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Recharge on Non-irrigated Lands. ESHMC 8 January 2008 B. Contor. Outline. Review of current calculations Recharge tool review PEST possibilities Possible alternate methods. Current Calculation. Recharge = non-linear function of precipitation. Transition precip = ( 1/NK) (1/(N-1))
Recharge on Non-irrigated Lands ESHMC 8 January 2008 B. Contor
Outline • Review of current calculations • Recharge tool review • PEST possibilities • Possible alternate methods
Current Calculation • Recharge = non-linear function of precipitation Transition precip = ( 1/NK)(1/(N-1)) If precip <= trans. precip. then Rechg = K * PrecipN else Rech = recharge at trans precip + (precip - trans precip) • 3 sets of parameters, • Lava rock • Thin soil • Thick soil
Current Calculation • Accounts for processes of lower winter ET and snowmelt accumulation by calculating all winter recharge in Feb. • This will require some adjustment for monthly stress periods • I think the adjustments are doable
Current Calculation • Soil type 4 represents withdrawals for wetlands, cities & dryfarms • NIR rasters are calculated off-line, prior to running recharge tools. • NIR rasters are inputs to GIS recharge tool
User hands GIS tool five things: • Raster of non-irr recharge for each stress period • Map of irrigated lands • Map of model cells • soil-group map • starting multipliers for soil groups
GIS tool hands FORTRAN tool five things • total area in each cell • irrigated area in each cell • depth of NIR in each cell, for each stress period • predominant soil type in each cell • multipliers
.sol file Source of data 1 - new data 0 - no data -1 - use previous data Values 1-4 - soil type -9999 - no value Soils (stolen from May Training)
Non-irrigated recharge depth (ft) for each grid cell Source of data 1 - new data 0 - no data -1 - use previous data A -9999 value means a raster value was not available for the cell .nir file Recharge on non-irrigated lands (stolen from May Training)
MultipliersPest can be set up to touch these (though we didn't do this last time) 1 multiplier for each of 4 soil groups
FORTRAN tool calculates non-irrigated area in each cell: • For each stress period, FORTRAN tool calculates recharge on non-irrigated lands: non-irr. area = (total area) – (irrigated area) recharge = (non-irr. area) x (depth) x (multiplier)
PEST Possibilities • Use 4 existing multipliers to adjust NIR differently for each spatial dist. of cover type
Everything from this slideforward talks aboutpossible modifications.
PEST Possibilities • Allow additional multipliers (chop cover types into regions) • Write little PEST-touchable utility to do the calculations & generate the *.nir input for FORTRAN tool • Modify FORTRAN tool to do the NIR calculations internally, with PEST-touchable hooks Easy Moderate Difficult
Changing NIR Algorithm • If we keep status-quo Recharge Tool processing, we can change offline calc. of NIR at will • If we have FORTRAN calculate NIR, we will be committed to a single calculation algorithm
Alternate Algorithms • USGS (Bauer & Vaccaro?) • physically-based calculation using soils, precip, runoff equations, ET... • SVRP (Bartolino) • daily soil water balance using ET and precip (Rick Allen has already done some of this for ESPA?) • Langbein • empirical relationship from nationwide data • Other?
Alternate Algorithms - Concerns • USGS (Bauer & Vaccaro?) • Quantabytes of data • Bazillions of parameters • Long-term average recharge
Alternate Algorithms - Concerns • SVRP (Bartolino) • Needs to be adjusted for snow accumulation and melting • Needs adjustment for topographic concentration of runoff • Sparse weather-station data for calculations
Alternate Algorithms - Concerns • Langbein • Tends to give much lower results than other methods • Total annual recharge
Alternate Algorithms - Concerns • Other? • We have to find or invent the method • We have to agree on it
Current Calculation • Recharge = non-linear function of precipitation (stolen from DDW-003)
The NIR groups are based on 7 non-irrigated land-cover types
Non-irrigated recharge GIS raster Amount of recharge depth for each grid cell Grid cells Recharge on Non-irrigated Lands Relationship • Average non-irrigated recharge for each model cell • Non-irrigated recharge is calculated for every cell but will • only be used on non-irrigated lands • Grid cells where a raster value is not present are represented • as -9999 (stolen from May Training)