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Power Corrections and the Meson Distribution Amplitudes in LaMET

Power Corrections and the Meson Distribution Amplitudes in LaMET. Jiunn-Wei Chen National Taiwan U. Collaborators (LP3): Saul D. Cohen, Tomomi Ishikawa, Xiangdong Ji, Luchang Jin, Huey-Wen Lin, Yu-Sheng Liu, Yi-Bo Yang, Jianhui Zhang, Rui Zhang, Yong Zhao.

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Power Corrections and the Meson Distribution Amplitudes in LaMET

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  1. Power Corrections and the Meson Distribution Amplitudes in LaMET Jiunn-Wei Chen National Taiwan U. Collaborators (LP3): Saul D. Cohen, Tomomi Ishikawa, Xiangdong Ji, Luchang Jin, Huey-Wen Lin, Yu-Sheng Liu, Yi-Bo Yang, Jianhui Zhang, Rui Zhang, Yong Zhao

  2. Ji’s Quasi-PDF (LaMET)(Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 262002) • Quark PDF in a proton: • Boost invariant in the proton momentum direction, rest frame OK • Quark bilinear op. always on the light cone • What if the quark bilinear is slightly away from the light cone (space-like) in the proton rest frame?

  3. Then one can find a frame where the quark bilinear is of equal time but the proton is moving.

  4. Then one can find a frame where the quark bilinear is of equal time but the proton is moving.

  5. Then one can find a frame where the quark bilinear is of equal time but the proton is moving. • Analogous to HQET: need power corrections & matching---LaMET (Large Momentum Effective Theory)

  6. Quasi-PDF • OPE yields op. symmetric but not traceless .

  7. Quasi-PDF • RHS: trace • LHS: trace, twist-4, • One loop matching , OPE

  8. We need:

  9. We need:

  10. We need:

  11. We need: Now we have 6.8 > 3 >> 0.15 ~ 0.2,0.14 > 0.1 (GeV) Hadron momentum big enough s.t. higher loop matching might be more important than power corrections.

  12. Mass Corrections (Lin, JWC, Cohen, Ji, 1402.1462; JWC, Cohen, Ji, Lin, Zhang, 1603.06664) • Computed to all orders in

  13. Twist-4 Corrections • Rossi & Testa: rather than !

  14. Power Divergence in Quasi-PDF(Ishikawa, Ma, Qiu, Yoshida; JWC, Ji, Zhang) . All orders (Ji, Zhang, Zhao; Ishikawa, Ma, Qiu, Yoshida)

  15. Twist-4 Corrections • Rossi & Testa: rather than ! • This does not happen after the power divergence in the quark bilinear is subtracted/renormalized. (Only one counterterm is needed for this task.)

  16. Twist-4 Corrections (JWC, Cohen, Ji, Lin, Zhang, 1603.06664)

  17. Lots of Work on the RG of Wilson Coefficient Xiong, Ji, Zhang, Zhao (GPD: Ji, Schafer, Xiong, Zhang; Xiong, Zhang) Factorization (Ma, Qiu; Li; OPE: Izubuchi, Ji, Jin, Stewart, Zhao), Linear divergence & LPT (Ishikawa, Ma, Qiu, Yoshida; JWC, Ji, Zhang;Xiong, Luu, Meissner; Rossi, Testa; Constantinou et al.; Wang, Zhao, Zhu), RI (Monahan & Orginos; Yong & Stewart; Constantinou et al.), NPR(Constantinou et al.; LP3; Ji, Zhang, Zhao; Ishikawa, Ma, Qiu, Yoshida; Green, Jansen, Steffens), E vs. M spaces (Carlson et al.; Briceno et al.), …

  18. Meson Distribution Amplitudes (DAs) Common inputs in the factorization theorems of ( ) (tagging) (CPV) Simplest thing to test LaMET!

  19. Why SU(3)? • Two folds: • Exp: large difference in direct CPV of (HFAG) (CDF)

  20. Why SU(3)? • Th: At , ChPT predicts (JWC, Stewart, PRL 2004): • Chiral logs all absorbed by the decay constants • Scales: >> >> meson mass • Matching the twist-2 operators in ChPT • (JWC,Ji; Arndt, Savage, 2001)

  21. Are we crazy? eta from connected diagrams • disconnect diagrams: • Dominated by u,d states when time longer than the energy difference between the s and u,d states • The energy difference is suppressed by inversed momentum. Plateau reached at for , so we are safe. • mixing to negligible: Under this approximation,

  22. Lattice Computation • Lattice: • Fermions: MILC highly improved staggered quarks (HISQ) Clover (valence) • Gauge fields/links: hypercubic (HYP) smearing, 967 config., 4 source locations • n = 2,3,4 (w/ momentum smearing: Bali, Lang, Musch, Schafer, ‘16)

  23. We need: However, in this exploratory study, we have 5.2 >> 1.65 > 0.11 <(!) 0.2,0.31 > 0.2 (GeV)

  24. SU(3)

  25. Summary • We are moving to the large momentum region where power corrections are less important than the matching. However, it is important to confirm that twist-4 is indeed small. • Meson DA should provide a good test for LaMET. But we need to reach like the proton PDF.

  26. Outlook • Further tests (non-singlet)---Know whether it works within 3 years (~20%)? • Singlet PDF’s: s, c, b and gluons Additional 3-5 yrs? • If it works, complimentary to exp.: PDF (isov. sea, small and large x’s, non-valence partons), DA, GPD, TMD …

  27. Backup slides

  28. Mass Corrections (Lin, JWC, Cohen, Ji, 1402.1462; JWC, Cohen, Ji, Lin, Zhang, 1603.06664)

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