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DATA WAREHOUSING IN SQL SERVER 2005/2008 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE. Experience with BI. Developing end-to-end BI prototype for Plan International Extensive project experience with Reporting Services Books, courses, exams and played

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  2. Experience with BI • Developing end-to-end BI prototype for Plan International • Extensive project experience with Reporting Services • Books, courses, exams and played • Developed numerous reporting apps that should have been BI solutions!

  3. Concepts • Business Intelligence • Organisation-wide perspective • Combining data from diverse systems • High level aggregation to detailed drill-down • Relational data not designed for BI • Narrow focus on specific business requirement • OLTP for speed of entry and integrity • OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing) for aggregating large data volumes

  4. Core Processes • ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) • Import, clean and combine diverse data • Store in Data Warehouse • Star Schema • Relational structure for OLAP, not OLTP • Cubes • Pre-aggregate results (sum, count) • Reporting • (Data Mining and Prediction)

  5. SQL Server 2005 • SQL Server Management Studio • Design and query databases • Replaces Enterprise Manager, Query Analyser • Manage Servers (DB, AS, RS, IS) • SQL Server Business Intelligence Studio • VS .NET 2005 projects • Design, build and deploy

  6. Business Intelligence Studio • Integration Services • Data import and transform (replaces DTS) • Merge data into Star Schema • Analysis Services • Design and populate Cubes • Report Model • ERD for reporting • Report Server • Design and publish reports

  7. Star Schema • Star focuses on business area • Sales, Logistics • Fact Table stores numeric measures • Order Value, Order Quantity • Dimension Tables • How data is analysed (aggregates and heirarchies) • Product, Customer, Time

  8. Business Intelligence (BI) refers to skills, processes, technologies, applications and practices used to support decision making. historical, current, and predictive views reporting, OLAP, analytics, data mining, business performance management, benchmarking, text mining, and predictive analytics. A data warehouse is a repository of an organization's electronically stored data. Data warehouses are designed to facilitate reporting and analysis. business intelligence tools, tools to extract, transform, and load data into the repository, and tools to manage and retrieve metadata. DATA WAREHOUSE = BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE

  9. BI IN SQL SERVER 2005

  10. Universal Dimensional Model Cube Drill-down Roll-up Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) … BASIC CONCEPTS

  11. Database AdventureWorks Microsoft Corp menyediakan sample database bernamaadventureWorks yang beradadibawahshemadbodan data yang bukanberadadalam schema dbo.

  12. Link download: http://msftdbprodsamples.codeplex.com/releases/view/4004 Pilih data yang akandiambil, misal: AdventureWorksBI.msidan AdventureWorksDB.msi KemudianInstall dansecaraotomatis, lokasihasilinstalasi sample database tersebutadalah: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\ BukaSQL Server Management Studio danambil (attach) database tersebut.

  13. Dua data tersebutterdiriatasberbagaitabel yang salingberelasi, untuk database AdventureWorksDWsudahterdiriatasbanyaktabelfaktadandimensi-dimensinya yang berbentuk: • Star Schema • Snowflake Schema • Constellation Schema

  14. Dari database tersebutjugadapatdibuatbeberapakubusmenggunakan SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio, misalnyadaritabelFakta Internet Sales.

  15. To create a new Analysis Services project, follow these steps: • Select Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio from the Programs menu to launch Business Intelligence Development Studio.

  16. To define a Data source for the new cube, follow these steps: • Right-click on the Data Sources folder in Solution Explorer and select New Data Source.

  17. To create a new data source view, follow these steps: • Right-click on the Data Source Views folder in Solution Explorer and select New Data Source View.

  18. BIDS will automatically display the schema of the new data source view

  19. To create the new cube, follow these steps: • Right-click on the Cubes folder in Solution Explorer and select New Cube.

  20. Deploying ,Processing, Browsing a Cube

  21. Terminologies • Cube The basic unit of storage and analysis in Analysis Services is the cube. A cube is a collection of data that’s been aggregated to allow queries to return data quickly. • Dimension Each cube has one or more dimensions, each based on one or more dimension tables. A dimension represents a category for analyzing business data • Fact table A fact table contains the basic information that you wish to summarize. This might be order detail information, payroll records, or anything else that’s amenable to summing and averaging.

  22. UNCC MSDNAA: http://msdn04.e-academy.com/elms/Storefront/Home.aspx?campus=uncc_cit SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition WHERE TO GET SQL SERVER

  23. Deploy pada Visual Studio dan SQL Server

  24. Proyek-proyek SQL server yang dibuatdenganmemakai Visual Studio secara default hanyaakanmenghasilkan intermediate code, belummengalokasikan user level cubes secarafisik.

  25. Deployment berefekpadaduahal: • Menghasilkan executable-code file • Mengalokasikan user-level cubes di database-database Makaartinyauntukmendapatkananalisislebihjauhdarisuatu database kekubus (misal data mining), makaterlebihdahuluproyekharusmengalami deployment

  26. Langkah Deploy Proyek:

  27. atau…

  28. Jikatidakterjadimasalah (instalasilengkap) makaakanmuncultampilandisudutkananbawahsepertiini:

  29. Setelahproses deploy selesai, barulah tab-tab diatasdapatberfungsisepenuhnya Isidarikubus

  30. MenampilkanIsi Data Kubus

  31. Drag data ke browser

  32. Drag data yang lain

  33. Ambilnilai (drag measure) ketengah-tengahantarabariskota (daritabeldimensi Customer) dankolomwarnadaritabeldimensi Product))

  34. Data lain dapatditambahkansesuaidengankeperluan…

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