time length.
D Doubt
naden 1. I doubt that you-all swim well. (nadar) Yodudoqueustedes____________ bien. 2. It's doubtful that you speak Chinese. (hablar) Es improbable quetú____________ chino. 3. It's uncertain that they live in Spain. (vivir) Es inciertoqueellos______________ en España. 4. It doesn't seem like it is going to rain. (ir) No pareceque ________a llover. 5. Pablo doesn't think that the soccer team will win. (ir) Pablo no creeque el equipo de futbol ____________ a ganar. hables vivan vaya vaya
haya 6. The taxi driver doesn't suppose that there is enough work for him. (haber) El taxista no suponeque _________suficientetrabajoparaél. 7. She denies that her brother is a troubled boy. (ser) Ella niegaquesuhermano__________ un chicoconflictivo. 8. It's not true that he manages the company. (dirigir) No esverdadqueél _________la empresa. 9. It's true that the boy doesn't study well. (estudiar) Es ciertoque el niño no______________ bien. 10. It's true that I am from Spain. (ser) Es verdadqueyo _____________de España. sea dirija estudia soy
Subjuntivo • dudarque ... to doubt that ... esdudosoque ... it is doubtful that ... es improbable que ... it's unlikely that ... esinciertoque ... it's uncertain that ... esposibleque ... it's possible that ... no creerque ... not to believe that ... no esciertoque ... it's not certain that ... no estarconvencido de que ... to not be convinced that ... suspect that ... • no estarseguro de que ... to not be sure that ... no parecerque ... to not seem that ... no pensarque ... to not think that ... no suponerque ... to not suppose that ... puede ser que ... it may be that ... negarque ... to deny that ... no esverdadque ... it's not true that ... no esciertoque ... it's not certain that ... no imaginarseque ... to not imagine that ... temerque ... to suspect that ...
Indicativo • no dudarque ... to not doubt that ... estarseguro de que ... to be certain that ... creerque ... to think that ... no negarque ... to not deny that ... esverdadque ... it's true that ...
Impromptu Conversation • Two students discuss the sporting event from the night before and their team’s chances in the championship next week. Rules: Students will be given 5 minutes to prepare. They may use a dictionary. Must be at least 1 minute. Bonus points for going over 1 minute. Teams will be judged on: appropriateness of conversation to situation, pronunciation, expressing enthusiasm, clarity, projection, correctness, and time length.