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Encomienda System and Slavery

Encomienda System and Slavery. ENCOMIENDA SYSTEM. The Encomienda System maybe described as a system of tributory labor established in the Spanish Americas.

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Encomienda System and Slavery

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  1. Encomienda System and Slavery

  2. ENCOMIENDA SYSTEM • The Encomienda System maybe described as a system of tributory labor established in the Spanish Americas. • This system was establish as a means of Christianizing, obtaining proper housing and food provision of the indigenous people in return for their services as slaves. • The Encomienda System began on Columbus’ third voyage to Hispaniola. • The ideology of Encomienda included another system called Repartmiento. • Developed as a means of securing an adequate and cheap labour supply, (partmiento), in Spanish colonial practice, usually, the distribution of indigenous people for forced labor.

  3. CONT’D • In a broader sense it referred to any official distribution of goods, property, services, and the like. From as early as 1499, deserving Spaniards were allotted pieces of land, receiving at the same time the native people living on them; these allotments were known as Encomienda [Span. Encomendar-to entrust], the Encomienda was first used over the conquered Moors of Spain. and the process was the Repartmiento; the two words were often used interchangeably. The Encomiendawas almost always accompanied by a system of forced labor and other assessments exacted from the indigenous people

  4. THE PURPOSE OF THE ENCOMIENDA SYSTEM AND SLAVERY • To gain gold and glory for Spain • To spread Christianity • To gain more Spanish territories for the king • To control the natives

  5. THE CAUSES OF THE END OF THE ENCOMIENDA SYSTEM • The rate of the natives decreased. • King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella regretted giving Columbus so much power and sent a representative to observe the running of the Encomienda System. This representative reported negative treatments of the indigenous people thus leading to the termination of the system by the King and Queen .

  6. Cont. • There were too many revolts as some Spaniards and Caciques fought against the system.

  7. IMPACTS OF THE ENCOMIENDA SYSTEM Negative Positive • Death of several native Indians because of over – working , starvation and diseases • Deculturalization • Suicide and infanticide • Genocide • The encomenderos got work completed at a faster rate. • The Spanish colony earned an income • Christianity was spread • The encomenderos got land

  8. BIBLIOGRAPHY • Claypole William, Robottom John.(2001). Caribbean Story Bk1. 33 second street, Newport West, P.O. Box 489, Kingston Jamaica: Longman publishing house. • Free online Encyclopedia • Jemmont Jenny, Josephs Alreic and Monteith Kathleen.(2010). The Caribbean, the Atlantic World and Global Transformation. Department of History and Archaeology: university of the West indies.


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