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Collaborating for Success: Leadership and Teaming in a Response-to-Intervention (RTI) and Problem Solving (PS) System. Illinois ASPIRE A lliance for S chool-based P roblem-solving & I ntervention R esources in E ducation
Collaborating for Success: Leadership and Teaming in a Response-to-Intervention (RTI) and Problem Solving (PS) System Illinois ASPIREAlliance for School-based Problem-solving & Intervention Resources in Education Illinois ASPIRE is a State Personnel Development Grant-funded initiative of the Illinois State Board of Education. All funding is from federal sources.
District Leadership Meeting- Woodbine #1- 10-8-09 Building A Sustainable Foundation Presented by Ruth Poage-Gaines, Regional Coordinator IASPIRE
Illinois ASPIREAlliance for School-based Problem-solving & Intervention Resources in Education Project Goal :Establish and implement a coordinated, regionalized system of personnel development that will increase school systems’ capacity to provide early intervening services [with an emphasis on reading], aligned with the general education curriculum, to at-risk students and students with disabilities, as measured by improved student progress and performance.
Illinois ASPIREAlliance for School-based Problem-solving & Intervention Resources in Education Objectives: • Deliver research-based professional development and technical assistance in Problem-Solving Service Delivery Systems, Response-to-Intervention (RTI), scientifically based reading instruction, and Standards Aligned Classrooms (SAC). • Increase the participation of parents in decision-making across district sites. • Incorporate professional development content into higher education general and special education preservice & graduate level curricula. • Evaluate the effectiveness of project activities.
Objective 1: Research-Based Professional Development & T.A. • 4 Regional Illinois ASPIRE Centers • Chicago: Chicago Public Schools • North: Northern Suburban Spec. Ed. Dist. • Central: Peoria ROE #48 • South: Southern Illinois University • Collaboratives of LEAs, IHEs, regional providers and parent entities • Responsible for: • Training to districts and parents in region • General technical assistance (T.A.) • On-site T.A. to school data collection/demonstration sites
Illinois ASPIRE – North Dr. Mark Shinn 847-275-7200 markshinn@mac.com Illinois ASPIRE – Central Christy Culen 309-657-9337 cculen@peoriaroe48.net Illinois ASPIRE – South Dr. Melissa Bergstrom 618-650-3182 mbergstrom@siu.edu Illinois ASPIRE – Chicago Amy Dahlstrom Klainer 773-553-2209 ajdahlstromklain@cps.k12.il.us For More Informationwww.illinoisaspire.netISBE: Kathryn Cox 217-782-5589kcox@isbe.net
Learner OutcomesYou will be able to: • Identify the factors shared by schools that are successful in increasing student achievement. • Identify factors to address in change initiatives such as RtI/PS. • Describe the consensus stage in the development of a PS/RtI system.
Learner Outcomes (continued) • Assess status of commitment to or readiness for implementation of a RtI/PS system in your school and develop strategies for increasing commitment. • Assess and increase the leadership role of staff in the implementation of RTI/PS.
Big Ideas about the Role of the Principal and Leadership in the Development and Implementation of a RtI/PS System • Implementation of RtI/PS involves change • Change is a complex process involving attention to identifiable critical factors. • Schools that successfully implement RtI/PS share common characteristics: • core beliefs • role of prevention and intervention • collaborative teaming • data-based decision-making • parental/community engagement • leadership
Big Ideas (continued) • Successful implementation of RtI/PS is based on the premise that schools are responsible for the learning of all students and the principal’s role is crucial in setting expectations for this within the school. • Implementation of RtI/PS takes heart, courage, knowledge and a willingness to change for the better.
Big Ideas (continued) • Development of a RtI/PS system requires consensus building, infrastructure development and action toward implementation.
RTI = Response-to- Intervention or matching student need to instruction or intervention in order to increase student achievement
RTI is about…. • having a system of instruction and intervention. • intensity of instruction and intervention. • using different data measures. • using different academic and behavior Interventions. • a different system for determining eligibility.
“Rather than devoting extensive resources to finding out whetherstudents “have” disabilities, we should devote those resources to assessing students’ exact instructional needs using models like Response-to-Intervention. Schools will need to provide this instruction through collaboration between general and special education personnel to ensure that all students continue to have full access to the general educationcurriculum..let’s teach the children what they need to know.Harry and Klinger, Educational Leadership
What is PS (Problem Solving)? A team-based, data-based decision-making process designed to improve educational and behavioral outcomes by asking these questions at every level of the tiered prevention/intervention system: • Problem Identification--What Is The Problem? Is it Significant? • Problem Analysis--Why Is The Problem Occurring? • Plan Development--What Are We Going To Do About It? • Plan Evaluation--Did The Plan Work?
Why RtI/PS Now…Many of its basic tenets have been around for some time.
Right now in education we operate in a context of…Accountability!!!!…and we see this in this educational legislation.
Contextual Issues Affecting The RtI/PS Process in General and Special Education • ESEA Legislation-No Child Left Behind and AYP • IDEA Re-Authorization • Focus on academic outcomes • General education as baseline metric • Labeling as a “last resort” • Increasing general education options • Pooling building-based resources • Flexible funding patterns • RtI Introduced as option for LD eligibility • National Emphasis on Reading and Reading First Initiative • Evidence-based/Scientifically-based Interventions Heartland, June, 2006 (modified)
Quote from ISBE:School Improvement Plan Directions (In reference to looking at ISAT and local assessment data) “…respond(ing) to three prompts: a) What do these data tell you? b) What factors are likely to have contributed to these results? and c) What conclusion for school improvement do you draw…? “List …key factors that are within the school’s capacity to change or control which contribute to low achievement…”
Seven Common Traits Observed in Successful Schools • Strong Leadership • Positive Belief and Teacher Dedication • Data Utilization and Analysis • Effective Scheduling • Professional Development • Scientifically Based Intervention Programs • Parent Involvement Crawford, E.,& Torgesen, J. Teaching All Students to Read: Practices from Reading First Schools with Strong Intervention Outcomes-Complete Report, Florida Center for Reading Research 2004-05.
Big Picture Overview: Stages Of RtI/PS Development Consensus Building Infrastructure Development Implementation Heartland, June, 2006
Stages of Implementing Problem-Solving/RtI • Consensus • Beliefs are shared and agreed upon • Vision statement exists • RtI and PS are understood • Implementation requirements are understood • Leadership is provided by the principal and key school staff • Infrastructure Development • System self-study completed • Universal screening and benchmarking system has been developed • System of prevention/intervention has been developed • Core Leadership team identified and committed • Problem solving team(s) and processes developed • Plan for sustainability has been developed • Revision of special education eligibility processes has been developed • Implementation • Roll out of RtI/PS begins or continues with increasing sophistication • Evaluation of student outcomes, system data, problem solving process and consumer satisfaction exists Batsche, G., Response to Intervention: Blueprints for State, District and School Implementation (modified)
Stage One Consensus Building
What Beliefs Should Be Shared??? • RtI/PS is a General Education Initiative, not primarily a Special Education initiative. • Improving the effectiveness of core instruction is basic to this process • NO Child Left Behind Really Means “NO”; Meeting AYP through RtI! • Assessment (data) should both inform and evaluate the impact of instruction • Beliefs must be supported by research
Beliefs (cont.) • There is a shared responsibility for student achievement across the entire school community. • Parents are vital members of the team to support students.
Consensus Building Activities: What to Do? • Discuss how RtI/PS relates to state and district goals and initiatives with district leadership and gain support for building implementation. • Identify school leadership to support RtI/PS. • Provide information to school staff. • Why RtI/PS? • What is it? What is it not? • What are the benefits of RtI/PS? • What will it take to implement?
Consensus Building Activities (cont.) • Identify the consensus level among staff for implementing RtI/PS. • Determine next steps with leadership team. • Plan to support this change initiative in the school.
Definitions of Change • To leave one train, bus, etc… and board another • To put on other clothes • To make different; to alter; to vary Heartland, June, 2006 Webster’s New World Dictionary
“Faced with the choice between changing one’s mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everybody gets busy on the proof.” (John Kenneth Galbraith)
Why do people resist change?Fear of…. • Failure • Success • Losing Power • Hard Work • Having to be different Source: The All Star Company
Why do people embrace change?Excitement about… • The unknown • The possibility of success • Being the best you can be • Proving something • Being able to be different Source: The All Star Company
Table Talk Think about your own involvement as an educator in a significant change in your district, school or classroom. How did you react to this change and what factors either made you hesitant or enthusiastic about the change?
McREL’s View of Change A change is defined by the implications it has for the people expected to implement it and/or those who will be impacted by it. The same change can be perceived differently by different stakeholders McREL
Definitions: Order of Change • First-order of change • Second-order of change
First-order Implications an extension of the past? consistent with prevailing organizational norms? congruent with personal values? easily learned using existing knowledge and skills? Second-order Implications a break with the past? inconsistent with prevailing organizational norms? incongruent with personal values? requiring new knowledge and skills? McREL First or Second OrderChange?Do staff perceive the change as…
Table Talk Discuss whether implementing RtI/PS is going to be a first-order or second-order change for your school.
Personal Impact of Change “It’s not so much that we’re afraid of change or so in love with the old ways, but it’s that place in between that we fear …It’s like being on a trapeze. It’s Linus when his blanket is in the dryer. There’s nothing to hold on to.” Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Company
Managing Complex Change Vision Skills + + Incentives Resources Action Plans + + CHANGE