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Sahar Reddick. The Devastation of the Encomienda System on North Americans. - encomienda : vicious practice of forced labor amongst the indigenous people of North America by European explorers
SaharReddick The Devastation of the Encomienda System on North Americans
- encomienda: vicious practice of forced labor amongst the indigenous people of North America by European explorers - In the 1500’s European powers began looking for trade routes to expand trade with other nations. - Land and resources attracted European explorers to North America. - The encomienda system enriched Spanish rule at the cost of nearly the entire indigenous population of North America. - Crucial conditions of this forced labor devastated the indigenous people of North America and left atrocious consequences. What is Encomienda?
- How did European use of the encomienda system effect the indigenous people of North America? Research QUestion
- European use of the encomienda system in American colonies resulted in exploitation of Native American lands, dehumanization, and depopulation of the indigenous people of North America. Thesis
-Deprivation of human treatment. -forced labor -brutal conditions -lack of rights and equality -separation from family and loved ones dehumanization
-Amerindians had their homelands stolen from them. -Amerindians were forced to cultivate their homelands for the benefit of European powers. • Native American crops were introduced to Europe. Exploitation of Land
-decimated nearly an entire population of Native Americans ***Usage of the encomienda system, against Amerindians, came to a halt only after there were not enough Amerindians to uphold a system that would remain profitable for the Europeans . Depopulation
-My topic originated from discussions in history where the class evaluated the effects of imperialism and slavery. ***imperialism Topic Selection
- Policies and practices of colonization caused long term ramifications that often had negative effects on weaker nations while benefitting stronger nations. Learning outcomes
The encomienda system contributed to the current wealth and power of European nations; however, its negative effects on the indigenous people continue act as a factor on the Native American race. Its impacts will never be forgotten. Significance to History
Linda Newson, Life and Death in Early Colonial Ecuador. (Norman: University of Oklahoma 1995) L. P. Wright, "The Military Orders in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Spanish Society. The Institutional Embodiment of a Historical Tradition." The Past and Present (1969): 34-70. J. H. Elliott, Empires of the Atlantic World Britain and Spain in America.1492-1830. (New Haven Yale UP, 2006.) Floyd Merrell, Complementing Latin American Borders. (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue UP, 2004) "CIA - The World Factbook." Last Modified March, 2011. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ Bibliography