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Jacob Salassi Sr. Escalation Engineer / TRM

Jacob Salassi Sr. Escalation Engineer / TRM. (TECH307: Deploying and Troubleshooting the Citrix NetScaler with XenApp and Web Interface). Agenda. Troubleshooting Techniques for NetScaler. Deploying XenApp and Web Interface with NetScaler.

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Jacob Salassi Sr. Escalation Engineer / TRM

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  1. Jacob Salassi Sr. Escalation Engineer / TRM (TECH307: Deploying and Troubleshooting the Citrix NetScaler with XenApp and Web Interface)

  2. Agenda Troubleshooting Techniques for NetScaler Deploying XenApp and Web Interface with NetScaler Troubleshooting and Best Practices for XenApp / Web Interface with NetScaler

  3. Troubleshooting Techniques: Key NetScaler Processes

  4. Troubleshooting Techniques: Key NetScaler Processes (cont)

  5. Troubleshooting Techniques: NetScaler File System • /var - Hard Drive • Logs - /var/log and /var/nslog • Install - /var/nsinstall • Trace - /var/nstrace • Core Dumps - /var/crash and /var/core • /flash - Flash Drive • Config - /flash/nsconfig • SSL Certificates - /flash/nsconfig/ssl • User Monitors - /flash/nsconfig/monitors • Custom options - /flash/nsconfig • NS Kernel - /flash • / - RAM Drive • OS

  6. Troubleshooting Techniques: /var/log • Important files in /var/log • Ns.log • Messages • Other files in /var/log • Httperror.log • cron • Dr_error.log • Httpaccess.log • License.log • Nscollect.log • Nsvpn.log • Nsvpnd.log • Snmpd.log

  7. Troubleshooting Techniques: /var/nslog • Important files in /var/nslog • newnslog • newnslog.*.gz • Other files in /var/nslog • ns.log • nsumond.log • nslog.nextfile

  8. Troubleshooting Techniques: Show Commands • Common show commands for system information: • show node • show info • show license • Common show commands for vserver and service: • show lb vserver • show cs vserver • show service • show persistencesession • show connectiontable • Other common show commands: • show route • show ip • show dns addrec -type proxy

  9. Show node

  10. Show feature

  11. Show ns mode

  12. Show lb vserver

  13. Show lb vserver[name]

  14. Show service [name]

  15. Troubleshooting Techniques: “stat” command • Common stat commands for system information: • Stat ns • Stat cpu • Stat interface • Common stat commands for vserver and service: • Stat lb vserver • Stat cs vserver • Stat service • Other common stat commands: • Stat dns • Stat ssl • Stat http

  16. Stat interface [name]

  17. Stat lb vserver [name]

  18. Stat service [name]

  19. Troubleshooting Techniques: nsconmsg • Nsconmsg common use cases • View events • View console messages • View statistics • Debug system counters • Debug load balancing issues • Debug CPU/Memory utilization • Nsconmsg common syntax • Nsconmsg –K /var/nslog/newnslog -d event • Nsconmsg –K /var/nslog/newnslog -d consmsg • Nsconmsg –K /var/nslog/newnslog -d oldconmsg • Nsconmsg –K /var/nslog/newnslog -s ConLb=2 –d oldconmsg • Nsconmsg –K /var/nslog/newnslog -s ConDebug=1 –d oldconmsg • MAKE SURE TO USE –K, NOT -k

  20. Nsconmsg –K /var/nslog/newnslog -d event

  21. Nsconmsg –K /var/nslog/newnslog –d consmsg

  22. Nsconmsg –K /var/nslog/newnslog –d oldconmsg

  23. Nsconmsg –K newnslog –s ConLB=2 –d oldconmsg

  24. Troubleshooting Techniques: nstrace & nstcpdump • Nstrace • Common syntax: • Nstrace.sh –sz 0 • Nstrace.sh –sz 0 –filter “SOURCEIP =” –link enabled • Filter qualifiers and operators: • SOURCEIP, SOURCEPORT, DESTIP, DESTPORT, SVCNAME, VSVRNAME, STATE • ==, eq, !=, neq, >, gt, <, lt, >=, ge, <=, le, BETWEEN • Compound filters using || and && • Nstcpdmp • Common syntax: • Nstcpdump.sh –X tcp port 80 • Nstcpdump.sh –w testcapture.cap –X src host tcp port 80 • Filter qualifiers and operators: • tcpdump standard

  25. Nstrace.sh

  26. Troubleshooting Techniques: Common NetScaler issues/resolutions • HDD Issue symptoms: • Logging fails • /var missing • Flash issue symptoms: • Config fails to save • Config saves partially • Sync fails • Device fails to boot • Memory starvation symptoms: • Dropped sessions • CPU starvation symptoms: • All services failing • All VIPS down • Degraded performance

  27. Agenda (showing current item) Troubleshooting Techniques for NetScaler Deploying XenApp and Web Interface with NetScaler Troubleshooting and Best Practices for XenApp / Web Interface with NetScaler

  28. Deploying Web Interface and XenApp with NetScaler Topologies: Smart Monitoring • PICTURE OF MON TOPO • PICTURE OF HA TOPO • PICTURE OF GSLB TOPO

  29. Deploying Web Interface and XenApp with NetScaler Topologies: Component HA

  30. Deploying Web Interface and XenApp with NetScaler Topologies: GSLB (Business Continuity)

  31. Deploying Web Interface and XenApp with NetScaler: Configuration overview (HA/LB)

  32. Deploying Web Interface and XenApp with NetScaler: Configuration (CLI)

  33. Deploying Web Interface and XenApp with NetScaler: Configuration (CLI)

  34. Deploying Web Interface and XenApp with NetScaler: Configuration (CLI)

  35. Agenda (showing current item) Troubleshooting Techniques for NetScaler Deploying XenApp and Web Interface with NetScaler Troubleshooting and Best Practices for XenApp / Web Interface with NetScaler

  36. Problems and Resolutions • Users getting logged off unexpectadly • Load balancing is uneven

  37. Issue #1: Users getting logged off (Symptom)

  38. Issue #1: Users getting logged off (Problem)

  39. Resolution: Enable proper persistence

  40. Issue #2: Load balancing is uneven (Symptom)

  41. Issue #2: Load balancing is uneven (Problem)

  42. Issue #2: Load balancing is uneven (Problem)

  43. Issue #2: Load balancing is uneven (Problem)

  44. Issue #2: Load balancing is uneven (Problem)

  45. Issue #2: Load balancing is uneven (Problem)

  46. Resolution: Erroneous clients, change load balancing method

  47. Resolution: Erroneous clients, change load balancing method

  48. Continue Your Learning • The following course expands on today's topics and are recommended to support your Citrix solution: • CNS-200 Basic Administration for Citrix NetScaler 9.0 • CNS-300 Advanced Administration for Citrix NetScaler 9.0 Platinum Edition coming soon - September • Visit www.citrixeducation.com for more information

  49. Before you leave… • Download presentations starting Tuesday, May 12, from your My Schedule Tool located in your My Synergy Microsite event account

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