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JUSTICE AND INJUSTICE. Grade 10 RELIGION – CHRIST IN CULTURE HRE 2O1. Justice is based on the distribution of goods (not just material goods) in society and the equality of all citizens . Justice is the virtue that gives each person his or her due in the distribution of goods.
Justice is based on the distribution of goods (not just material goods) in society and the equality of all citizens. • Justice is the virtue that gives each person his or her due in the distribution of goods. • Justicerefuses to defer to rank. • Before justiceall are equal. • The rich should have no advantage over the poor; the powerful should not be treated differently from the ordinary citizen; men should not be privileged over women, the born over the unborn, or the handicapped over the healthy. • Before God, all people are equal. What is Justice?
Social Justice: (e.g. everyone treated equally in society) • Judicial Justice: (e.g. courts, legal systems) • Distributive Justice: (e.g. everyone gets a fair share of the goods) Types of Justice:
We are treated fairly when. . . • We are treated unfairly when . . . • Provide examples of when you have felt that you were treated unjustly. Justice vs Injustice:
What are some examples of injustice in the world today? Justice vs Injustice:
Children in China work for $2.00 a day making the iPod touch for Apple. The children are forced to sleep in the factory in bunk beds in really small rooms. They work 20 hours per day to make enough money to send to their families. Justice vs Injustice:
Children in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Cote D’Ivoire are kidnapped at a young age and forced to mine for conflict diamonds (diamonds that are illegally sold to fund civil wars and rebel conflicts.) Justice vs Injustice:
A woman is regularly physically and verbally abused by her live-in boyfriend. After she is abused, she is so down on herself that she takes it out on a small child. Justice vs Injustice:
A corporation has purchased a piece of land that had a river running through it. The corporation bottles the water from the river and then sells it to the local people. Justice vs Injustice:
A man who is in a wheelchair cannot get into the public library because there is no ramp to allow him to do so. Similarly, he tries to take the public bus to get home and needs to wait 2 hours for a handicap bus. Justice vs Injustice:
What did you feel or do you feel when you witness or experience injustice? Justice vs Injustice:
Rights are things that we are entitled to have (e.g. legal rights, human rights). • Social Justice is focussed on the promotion of the common good – good for all, not just the majority. • This involves creating a society in which everyone’s needs are met and no one is left behind. • It is the duty of every member of society to promote social justice. • Social Justice seeks to bring to all mankind the qualities of life intended by God. What are Rights?
Instructions: Read “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights . . .” and “The cultural setting for justice” on pg. 146 - 147 in Christ and Culture. Complete the following questions in your notes using complete sentences. Protecting our Rights: