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World War II. 1939-1945. Japanese Expansion. 1931- Japan seized Manchuria. The League of Nations pressured them to return it to China, but Japan just withdrew from the League. 1937-Captured Beijing and Nanking
World War II 1939-1945
Japanese Expansion • 1931- Japan seized Manchuria. • The League of Nations pressured them to return it to China, but Japan just withdrew from the League. • 1937-Captured Beijing and Nanking • “Rape of Nanking”- 6 week rampage where they massacred more than 100,000 civilians and raped about 20,000 Chinese women. • By 1941, Japan controlled French Indochina and several Pacific islands.
Italy • 1935- Italy invaded Ethiopia. • Lack of action with Japan encouraged Mussolini to act on his promise to expand Italy. • Italians supported this after feeling cheated by the Treaty of Versailles.
Germany • SPACE and RACE • Hitler’s main goal was the territorial expansion of the superior German race. • This was outlined in Mein Kampf: • Germans are a superior race and should unite to form a German Empire “Third Reich” • Jews, Poles, Slavs, etc… were inferior and should be enslaved and forced to die out. • Germans would resettle their land to gain lebensraum “living space”.
Hitler Defies the Treaty of Versailles • Treaty limited German army to only 100,000 men. Hitler disobeys this and builds up the military. • 1936- Hitler marches army into the Rhineland (30 mile demilitarized buffer zone with France). • The League of Nations was supposed to enforce the treaty but nothing happened
Appeasement • GB and France gave in to Hitler to keep peace. • WHY??? • Felt guilty about Treaty of Versailles • Saw Hitler as better than Soviet Communism • Great Depression • Pacifism – no one wanted another war
Hitler Expands • 1938- Hitler annexes Austria (Anschluss) -Next, Hitler demanded the Sudetenland be given to Germany (western region of Czechoslovakia with 3 million Germans) • Czechs ask France for help (allies). Near war. • Sept 1938-Munich Conference • GB and France agree to let Hitler have Sudetenland. He promises no further expansion.
A woman in the Sudetenland greets incoming German troops with tears and a Nazi salute.
Two Views on the Conference • GB Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain – I have secured… “peace with honor…peace for our time.” • Winston Churchill – “They had to choose between war and dishonor. They chose dishonor; they will have war.”
Hitler Breaks His Promise • March 1939 – Hitler took over Czechoslovakia • August 1939 – Signed the Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact with Joseph Stalin. • Stunned the world because they were enemies • Secretly divided Poland and eastern Europe between them • Sept 1 – Hitler invades Poland • Sept 3 – GB and France declare war. WWII begins!
WWII • Blitzkrieg “lightning war” • Poland crushed in 4 weeks • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ha0qKquG2E • Winter: Sitzkrieg “phony war” • 1940: Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France are taken over by Germany.
May 1940- Germans came through the Ardennes Forest to France. • Bypassed the Maginot Line – system of fortifications along the German/French border. • British and French troops were trapped! • Miracle of Dunkirk • Heroic rescue of 300,000 Allied soldiers across the English Channel to GB.
Operation Sea Lion • By 1940, all of western Europe was under German control or neutral except GB. • Battle of Britain: RAF v. Luftwaffe • 57 straight nights of bombing on London and other cities, then sporadic until May 1941 • Killed over 40,000 civilians, massive damage • British never surrendered; Hitler gave up
Operation Barbarossa • June 1941-Hitler invades the Soviet Union • Wanted rich resources (land, oil, grain) • Wanted to defeat Communism • Wanted to put more pressure on GB • Scorched earth policy • Temps reached -40 degrees in Dec 1941; thousands die • Siege of Leningrad (900 Day Siege) – 1 million Soviets died over 2 ½ year siege -Supplies blockaded. Ration: 2 pieces bread/day
Back in the US… • President FDR is building support for US involvement • Persuaded Congress to pass the Lend-Lease Act • Allowed US to sell/lend war materials to “any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States” • Wanted to try to stand up for democracy without joining the war
Japan • July 1941 – US cut off sale of oil to Japan because of their takeovers in Asia • Reduced their oil supplies by 90% • Dec 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor • Sank or crippled every American battleship but all aircraft carriers were out at sea and unharmed • Killed 2,400 people • “A date which will live in infamy”
The Big Three • FDR, Winston Churchill, and Stalin • FDR and Churchill were true allies, not Stalin • Only cooperated to defeat Hitler • Stalin wanted FDR and WC to open a 2nd front against Germany to take pressure off USSR • Didn’t until 1944.
Turning Points • May 1942 – Battle of the Coral Sea • 1st time US stops the Japanese air force/navy • June 1942 – Battle of Midway • Americans destroyed several Japanese ships and planes • “island hopping” strategy • Jan 1943 – Russians defeat Germans at the Battle of Stalingrad • May 1943 – Allies led by Dwight. D. Eisenhower force an Axis surrender in North Africa (Operation Torch)
Iwo Jima: Captured to stage an attack on mainland; 26,000 US casualties
D-Day • June 6, 1944 – Allies land at Normandy (France) • Free France, Belgium, enter Germany by March 1945 • Soviets also advancing from East • Mussolini – executed • Hitler – suicide Apr 30, surrender May 7 • May 8, 1945 – V-E Day (Victory in Europe)
Japan? • Will not surrender • Kamikaze • Manhattan Project – code name for the research on atomic bomb • Harry S Truman is now President of US • FDR died April 12, 1945 • August 6 – Hiroshima – 70,000 killed instantly • August 9 – Nagasaki – 40,000; surrender • Many more died later from radiation