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PRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE Programme: Free Basic Services and Infrastructure

This presentation discusses the purpose, achievements, budget overview, and priorities of the Free Basic Services and Infrastructure Programme. It aims to strengthen municipalities' capacity to deliver sustainable infrastructure and increase access to basic services, including free basic services for the under-serviced areas of South Africa.

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PRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE Programme: Free Basic Services and Infrastructure

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  1. PRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE Programme: Free Basic Services and Infrastructure 13 March 2007 Yusuf Patel

  2. CONTENT • Purpose of the programme and Core Functions • 2006/07 Achievements • Budget Overview • Budget Allocations • Priorities 07/08

  3. PURPOSE OF THE BRANCH Free Basic Services and Infrastructure Provides support to local government to enable it to deliver sustainable infrastructure and increase access to basic services, including free basic services including water and electricity.

  4. OBJECTIVE To strengthen the capacity of municipalities to deliver sustainable infrastructure and increase access to basic services through project management and infrastructure planning, including free basic services to the poor, who are predominantly found in the under-serviced areas of South Africa.

  5. STRATEGIC ROLE OF THE BRANCH • Co-ordinate infrastructure development and maintenance. 2. Co-ordinate accelerated delivery of FBS. 3. Deepen local democracy and accountability. 4. Co-ordinate Municipal Service Partnerships.

  6. M IG: ACHIEVEMENTS • The allocation for the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) for the 2005/06 financial year is R 5,436 billion, of this amount 99,6% (R5,415 billion) was spent on projects • The allocation for the MIG for the 2006/07 financial year is R6,265 billion, of this amount 54,4% (R3,404 billion) was spent on projects as at the end of January 2007. • Additional Capacity has been deployed to 62 municipalities where 43 Senior Engineers, 77 students and 31 graduates • 238 Municipalities have been supported to comply with DORA requirements, 168 Municipalities have shown a significant improvement particularly on reporting and spending. • The following policy guide have been drafted: • Municipal Infrastructure Policy Principles for Sustainable Infrastructure Services Delivery, • Municipal Infrastructure Support Strategy and • Municipal Infrastructure Asset Management Guidelines

  7. MSP: ACHIEVEMENTS • 32 GDS summits held in District and Metropolitan Municipalities • Provided support to 39 municipalities on the drafting of contract and management of SLA • Presidential Izimbizo facilitated in Chris Hani, OR Tambo and NMMM • A model for waste developed and ready for implementation • Mobilizing Support from stakeholders to the Izimbizo action plans for the EC. • Guidelines on Municipal Services Partnerships (MSP) launched, distributed and conducting training.

  8. PP&E: PROGRESS AND ACHIEVEMENTS • Ward Committees established in 80% of Municipalities. • 3 459 Community Development Workers have completed learnerships and have been deployed, and 2 100 employed as public servants.

  9. FBS: ACHIEVEMENTS • 4 303 330 (78%) indigent/poor households with infrastructure have access to FBW • 3 225 738 (58%) indigent/poor households with infrastructure have access to FBE • Indigent Implementation Guidelines have been approved by MINMEC • A national total of 220 municipalities have indigent registers • Rolled out the first phase of the FBS Communications Strategy

  10. the dplg MTEF BUDGER REVIEW

  11. dplg 13 March 2006 11 Summary Priorities for 2007/08 Measurable objective:To strengthen the capacity of municipalities to deliver sustainable infrastructure and increase access to basic services through project management and infrastructure planning, including free basic services to the poor.

  12. MIG: PRIORITIES 2007/08 • All municipalities to comply with DoRA requirements in respect of expenditure and reporting • Ensure project management capacity to manage the implementation of Municipal infrastructure projects • Municipal Infrastructure Policy principles, Support Strategy and municipal infrastructure asset management guidelines fully developed

  13. MSP: PRIORITIES 2007/08 4 Municipal Services guidelines rolled out 5 Support Municipalities in the development of SLA and contract management 6 Waste Management model rolled out to selected municipalities

  14. PPE: PRIORITIES 2007/08 • Funding model for ward committees fully developed • Roll out the implementation of the ward committee resource books • Public participation framework fully developed

  15. FBS: PRIORITIES 2007/08 • M&E system for continued monitoring of Free Basic Services fully developed • Indigent implementation guidelines rollout

  16. THE END

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