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Transition Management in Environmental Administration and Governance:

Transition Management in Environmental Administration and Governance: The Role of CESOs in Managing Transitions. CORAZON C. DAVIS, CESO II Assistant Secretary Administration and Finance DENR. Outline of Presentation. I. DENR Vision and Mission. II. Transition Management in the

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Transition Management in Environmental Administration and Governance:

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  1. Transition Management in Environmental Administration and Governance: The Role of CESOs in Managing Transitions CORAZON C. DAVIS, CESO II Assistant Secretary Administration and Finance DENR

  2. Outline of Presentation I. DENR Vision and Mission II. Transition Management in the Context of Environmental Administration • Change of Leadership at DENR • B. Challenges of Transition Management • C. Strategies of Coping with Changes III. Lessons Learned

  3. VISION “A nation enjoying and sustaining its natural resources and a clean and healthy environment.”

  4. MISSION “The DENR shall be the driving force in the pursuit of sustainable development, enabling stakeholders’ participation in the protection, conservation and management of the environment and natural resources for the present and future generations.”

  5. Transition Management in the Context of Environmental Administration • Change of Leadership at DENR Executive Order No. 192 – DENR shall be headed by a Secretary Since 1986 to present – 2 Ministers and 13 Secretaries

  6. Some Significant Contributions http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/ai412e/AI412E07.htm

  7. Some Significant Contributions http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/ai412e/AI412E07.htm

  8. Some Significant Contributions http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/ai412e/AI412E07.htm

  9. Some Significant Contributions http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/ai412e/AI412E07.htm

  10. Some Significant Contributions http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/ai412e/AI412E07.htm

  11. B. Challenges of Transition Management 1. Shift in priorities and policies 2. Frequent changes in organizational team (6 months learning curve) • Never ending organizational orientation 3. “Wait and see” syndrome in the field which affects delivery of service • Slow down the working momentum 4. Prone to “padrino” system which tends to polarize the organization

  12. C. Strategies of Transition Managers 1. Negotiating Strategy – bargain with senior officials 2. Participative Strategy – full involvement in the process 3. Educative Strategy – changing people’s values http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/infokits/change-management

  13. III. Lessons Learned 1. Always communicate; 2. Initially work with the culture of the new management team (even if you want to change it); 3. Change requires teamwork and leadership (and two are related); and 4. Adopt processes to suit the change intended. http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/infokits/change-management

  14. Change usually involves… http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/infokits/change-management

  15. Thank You

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