1. Navigating the College Application Process September 16, 2010
2. Today’s Objective To familiarize participants with resources, activities and timelines related to the college application process for seniors.
3. Prioritization Activity Using 3 sticky dots, prioritize your needs by “voting” on the following topics.
Timelines & Tips
Finding a College that “Fits”
Requirements & Eligibility for Application
EOP & CAMP Programs
Helping Students Manage it All
Resources /Websites/Key Terms
Fee Waivers
4. Finding a college match Resources in Preparing for College
Designing the “Perfect” College Activity (1.8)
College Comparison Worksheet (2.13)
Helpful Hints for a Campus Visit (2.14)
College/University Visit Questionnaire (2.15)
What do you Look for in a College (2.16)
Research Project: 25 Great Colleges (3.14)
Resources in your packet
College questionnaire for students & parents
5. Timelines & Tips Make sure everyone is on target with A-G (www.californiacolleges.edu )
Work with students to narrow down their college choices.
Check eligibility index to determine
1-2 “safety” schools
1-2 “probable” schools
1 “reach” schools
Create calendars of dates and deadlines with students
Make sure students know their SSN#
Establish “professional” email addresses and stress importance
Register for tests & send scores to schools of interest (see dates & deadlines in your packet)
Check on fee waivers for tests & applications
6. FEE WAIVERS ALL AVID students are eligible for College-Board fee waivers (see counselor).
2 waivers for SAT
2 waivers for SAT Subject Tests
Up to 4 Request for Waiver of College Application Fee Forms
*see detailed information in packet
ACT fee waivers are based on economic need (see counselor)
1 fee waiver for ACT (junior OR senior year)
7. Timelines & Tips Start applying to CSU on October 1
Start applying to UC on November 1
All CSU/UC applications due online November 30th
Resumés & Letters of Recommendation
College Admissions Essays/Personal Statement
Apply for FAFSA Pin
8. Eligibility Requirements? University of California
2 SAT Subject Tests
SAT or ACT plus Writing
test scores are calculated with GPA to create the eligibility index (*see packet for UC
eligibility index)
California State University
SAT or ACT (Writing Score is not counted)
Do I really need to take one if I have a 3.0??? YES!
test scores are calculated with GPA to create the eligibility index (*see packet for CSU eligibility Index)
Private Universities
Check with each campus for testing requirements
9. Special Programs What is EOP?
Educational Opportunity Program
Admission & academic assistance for low-income/educationally disadvantaged students
Can include financial assistance
Must meet income criteria (family can’t contribute more than $1500/year)
Must be in top 1/3 of CA graduates (based on grades and test scores)
Requires CSU application and additional EOP forms
* sample forms (last year) and information in your packet
10. Special Programs What is CAMP?
College Assistance Migrant Program
Students must have parent who is Migrant or Seasonal Farmworker
Students must be legal residents or US Citizens
Offered at SOME colleges
Sacramento State
Fresno State
CSU Long Beach
CSU Monterey Bay
Requires CSU application and additional CAMP application (sometimes EOP also)
Requirements/Applications vary from site to site
11. Managing Student Information Create a College Crate
Preparing for College Activity 1.7
Keep track of College Application Checklists
sample tracking sheet in packet
Preparing for College Activity 1.7-a “Crate” Idea
Require students to apply to multiple colleges (consider weighting this assignment heavily)
the online application to UOP is FREE
12. Key Terms Early Action vs. Early Decision
Early Action = no commitment
Early Decision=commitment to enroll if admitted
Open Admissions
no admissions requirements –high school diploma
community colleges
Rolling Admissions
Similar to Early Action
Application reviewed as soon as received
13. Become Familiar with Resources https://doorways.ucop.edu/list
www.collegewise.com –sign up for free e-newsletter…great college counseling advice!
14. Things to Know What if my student doesn’t have a Social Security
They can leave it blank on the college application and the college will assign a temporary ID #. If they can get one, they must submit it prior to enrollment.
Students will not be denied admission based on their citizenship status, HOWEVER there are some obstacles:
Not eligible for federal or state financial aid
Students who are not eligible (must be US Citizen or legal resident of the US) should NOT submit the FAFSA electronically.
Certain majors/career paths may be problematic—steer clear of anything that requires fingerprinting (education, nursing, police, fire, etc)
15. How will We Get this all Done? Using the resource packet and calendars provided, develop a plan for leading your students through the college application process.
16. Next Steps? What are “hot topics” for November?