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Competitive Neutrality Conference. DWP Finance Director General John Codling. Department for Work and Pensions. Our Purpose: Ensuring the best start for all children and ending child poverty in 20 years Promoting work and protecting those in greatest need
Competitive Neutrality Conference DWP Finance Director General John Codling
Department for Work and Pensions • Our Purpose: • Ensuring the best start for all children and ending child poverty in 20 years • Promoting work and protecting those in greatest need • Combating poverty and promoting security and independence for pensioners • Improving rights and opportunities for disabled people
DWP is one of the largest organisations, public or private, in Europe. We…. • Employ around 113,000 staff (around 25% of the UK Civil Service) on par with Shell and Barclays; • Have operating costs of around £7.5bn per annum - about the same as British Airways; • Administer pensions and benefit expenditure of around £115bn per annum, around 20% of UK Government overall expenditure or about the same as the GDP of Greece, Portugal or Ireland; and • Directly deliver a range of services to over 20 million customers
DWP Key Challenges State and Private Pension reform – radically reforming the UK Pension System Welfare reform – a million more people off Incapacity Benefits and into work Opportunity for all Our People – more flexible, ambitious & customer focussed Child support reform – halving child poverty by 2020 Transforming delivery - radically improving services to citizens whilst greatly reducing our budget and headcount
SR2004: Between 05/06 - 07/08 Government set the department a stretching efficiency target • Spending Review 2004 set us one of the most challenging efficiency targets in • government. • By March 2008: • Reduce our net headcount by 30,000 full time posts (over 25% of our workforce) – 24,816 reduced by Mar ’07 • Re-deploy a further 10,000 posts to customer facing roles –85% achieved by Dec ’06 • Move 4,000 posts from London and the South East – 3,933 achieved • Save £960m –£1.2b achieved by Mar ’07 All without any diminution of performance or customer service (and while simultaneously transforming our business processes) and against a background of rising demand for DWP’s services.
But our CSR07 settlement was tougher still… • - 5% annual average growth – admin and programme • A cash cut of £190/380/560m (£1,130m) • A real terms cut of £400/800/1,200m (£2,400m)
…and we need to go beyond -5% real Welfare Reform Child Support Pensions Reform £ m
Procurement in DWP £4.2 billion per annum procurement expenditure Largest spending civil department 30% of total civil procurement Large Department with complex procurements Demanding customers High profile, highly visible