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The Transparent approach to costing of Teaching. TRAC (T). University TRAC Expenditure. TRAC Process. TRAC Expenditure 2007/08 £795.6m. TRAC (T). New Framework for the costing for Teaching was the catalyst for increased TRAC for Teaching analysis in 2006.
TRAC (T) New Framework for the costing for Teaching was the catalyst for increased TRAC for Teaching analysis in 2006. The Teaching funding method (TFM) for 2009/10 was to be reviewed based on the returns made by institutions in February 2008. It was decided however that this would be deferred for a year following benchmarking of 2008 results.
TRAC Expenditure £795.6m Teaching £196.6m Research £532.1m Other £66.9m Non Publicly Funded Teaching £40.1m Publicly Funded Teaching £156.5m Non HEFCE Fundable £2.3m HEFCE Fundable £154.2m Non Subject related £20.2m HEFCE Subject FACTS £134.0m
TRAC (T) Peer Institutions Peer Institution data will not be available until end of February 2009.
Development of TRAC methods • In October 2006 the Academic Activity survey was amended to provide more useful analysis of Teaching activity. • Academics are now asked to record their Teaching related activity by type of activity rather than type of student (Publicly/Non-Publicly funded) taught. • The following slide shows a Summary of the Teaching Activity collected since October 2006.
Analysis of Teaching data collected1st October 2006 to 31st July 2008