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What is a Simple Machine??

What is a Simple Machine??. A machine that does work with only one movement. They are the basis of all compound machines. Screw Inclined plane Wedge These 3 are basically inclined planes in one form or another. Lever Wheel and Axle Pulley These 3 are all derived from the lever.

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What is a Simple Machine??

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is a Simple Machine?? • A machine that does work with only one movement. • They are the basis of all compound machines.

  2. Screw Inclined plane Wedge These 3 are basically inclined planes in one form or another. Lever Wheel and Axle Pulley These 3 are all derived from the lever. Six Simple Machines

  3. An Introduction to the Lever Please view the link on my website for Levers!

  4. The Lever • The lever is a bar that is free to pivot, or turn about a FIXED point. • The fixed point is called the FULCRUM. • The other two parts of the lever are the RESISTANCE and EFFORT arm. • In order for a lever to be classified as a lever, it must have all three parts!!

  5. The Lever’s Job • Purpose: To pry, lift, transport, or open something. Can you name some levers? • Examples: can opener, wheelbarrow, tweezers

  6. Levers Sheet (Separate) Please fill out the levers information on the “Classes of Levers” chart paper.

  7. Three classes of Levers: First Class A first class lever has the fulcrum in the middle of the resistance and effort arms. Example: scissors, seesaw, pliers

  8. Three Classes of Levers: Second Class A second class lever has the resistance arm in the middle of the effort arm and fulcrum. Examples: wheelbarrows, nutcracker

  9. Three classes of Levers: Third Class A third class lever has the effort arm in the middle of the resistance arm and fulcrum. Examples: fishing pole, tweezers

  10. Self-quiz: Test yourself before revealing the answers! • A rake? • 3rd Class • A nutcracker? • 2nd Class • A hammer driving in a nail? • 3rd Class • A hammer pulling out a nail? • 1st Class

  11. An Introduction to the Wheel and Axle Please watch the Wheels and Axles video clip on my website!

  12. Wheel and Axle – What is it? • Two wheels of two different sizes that rotate together. • Primarily used to make transportation easier, but can be found in other objects.

  13. Parts of the Wheel and Axle • The larger wheel (or outside) rotates around the smaller wheel (or axle). • A wheel is a lever that can turn 360°. The effort or resistance force can be applied to the outside wheel or inside wheel (axle).

  14. An introduction to pulleys Please watch the Pulleys video on my website!

  15. The Pulley – What is it? • A pulley is a grooved wheel with a rope, chain, or cable running along the groove. • Two types: • Fixed • Moveable • Purpose: To move something vertically or horizontally

  16. Fixed Pulleys • Is attached to something that doesn’t move (ceiling or wall). • Only changes the direction of the force, so the MA is always 1 • Is a modified 1st class lever – • Fulcrum: Axle • Effort and Resistance Arms: Ropes on either side • Examples?

  17. Moveable Pulleys • Has one end of the rope fixed and the grooved wheel is free to move. • Does divide the force. • A block and tackle is a series of moveable and fixed pulleys.

  18. This concludes Part 1 of the Six Simple Machines Powerpoint

  19. An Introduction to the Inclined Plane Please watch the Inclined Plane video on my website!

  20. Inclined Plane • Would you rather climb straight up a mountain, or zigzag your way across until you reach the top? • An inclined plane is a sloping surface, such as a ramp that reduces the amount of force required to do work.

  21. Purpose of the Inclined Plane • The purpose of an inclined plane is to move something up to a higher or lower surface with less force. • Can also add strength to a surface Can you think of any examples of inclined planes?

  22. An Introduction to Wedges Please watch the Wedges video on my website!

  23. What is a Wedge? • A wedge is an inclined plane with one or two sloping surfaces. • Uses • Cut Open • Keep something from closing • Keep something from moving Any Examples?

  24. An Introduction to Screws Please watch the Screws video on my website!

  25. The Screw • A screw is an inclined plane with a grooved surface that wraps around a cylinder. • It holds things together by “biting” into the material. • Any examples?

  26. Compound Machines All compound machines are made up of two or more simple machines!! Please watch the Compound Machines video on my website!

  27. Rube Goldberg and Simple Machines Please watch the Rube Goldberg Video on my website!

  28. Rube Goldberg’s Inventions • As you sit on pneumatic cushion (A), you force air through a tube (B) which starts ice boat (C), causing lighted cigar butt (D) to explode balloon (E).   Dictator (F), hearing loud report, thinks he's been shot and falls over backward on bulb (G), snapping picture!

  29. Rube Goldberg’s Invention

  30. Car Ad and Simple Machines Please watch the Car Ad video on my website!

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