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Welcome to Fourth Grade!

Welcome to Fourth Grade!. Welcome to Mrs. Crego’s Class It’s going to be a great year of learning !. School Attendance. Tardiness: A child is counted tardy after 8:15 a.m. and students may enter at 8:05 a.m.

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Welcome to Fourth Grade!

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  1. Welcome to Fourth Grade! Welcome to Mrs. Crego’s Class It’s going to be a great year of learning !

  2. School Attendance • Tardiness: A child is counted tardy after 8:15 a.m. and students may enter at 8:05 a.m. • Early Dismissal: Please send a note with your child notifying the school of an early dismissal. If on any day your child is leaving in a manner different from his or her regular routine, it is necessary that you send a note informing me and the office. Please contact the office if it is a last minute dismissal. • Dismissal is at 2:45 p.m.

  3. Classroom Rules • On the first day of school we will discuss the importance of rules and responsibilities in order to accommodate a safe learning environment. • The school-wide rules will be enforced in the classroom and are called SPIN procedures found on the next page. They correspond with the Taylor Road Compact of Respect. Taylor Tornadoes treat others the way they want to be treated. As a Taylor Tornado… I am friendly and kind to others. I am truthful and honest. I am responsible for myself. I am respectful of people and their property. I am safe when I work and play.

  4. SPIN Procedures PlaygroundCafeteria Safety first Sit at the assigned table Pick up equipment Please keep all food and drink in cafeteria Include others Inside voices and walking feet Never push or shove Never leave a mess Assemblies Show appreciation Please sit Indoor Recess Interrupt no one Select an activity Now watch, listen, and learn Play while seated Inside Voices Field Trip Never leave a mess Stay with chaperone at all times Please follow all school and bus rules Insist on showing Tornado pride Nice, neat clothing Hallways Restrooms Slowly walk on right side Soap and Water Please stay quiet Put trash in bins In line, face forward Insist on good manners No touching No talking

  5. Rewards Consequences • 20 points- prize box • 25 points –homework pass • 30 points – “King” or “Queen” of the day • Initial Disruption: Warning and lose reward point for the day • 2nd Disruption: 5-10 minutes off of recess • 3rd Disruption: Written consequence to be signed by a parent • 4th Disruption: Visit to the principal

  6. Homework Packets(HWP) • Each Friday I will send home the next week’s homework packet or “HWP”. This packet will be due the next Friday, but may be turned in anytime during the week. • You will see what homework there is and when it is due in your child’s assignment log. Please initial the log each night. • Each student is required to read at least 20 minutes each night and to study his or her spelling words. • All work not finished during the day may also become homework.

  7. Grading Scale We will use the Standards Based Report Card. Each letter represents the achievement level indicating the level of student proficiency in each subject. • E - Consistently demonstrates unusually high performance of grade level concepts and skills. • M - Consistently meets and applies grade level concepts and skills independently • P - Progressing toward expected understanding of grade level concepts and skills with assistance. • L - Shows limited or inconsistent application of grade level concepts.

  8. Reading • Reading – We will still have AR. Students will be expected to earn 10 points the first quarter and the goal will go up 5 points each quarter. • We will also be using the Coach reading workbook to help with skill work. • We are also starting a new reading program called Daily 5. It consists of … Read to Yourself Read to Someone Work on Writing Listen to Reading Spelling/ Word Work

  9. Math • In math we will be using a variety of resources. • The main workbook is called “Measuring Up” • The most important skill your child needs to be successful in fourth grade math is to memorize his or her multiplication facts.

  10. Spelling and Writing • Your child will have a weekly spelling list and the test will be given each Friday. The list will be given out the Friday before in the HWP and it will also be available on my classroom webpage. • We will be using both cursive and print in fourth grade.

  11. Science and Social Studies • We will be learning science and social studies in thematic units. Your child will have approximately two weeks of science and then two weeks of social studies. These will alternate throughout the year.

  12. Breakfast and Lunch • Breakfast will be served from 8:40-8:47 a.m. for $0.75 per day. • Lunch: The cost of a school lunch is $1.65. Milk is $.40. When you send in money to add to your child’s lunch account, please make sure that it is clearly marked with the following information: your child’s name and ID number, my name, and the amount.

  13. Birthdays and Book Order Information • Happy Birthday! You may choose to send a treat on your child’s birthday. Please send something they can easily carry to the lunchroom like a cookie or a cupcake. Please do not send party invitations to school unless everyone is invited. • Book orders will be sent home periodically. This is an excellent opportunity to purchase quality literature at an affordable price. It also allows me to add to our classroom library. Please make sure you send CHECKS ONLY made payable to Scholastic Book Clubs.

  14. Parent Communication • It is important for us to keep in contact throughout the year in regards to your child. If there is a question or concern please do not hesitate to contact me. • My e-mail address is rcrego@reyn.org • Every night you will need to review and sign your child’s assignment log. Logs will be checked the next morning. You will be contacted if the log is repeatedly not signed. Please be sure to sign your child’s assignment log each night. Also, if you want to ask me questions via the log feel free to! • I will also be regularly updating my webpage with classroom news and spelling lists. It will also have websites for students to visit for skill practice. You can get to my webpage by clicking on www.reyn.org, “Schools”, “Taylor Road”, “Classroom Pages”, and then “Mrs. Crego”.

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