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Biological interventions

Biological interventions. Presented by:m.rizwan Roll no;117101 Nasir mehmood Roll no;117102 Department bs ;bioinformatics. Contents,,,. Environment Environmental biotechnology Intervention Microbes Bioremediation Endocrine disrupter Pollution Sewage treatment

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Biological interventions

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  1. Biological interventions Presented by:m.rizwan Roll no;117101 Nasir mehmood Roll no;117102 Department bs ;bioinformatics

  2. Contents,,, • Environment • Environmental biotechnology • Intervention • Microbes • Bioremediation • Endocrine disrupter • Pollution • Sewage treatment • Biological waste treatment • Genetic manipulation • Bio reactor • gmo.

  3. Environment,,, • The area where the organism live, interact and freely interbreed is known as environment • Basically environment consist on two basic component; • Biotic component • A biotic component • Environment – describes everything that surrounds a particular organism • Other organisms • Soil, air, water • Temperature, humidity, radiation

  4. Environmental biotechnology • Environmentalbiotechnologyis the solving of environmental problems through the application of biotechnology. • the development, use and regulation of biological systems for remediation of contaminated environments (land, air, water), and for environment-friendly.

  5. What does Intervention stand for,,, • The thing which may effect the other things and bring changes regardless of there aspect either it may positive or negative. • optimization of the activities of particular organisms, or even whole biological communities, to bring about any desired given end, typically requires manipulation of local conditions.

  6. Microbes,,, • Microscopic organisms which uses in various research process for new discoveries e.g. bacteria, viruses etc. • Archie bacteria is most targeted due to some extra features,it include. • Methanogens • Halophiles • Thermophiles

  7. Bioremediation… • the use of microorganisms to remedy environmental problems • SO How bioremediation is used depends on • what is contaminated? (locations) • on the types of chemicals that need to be cleaned up • the concentration of the contaminants (amount and duration)

  8. Continue,,,, • Phytomediation • Utilizing plants to clean up chemicals • Ex: cottonwoods, poplar, juniper trees, grasses, alfalfa • Low cost, low maintenance and it adds beauty to the site

  9. Endocrine disrupters,, • there are chemicals, including xenobiotic, which still resist degradation in the environment. • This may be due to a dearth, at the site of contamination, of organisms able to degrade them fully or worse, microbial activity which changes them in such a way that they pose a bigger problem than they did previously.

  10. Pollution,, .Pollution of the environment’ means pollution of the environment due to the release (into any environmental medium) from any process of substances which are capable of causing harm to man or any other living organisms supported by the environment. .the escape of any substance capable of causing harm to man or any other living organism supported by the environment.

  11. Sewage Treatment,, • the aims of treatment can be summarized as the reduction of the total biodegradable material present, the removal of any co-existing toxic substances and the removal and/or destruction of pathogens. • Algal Treatment Systems (ATS) • Algae have principally been employed to remove nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewaters, though some organic chemicals can also be treated and a relatively new application has emerged which makes use of their efficient carbon sequestration potential.

  12. Biological Waste Treatment,, 1. Reducing the potential for adverse effects to the environment or human health. 2. Reclaiming valuable minerals for reuse. 3. Generating a useful final product.

  13. Genetic Manipulation,, • Genes have been manipulated by man for a very long time, that is if selective breeding, which has been practiced for centuries in agriculture and else where to develop desirable characteristics in domesticated animals and plants. • Genomic libraries • cDNA libraries • Polymerase chain reaction • Cloning vectors • Expression vectors • Reporter gene

  14. ...uses tools of molecular genetics, • - i.e. applied bacteria and virus genetics. Agrobacterium tumefaceins - or - How are GMOs generated? insert into plant …via biolistics

  15. Bioreactors,,, • Any manufactured or engineered device or system that supports a biologically active environment. • Environment is more easily controlled • Better control over density.

  16. Thank you

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